Twitter, Facebook CEOs Testify Over Concerns Of Anti-Conservative Bias | NBC News NOW

Twitter, Facebook CEOs Testify Over Concerns Of Anti-Conservative Bias | NBC News NOW

The CEOs of Facebook and Twitter met virtually with members of Congress to address concerns about the election and anti-conservative bias on their platforms. NBC News Kathy Park explains the changes Democrats and Republicans are looking to see from social medias biggest companies.
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Twitter, Facebook CEOs Testify Over Concerns Of Anti-Conservative Bias | NBC News NOW


45 thoughts on “Twitter, Facebook CEOs Testify Over Concerns Of Anti-Conservative Bias | NBC News NOW

  1. [Nov 22] Verified pandemic science proof of U.S. COVID-19 % FATALITIES TRENDING DOWN: 2.75 % [Oct 22] to 2.12% [Nov 21]; Also, in comparison, e.g., Nov 2 to [Nov 21]: – Germany 1.97,[1.56] – NL 2.11,[1.86] – Finland 2.20,[1.91] – U.S. 2.51,[2.12] – Mexico 9.79,[9.82] (NO BORDER may also affected U.S. %) – These are just a few examples of published daily data by JHU, WHO, ECDC, NHC, DXY, CDC of fatalities % in positively diagnosed victims in about 1OO nations provided by thousands of scientists, nurses and health workers, that, for months, are hidden or deleted by U.S. media. Instead it scares voters by publishing increasing and accelerating world biggest US COVID-19 cases/deaths. FACTS. But these big Nos. reflect big US population. ACCELERATION? By improved detection techs, methods & infected victims more willing to declare and trust hospitals, and their alleged Nos.-inflation (paid per case). Unequivocally, that ASYMMETRY had moved voters against the regime by Unrepairable Election Invalidations, [UEI], that none can fix today. No alternative, no-escape is thus left to heal the Divided Nation but by national runoff. We anticipate two runoff goods, at least: UEI evaporate if ordered & guided by the Supreme Court Authority AND various reported countries' pretext to respond to pro & cons of WH attack on Iran (published by NYT), to their drawers return by runoff. [IN, Amazon, Google Search, Utube]….

  2. X favore metti mi piace nei tre video o visualizzate i video su YouTube e iscrivetevi al canale YouTube di Gabriele Simonetta e fatelo, anche con altri telefoni 608 iscritti e 3 video gentilmente consigliatissimo grazie mille

  3. [Nov 20] What if election finality is decided only on domestic elements? <> REPORTED WORLDWIDE RESPONSES to NYT publication on pro & cones of US-IRAN ACT include Russian taking Ukraine? China Taiwan? Vietnam? Philippines? and responses by Iran, SA, Israel, Taliban, Hezbollah, Turkey? And US, EU, NATO, AU, NZ re-responding? and Market-Economy reactions? Can we shed international & domestic light on some remnant dark corners of unrepairable election invalidations, [UEI], that none can fix? Unlike in 2000, SC today has not yet effected its authority to heal today's runaway horizons of Nation-Divided? If that proves unattainable, as expected, No Alternative, No-Escape is left but national runoff. We anticipate two runoff goods, at least: UEI evaporate and pretext for the aforementioned responses to drawers return. More at IN, Amazon, Google Search and Utube.

  4. Graham also section 3 make you don’t make call all over the
    Nation to draw aways vote fraud join your brother trump and bring Ted from texas go alone with you. Corruption congress I feel sorry for North Carolina voter

  5. Take away freedom of speech, no!👎🏾

  6. LINDSEY GRAHAM, just DON'T want PEOPLE to know about him committing fraud, asking GEORGIA secretary of state to toss out legal absentee ballots so that TRUMP could when the ELECTION.

    Does the "last days" mean the earth coming to an end? No. the creation that God has made is eternal. Now is the universal day of judgment, when God arose to judgment, to bring down all disasters written in the Bible. However, people do not think that the disaster is God's punishment. God clearly says that He will stop the disasters if you find “one person who does justice, who seeks truth.” You must search for the Truth now in the latter days!!!


