U.S. hit 100K cases of covid-19 in a single day for 2nd time this week as spread of the virus grow

U.S. hit 100K cases of covid-19 in a single day for 2nd time this week as spread of the virus grow

The U.S. hit 100,000 cases of covid-19 in a single day for the second time this week as the spread of the virus grows.

Plus, travelers were pushed to their breaking point as Spirit Airlines cancelled hundreds of flights.

#ABCNews #OnLocation #BreakingNews


39 thoughts on “U.S. hit 100K cases of covid-19 in a single day for 2nd time this week as spread of the virus grow

  1. A good remedy to help people increase their resistance to cough and fever at home and defend when going out on the street. Anti covid 19

    Coconut water with alum sugar (ginger flavor)

    – Siamese coconut water 1 liter
    – Fresh ginger, washed and thinly sliced ​​200 grams
    – Quang Ngai rock sugar 100g
    Reduce the heat to 500ml, keep the whole residue intact, put it in a sealed jar and use it gradually – mix hot water and drink it daily morning, noon, afternoon, and night each time 100ml of 60c hot water mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of this syrup and drink it slowly .

    Treat cough with ginger and rock sugar.

    This is a very effective way to treat cough with phlegm. Ginger remedy with alum sugar removes cold air, warms the abdomen to help repel a long-term cough.
    Method: Wash ginger, slice thinly. For rock sugar and ginger, steamed in water for 15 minutes, let it cool and can be used. Every day, suck about 2-3 times, after 2-3 days the cough will be relieved.
    Information resource:

    This remedy helps to increase resistance and increase blood pressure, reduce fever, and reduce chills when suffering from typhoid. Do not use lemongrass and this remedy when adding lemongrass and lemongrass, it can lower blood pressure, which will cause death faster than it works. Just using the above 3 flavors is enough.
    √ @Video sharing how to use home remedies for covid:

    Analysis of the healing effect in this video https://youtu.be/5rUaCSo8rMg
    The 2nd remedy in hcm gives each person 1 bottle for nasal spray

  2. I blame the stupid cdc for telling people they could take off their masks when the vaccine doesn’t even prevent spreading or people getting it

  3. Johns Hopkins reporting 3537 new COVID deaths in the past week, mostly in the red States that are prohibiting mask mandates despite the CDC. Meanwhile people on Facebook are reporting misreporting of covid deaths which had to be funded by the government so hospitals wouldn't go bankrupt. I have friends in hospital administration and even at the peak death rates, hospitals were making less than previous years for normal procedures without government reimbursement. If hospitals are really misreporting this they would lose their license in a heartbeat. Very heavily regulated and watched over… Don't believe the tin foil tomfoolery!

  4. Lol get use to it. And worse. I told you so. Covid want ever be kept in check. It will kill over 75% of the entire world. And there's not 1 thing anybody can do about it. Covid will end most of humanity. It's only a matter of time.

  5. 4th wave incoming 😐

  6. Trauma based mind control pushed by MSM folks🤔

  7. You think we are all so naive. Just wait or read your history, won’t be long till your time will come.

  8. All the people of United states keep yourself strong. This wave is only for certain period approximately 3 weeks to come peak level.Once peak achieved then there will be fast downfall of this wave.But please people follow some rules.Pray to God for long healthy life.


  10. I'm not getting this experimental vaccine. Straight🔥Keepin it 💯Cold as ice 🧊 Woke asf

  11. 🤵Bond, James Bond

  12. "There must in every case be a struggle for existence,
    either one individual with another of the same species,
    or with the individuals of distinct species,
    or with the physical conditions of life". – Darwin

  13. Nobel Prize winner French Virologist Prof. Luc Montagnier is now stating that the COVID-19 vaccines itself are creating variants. He said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).
    While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

  14. FOLLOW ME😉 https://bit.ly/2X2dFhr






    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  15. This is what happens when u put neo nazi professional corruption republicans in political power telling you not get shot or wear a mask. The economy is more important than own citizens.

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