NBC News NOW has the latest on the surge of coronavirus cases in the U.S. as hospitalizations reach an all-time high and the 911 emergency medical system reaches a “breaking point,” according to the American Ambulance Association.
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#Covid #Hospitalizations #NBCNews

U.S. Covid Hospitalizations Over 100,000, Reaching All-Time High | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “U.S. Covid Hospitalizations Over 100,000, Reaching All-Time High | NBC News NOW”
  1. The USA governments leader D Trump big mouth put confusion and distrust which torn his country apart. he should've supported the rest of the world and fully supported all nations in the level 4 lock down for the 8 weeks from April to June 2020 with serious consequences for those who break the law i truly believe America's covid-19 numbers would be much lower at the present time USA could be dealing with the covid-19 pandemic until a time when government and its people stop being paranoid, believing covid-19 is nothing but a conspiracy tactic there is documentaries being recorded around the world and documented number of deaths is telling of a serous pandemic that's invisible to the eye an airborne with no immunity or cure at this time only the strong are able to survive, It's never "too late" as long as the world supports USA to take this pandemic very seriously to contain the covid-19 virus in there country stop the virus spread to uncontrol breaking point which sadly is the situation across USA,

  2. I want to use this medium to testify of how i get back my Lover after divorce with the help of DR GODFATHER, i and my Lover have been married for 2 years with 2 kids, we have been a happy family. Last year his behavior towards me and the kids changed, i suspected he was meeting another woman outside out marriage, any time i confronted him, he threatened to divorce me, i did all i could to make hings right but all to no avail until i saw a post on a "love and relationship forum" about a spell caster who helps people to cast spell on marriage and relationship issues, when i contacted this spell caster via email, he helped me cast a re-union spell and my Lover changed and came apologizing to me and the kids. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage issues via this email: drgodfatherspellcaster1@gmail. com or Whatsapp him +2347062606817.

  3. @ Rich people please help. You got so much money. and you won't help. Matthew 25:35-40
    New International Version
    35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. You will be judged.

  4. More Record Breaking LIEs – (All LIEs) Try some REAL NEWS, like > The PCR Test Numbers are FRAUD, and CV19 has a 0.1386 Fatality Rate, 99.997% Survival Rate, Not Life-Threatening to 99.999% of young or healthy people (yet Fauci refuse to say a word about the ScanDemic LIEs) Now, Lawyers are suing over the FAKE PCR TEST https://youtu.be/XQYzb5_kax8?t=30

  5. Provide the Public with 7 written answers to questions requested at end of this post.

    Lets also listen on the Internet and TV…to the following Prominent Scientists as well as Dr. Fauci.
    Please Discuss:
    Exactly what/how much/how long protection will each approved vaccine give? What are projected side effects/deaths?

    Exactly what protection will each approved vaccine, lockdowns, masks, six feet distancing give compared to HERD Immunity, hydroxichloroquine, and
    the following PROMINANT/PROFESSIONAL Specialists and effective Natural substances banned from Social Media???? Let's hear from them:
    Findings of "Renown Doctors and Researchers:
    Dr. Rashid Battar
    Dr.Shiva Ayyudurai
    Dr. Judy Mikovits
    Dr. Dan Erickson
    Dr. Artin Massihi
    Dr. Pam Popper
    Dr. Rima Laibow
    Dr. Kyle-Sidell
    Dr. Bergman
    Dr. Berg
    Dr. Mercola
    Dr.Robert Cassar
    Dr. Axe
    Dr. Ford Brewer
    Dr.Mike Hansen

    Dell Bigtree
    https://youtu.be/2mcLRYGmdlw Africa
    https://youtu.be/FBI_pobBfck. Hydroxichloroquine


    Hand Sanitizers.
    Research the following to Strengthen Immunity and Save Lives:
    Build Immunity with them?
    Mega Vit C
    Mega C IVs in hospitals for most
    seriously infected.
    Colloidal Silver
    Quercetin + Zinc (helps nullify covod virus)

    Exactly what/how much/how long protection will each approved vaccine give? What are projected side effects/deaths?





    Beyond the Noise
    https://youtu.be/Jl3H-rSaFlU. Biden crimes



    94.5% of what result…of what number of people tested for each vaccine?
    Before asking/requiring Public to take any Approved covid-19 vaccine… Make Public vaccine pretests and participant data as follows:

    What are:
    1. "All" ingredients in each proposed vaccine?
    2. Under what formats for each vaccine test?
    3. How many "Actual" people were tested in each test?

    For each Test:
    4. What were "Actual" results?
    5. What were "Actual" general side effects?
    6. What were "Actual" Sicknesses
    7. What were "Actual" Deaths/Causes


  6. Lets also listen on the Internet and TV..to the following Prominent Scientists as well as Dr. Fauci.
    Please Discuss:
    Exactly what/how much/how long protection will each approved vaccine give? What are projected side effects/deaths?