    Its a shame both parties and those that vote for them sling words and think they are right. Guess what?!? BOTH SIDES ARE CHILDISH AND WRONG… BOTH SIDES ARE MAKING CITIZENS SUFFER BY PLAYING CHILDISH GAMES, LIKE YOYO…. GROW UP!@ @


  9. Lindsey Graham need ti be investigated fir stealing seat from
    Jamie Harrison a true man of God please look into all his Corrupt
    Behaviors Ted Cuz have your fun
    but you will answer to AL'MIGHTY

  10. Conservative don't make me😂 u bunch a liars u Republican in the Senate or Congress u all about yourself evils

  11. Trump is a psychopath,lies and he want to ,Undermining democracy is his plan.Trump can start war abroad and start unrest war among Americans. Pure evil, selfish. Military take oath to a tyrant, dictator or individual but to the Constitution. brutally honest message to the dictator wannabe Trump and his all Clans, here is American ,not Russia or S.K.They serve the constitution not individuals.The American military is not required to follow an unlawful order from the US president. Nuff said.

  12. #WAAAGA2020 These fraudulent senators addressing concerns about anti-conservative bias? That is a joke right? All conservatives should be kicked off social media entirely if they want to keep spreading lies, baseless propaganda and inciting people to violence. Conservatives have literally lost their way, they are not conservatives anymore especially if they keep pushing fascism and authoritarianism, we see your BS Lindsey and Cruz, you are both damaging the Republican parties name and what it stands for, all to protect Trump who you should have absolutely no trust in, but the reason you protect and enable him is because his supporters KEEP you in power in your respective states, these voters don't care about you, they care about Trumps koolaid brand an d that goes for other GOP Senators too.

    The GOP have proven in the past 4 years alone to be the party of racism, hatred, hypocrisy and that stain is NEVER coming out, Democrats see what you have done, they see what you stand for and will ALWAYS use their most power tool to stop you, democrats will vote in force now and they will vote you out of office. You want to to remain relevant in 2021? Then you have to stand up against Trump and his supporters, be the senator that works for the people and not the party….this is why GOP have a huge identity crisis now, because they can't seem to understand that the good of the country should and always come first, not the party.

  13. I'm so done with fb. Come to YoRe. Real free speech, no censoring! If you want to try it out, come send me a friend request 😁😁😁

  14. the guy ( Lindsey Graham) who just secretly called Georgia officials to toss out ballots that support Biden is holding a hearing on bias and the need for transparency.🤢🤢🤢

  15. HAHA CEO's should take the platforms offline, just to show Congress who's really holding the cards. be like: "Pack up my toys and ima had out, let that be a lesson to you"

  16. Today, this minute, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Tongass National Forest are under siege by Trump's disregard for nature and science. These lands (and other Public Lands) will forever be lost. It is unconscionable that we stand by and watch the devastation and degradation of ancient lands, which cannot be restored. Stand and let your voice be heard today, or we will lose our natural lands forever to greed and corruption.

  17. That's rich. Thanks to FB spreading Q-Anon crud and other conspiracy theories, xenophobic zealots voted for #45 and other "Republicans" in droves. And now Republicans have a problem with the Wild Wild West of social media??? Dirtbags.

  18. Simply do not allow ANY political speech/message/information in these platforms. AND ban all politicians to use social media. It's simple. Enough spreading toxicity to people. There's soo much division, violence and misinformation in this world…

  19. Cruz and Graham criticizing social media for not being held liable for content. What a F#@!^&% Joke! Hey Graham try to intimidate any Election Offficals lately. F%$#'@! Traitor. It's time to Charge Graham with Treason !

  20. We need to find a way to prosecute Graham. Georgia, please vote blue. We need your democratic Senators to get rid of these people who will do any illegal act to kowtow to Trump.

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