U.S. women’s national soccer team prepares for next game

U.S. women’s national soccer team prepares for next game

The U.S. women’s national team is preparing for their next match Sunday against Chile in Paris, France.


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26 thoughts on “U.S. women’s national soccer team prepares for next game

  1. 📲*00212.649.665.722* *whatapps*📲
    هـــــذا رقــم الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــخــبــيــر الــلــي أعــطــانــي الــعــلاج الــطــبــيــعــي😄 لــصــغــر الــقــضــيــب
    ⬇️⬇️⬇️ نــقــص الإنــتــصــاب✅ ســرعــة الــقــذف ✅ الــبــرود الــجــنــســي ☑ الــمــنــتــج حــصـــري. لا تــتــردد فــي طــلــبــهــا📲*00212.649.665.722 *Whatapps*📲 الدفع عند الاستلام🤝

  2. Nice job respecting your anthem, Rapinhoe. And nice job embarrassing Thailand. People so surprised everyone in the world hates us. Way to go! 6-0, 7-0 would have been good enough. Way to show you're the bullies on the world scene. I won't watch anymore and I was getting into it. But can't support your crap!

  3. I identify as a “female” but I have testicles and a prostate…….am I still included?

  4. Don’t you dare apologize for celebrating a win. Liberals are all losers and can’t handle winning people.

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