    Exactly what protection will each approved vaccine, lockdowns, masks, six feet distancing give compared to HERD Immunity, hydroxichloroquine, and
    the following PROMINANT/PROFESSIONAL Specialists and effective Natural substances banned from Social Media???? Let's hear from them:
    Findings of "Renown Doctors and Researchers:
    Dr. Rashid Battar
    Dr.Shiva Ayyudurai
    Dr. Judy Mikovits
    Dr. Dan Erickson
    Dr. Artin Massihi
    Dr. Pam Popper
    Dr. Rima Laibow
    Dr. Kyle-Sidell
    Dr. Bergman
    Dr. Berg
    Dr. Mercola
    Dr.Robert Cassar
    Dr. Axe
    Dr. Ford Brewer
    Dr.Mike Hansen

    Dell Bigtree
    https://youtu.be/2mcLRYGmdlw Africa
    https://youtu.be/FBI_pobBfck. Hydroxichloroquine


    Hand Sanitizers.
    Research the following to Strengthen Immunity and Save Lives:
    Build Immunity with them?
    Mega Vit C
    Mega C IVs in hospitals for most
    seriously infected.
    Colloidal Silver
    Quercetin + Zinc (helps nullify covod virus)

    Exactly what/how much/how long protection will each approved vaccine give? What are projected side effects/deaths?





    Beyond the Noise
    https://youtu.be/Jl3H-rSaFlU. Biden crimes



    94.5% of what result…of what number of people tested for each vaccine?
    Before asking/requiring Public to take any Approved covid-19 vaccine… Make Public vaccine pretests and participant data as follows:

    What are:
    1. "All" ingredients in each proposed vaccine?
    2. Under what formats for each vaccine test?
    3. How many "Actual" people were tested in each test?

    For each Test:
    4. What were "Actual" results?
    5. What were "Actual" general side effects?
    6. What were "Actual" Sicknesses
    7. What were "Actual" Deaths/Causes


  7. How many people tested to approve each latest covid vaccines?
    Are any unserved medical conditions killing people…not covid-19?

    What protection will vaccinations provide?

    https://youtube.com/c/DrMindyPelz 4Health







    Beyond the Noise
    https://youtu.be/Jl3H-rSaFlU. Biden crimes



    94.5% of what result…of what number of people tested for each vaccine?
    Before asking/requiring Public to take any Approved covid-19 vaccine… Make Public vaccine pretests and participant data as follows:

    What are:
    1. "All" ingredients in each proposed vaccine?
    2. Under what formats for each vaccine test?
    3. How many "Actual" people were tested in each test?

    For each Test:
    4. What were "Actual" results?
    5. What were "Actual" general side effects?
    6. What were "Actual" Sicknesses
    7. What were "Actual" Deaths/Causes


  8. Just think. We could have already gone thru this in, say, May, already have all this behind us. Instead, we let "2 weeks to flatten the curve" become lockdowns and stupidity that merely delays the inevitable. 99.97% of these "Cases!!" will be just fine.

  9. When my mom got COVID and gasping for breath, I called 4 ambulatory services and they all said they're booked all day. Luckily, I found the 5th one who brought her to the hospital.

  10. factcheckers Covid19 does not exist.
    factcheckers The PCR test contains at least 10 design errors.
    fact-checkers If one designs a vaccine on the basis of the PCR test that is an assumption, the vaccine is life-threatening.
    factcheckers The virus has never been shown.
    factcheckers I may say that covid19 does not exist because the virus has never been detected.

  11. They're always saying they hit a new threshold, some new record; bullsh*!!!! This is all part of an agenda, to crash the economy, smash small businesses while making a monopoly with "big businesses", make people dependent on them "Stimulus packages", tear down social structures "social distancing", make people unrecognizable "face masks"…. How do you stop this, you ask? By defying their bullish* orders. People are the ones with the real power, if they would only wake up and stop bowing down!!!

  12. According to the history of the US regime, it has attacked 37 independent countries and killed more than 20,000,000 people in the last 40 years under the pretext of democracy and freedom.
    The wars in the Middle East began with the emergence and imposition of the fake state of Israel on the region
    Iran belongs to those who defend it, with any political beliefs and religious beliefs, not foreigners who fled to France and hung in the name of the dead kings, but in harmony with a foreigner.

    Iran is our identity, defending Iran is our Iranian duty, not Islamic, governments are gone
    Arab or British xenophobes do not have a social status among Iranians because of their commitment to a foreigner and American provocation to impose sanctions on 85 million Iranians.

    Eternal curse on the characters hanging on foreigners and mercenary televisions and media such as Radio Farda, Radio Israel and Radio Liberty and BBC, VOA, MANOT

    Iran economic sanctions are a silent war, sanctions that some believe have reduced the population by 20 million and imposed another Holocaust on Iran
    "The Iranians did not lose a war unless some of them allied with foreigners."
    The zealous and the freedom-seekers
    In honour of the killing of half of Iran's population by the "siege of economic sanctions" in World War I by the aggressors, we must always stand in front of our enemies and foreigners, both internally and externally.


