Two West Virginia Republican incumbents battle for one House seat l ABCNL

Two West Virginia Republican incumbents battle for one House seat l ABCNL

ABC News Rachel Scott reports on the race between GOP Reps. David McKinley and Alex Mooney, both vying for the same seat in West Virginias primary Tuesday following Congressional redistricting.

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47 thoughts on “Two West Virginia Republican incumbents battle for one House seat l ABCNL

  1. McKinley is a Quisling Squishy Rino whose a water carrier for Rino leadership.
    Mooney loves WV he truly helps his constituents. I live in WV, MOONEY used to be my Congressman but due to last census we lost 1 district. So we have Carol Miller now

  2. isnt it just beautiful to see the free market of ideas competing for the best and most appropriate representative to levy the will of the people? this is what democracy looks like!

  3. Châu chấu, những dòng sông nước chảy như máu, bệnh dịch, hạn han, lủ lụt, các điềm lạ, động đất.. là báo hiệu tận thế
    Phản Kito là ĐGH
    Sắp tận thế lúc 15 giờ x

  4. Republicans in America are mostly Christian Characters. A Christian Character has a Godly conscience, God sees all.

    Americans are Conservatives.
    All Christians are Conservatives with free thinking to evolve. Some Conservatives are not Christian Characters, but are to smart not to side against Conservatives, when it comes time to vote Republican.

    Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine did not put Christian Church before the atheist States, when writing the Constitutional Republic of America. For this reason, Democracy thrives, at the cost of reshaping the Constitutional Republic of America. One Example, is President Biden attacking the Second amendment and somehow getting away with illegal mandates.

    Democracy means everyone votes. Democracy is foreign government invented by the Greeks in Athens, Greece year 503 B.C. Democracy has been eroding The Christian Nation of America, for 200 years. Now more than ever. Communist are voted into American Power. Communist in America disguise themselves as Democrats and any umbrella Parties.

    "Republicans must define something to stand for, with the courage to offend the Devil." Republican leaders must Amend the Constitutional Republic of America, to strengthen it. Only Republicans should be allowed to vote and all Representatives must be replaced with Conservatives. Americans must rule America.

    Gods' rule of America is not a Dictatorship because Christians encourage free thinking, free will, human rights, free speech and endless opportunities for all future generations.

    You might not like the rules but, the rules are good for all. God wants us to respect and value life therefore, Abortion Rights is not supported and not pandered to by a Christian society.

    There comes a point in America when you must choose to love it, or leave, take it over, or fight for it.

    President Biden has betrayed the Declaration of Independence by using illegal mandates, supported by the propaganda of the CDC.

    Declaration of Independence states: " A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. "
    You cannot mandate free people, blackmail free people with fear-mongering propaganda. Declaration of Independence states, " All American citizens have an inalienable right to think freely." – No brainwashing.

    President Biden overstepped the Declaration of Independence. Title 42 has nothing to do with illegal mandates forced of free thinking people and children. People and children that never been outside the country.

    President Biden forced mandates on American people, that is Tyrant behavior.
    Tyrant behavior is illegal in a Free country. President Trump would have never mandated vaccines and mask with blackmail of your Job.
    President Biden needs to be dethroned. This is America, not a Kingdom Monarchy rule, like England and Australia.

    President Trump is a humane being.
    Under President Trump. No Ukraine war, Ukrainian lives saved and 800 million dollars saved.

    (Republicans are not insurrectionists. Republicans will have to organize a Revolutionary Civil War. The war might kick off, when Republican leaders force the Amendments to the Constitutional Republic of America, which would effectively remove all Democrats and replaced with Republicans.

    Republican leaders will have to strongly unite, to oppose the Democrat political power.

    My Concern is authentic Republicans, loyal as the best of us, are not knowing the Constitutional Republic of America needs Amending, to be preserved and strengthened.)
      (If money is equivalent to strength in a person then, letting those with money rule others, is monkey tyranny of government. An oligarchy.
    In contrast,
    "We the People" government rule with high morals of free thinking and truth. God is strength. In God We Trust.

    Amen.  God is not a religion. God is Truth, the Way and Life. Christianity is Gods'Divine Philosophy for Humanity. Christianity is sanity. Love America is sanity for humanity.)

  5. Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, therefore, if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life. told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and liberates and gives eternal life765

  6. Jesus loves you all! Please, we have to repent and turn to him for forgiveness! Please pray for me my heart is messed up. 😔

  7. This loser is giving all of our wealth to Ukraine. This is treason. The market is dead and so is the middle class dream. Democrats just killed America. This agenda is dead to rights and so is anyone who supports it, however ignorant or misguided. #FJB #AmericaLast

  8. I refuse to watch the video because politics but this is what happens when you don't get pictures of spider-man.

    Is that a good or bad thing, idk, and if you enter the comments trying to say that it is good or is bad then you are the bad one because you care about a side that doesn't care about you, no matter what side you support.

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