  13. From Australia, I'm stunned at Americas mismanagement of this virus that is turning into a catastrophe. Your losing nearly 3 times Australias TOTAL death toll EVERYDAY!!

  14. It's December 6th 2020, 341 days from the start of the year and athletes, major celebrities, national politicians, governors and billionaires still have an amazing 100% survival rate from coronavirus. The “deadliest pandemic”  in a century…….and mysteriously it avoids killing anyone in control.

  15. There is a covid corporate media problem. Bombardments of news of covid deaths, like the bodies are really falling from the skies. BUT WE DONT SEE THEM. Every "normal death" is qualified as covid death, while this flu has 99.7% recovery rate.
    Nobody is really thinking anymore.
    Its only the Believe in the media that deceive people into this Covid Believe System. But this Believe System is ripping all human universal right from humans.
    I believe i have the right to protect my body against foreign invaders like companies, governments. Where the human rights organisations in this?

  16. SEVERE RISK VAX LEADS TO FEMALE STERILISATION – EMA INJUCTION Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex chief of research at Pfizer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a lung specialist and former department head of public health lodged an appeal to the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for approving drugs across the EU, asking them to suspend the ongoing Pfizer/BioNtech COVID vaccine study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).
    Concerns over the health and safety of the human test subjects in Pfizer's European COVID vaccine study have caused the two two eminent doctors to launch the petition calling for an immediate halt to those studies.

    Drs. Yeadon and Wodarg in their call for an immediate suspension of this study and their application to the EMA, Drs. Yeadon and Wodarg give the following reasons why the Pfizer study could pose dangers to the health and safety of the study participants:

    First, the doctors say that the study design must be improved as the highly inaccurate PCR test is currently being used to detect the presence of COVID in the study participants. This means that the efficacy of the vaccine is in doubt. The doctors recommend changing from the PCR test to Sanger sequencing.
    Second, and more important, the doctors advocate animal testing of the vaccine to exclude the possibility of the risks to the life and health of human participants from known side-effects of other similar studies on corona viruses.
    These side-effects can include: an exaggerated immune response when the subject comes into contact with the "real world" virus; possible infertility of an "indefinite duration" for women; severe allergic responses to polyethylene glycol which is contained in the mRNA vaccine being tested by Pfizer; and, other latent, serious side effects which, because of the short duration of the study, may only become known well after the conclusion of the study.

    Because of these unacceptable risks to the life and health of the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID vaccine study participants, we are joining with Drs. Yeadon and Wodarg as co-signers of their petition to the European Medicine Agency, asking for an immediate halt to these studies.



  17. No one will be able to afford an ambulance after COVID. They price gouge now, it’s going to be off the charts the gouging private ambulance companies will charge people. They should have saved the money from all the previous years of price gouging they did prior to 2020.

    This is going on and the Orange lying loser is having another rally today in Georgia and people are not masking, not socially distancing. How dumb and selfish can you be.

  18. Lies, lies, and more lies! There is no pandemic! This is an agenda being played-out against us, and now that they have the power to just take all our freedom at will, they will never give it back.

  19. What happened to all the other health issues? Is the only illness left on earth covid? Hospitals here are on skeleton crews and virtually empty. Covid has been over for months.

  20. I was at the beach yesterday, wearing a mask, and not one person on the beach, the people in the bars, the people in restaurants had masks had masks. Actually I was the only person while taking a 2 mile walk that I saw with a mask. No rules here about masks. People laugh at me if I suggest it. That is Florida for you. Great governor.

  21. Hey Boys and Girls. Guess what. The numbers will keep climbing until Czar Biden is able to manipulate the healthcare system and the economy to fit the will of the Deep State. And speaking of the economy. Ever wonder how it will top Trump’s economic improvements by increasing taxes? Good luck on that. Also, what magic wand will Biden wave to make the VIRUS disappear? Again, keep an eye on the manipulation. Wickedness never was intelligent. Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  22. But isn't it true that deaths from heart failure are down 63% Traffic fatalities down 47% Cigarette related deaths down 72%. The list goes on. So with such a dramatic drop in all other forms of death can't we conclude the china virus is a good thing?

  23. I don't know what's worse. The lies of the left wing media, the useless government shutdowns, or the idiotic sheep that believe it all and follow blindly.

  24. Saying that rural private EMS needs funding nuts. They aren't doing it for free. Don't feel bad for a business that has more customers than it can handle. Government bail outs is nonsense

  25. Most hospitalizations are short term 1-3 days. The 1st 1,676,427 cases produced 100,000 deaths. The next 12,145,822 cases (or positive tests) have caused 172,525 deaths. Half of all dead are over 80 years old.

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