Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced in a tweet that the platform will ban all political ads. READ MORE:

Twitter will no longer allow political advertising on their platform, co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey announced on Wednesday.

“We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought,” Dorsey tweeted, along with a number of additional tweets explaining the reasons why.

#ABCNews #Twitter #PoliticalAds #Election #2020PresidentialElection #SocialMedia #Politics


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Twitter bans political ads on its platform l ABC News”
  1. Forget Facebook/Twitter for now!! This is a much larger issue than just Facebook/Twitter or political ads. There needs to be a governing set of rules(or laws) for all things social media. Only in this way, can you address the whole problem and not just political ads on Facebook/Twitter. I swear, sometimes I think most of the world is so f*cking stupid.

  2. Thank you Mr. Dorsey. Hope Facebook follows suit. Now if we could only stop the ‘bots. It’s a shame people are so gullible these days. Just because you like what the news is preaching, it doesn’t make it true folks.

  3. Jack is a @ss. Despite no political ads his Twitter, YouTube Algorithms will always shift the views to the to the left and block the right. The pubic will not see that unfortunately. Ads or not left controls the media. This for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

  4. So will ABC and its affiliates stop taking political advertizing like Twitter? No, this just means potential competition for that advertising in one competitor has now been eleminated. I'm sure ABC, the other networks and their affiliates wish for the old days when they had much more domination of the market.

  5. I mean ok if they are like no politics in our ads ok. Not surprised the mainstream media is like oh yay! Is no one going to ask the rules? Great journalism guys. lol

  6. They have basically just banned the last speck of free speech allowed on their platform. As the only people who actually get 1st amendment protections on these platforms are government officials. The courts have ruled in the past that these sites are limited public forums which provides a public space for government officials, departments, and agencies, to engage in public outreach. The 1st amendment doesn't apply to personal or business accounts, only government officials and now they are taking the ability for the government to communicate with the people. Twitter will now determine what our government officials can say to the public. It's time to seriously re-evaluate the Communication Decency Act.

  7. I'm down for that and while you're at it Twitter go ahead and ban Trump's account as he is the most toxic community member you have and breaks TOS all the time. Must be nice not having to follow the rules like the rest of us just cuz someone has money. Very unfair.

  8. Twitter will not accept payments for political advertisement, but they will not impose actions against liberal political posts, but still suspend and ban conservative users. Social media and mainstream media have become a dangerous disease in this country. The idea we as a society depend on these sources to be truthful and unbiased, and the sources cannot fulfill the one obligation we expect. We want transparency and truth, but we're want it in a balanced and equal arena, if it's your opinion, tell us.

  9. To many social media services are too intrusive, trackiing interests without permission. like being stalked by advertisers. Paying for service not ad's.

  10. Trump2020🤘🌞✨💥👍😃, mutant and proud.

  11. How predictable that the DemonRats would vote on their Bogus Circus impeachment on this day in honor to their father Satan.

  12. This money will go into AstroTurf and sophisticated marketing companies to create “organic” results. It’s going to actually make it a lot more difficult to separate real from paid/fake

  13. Twitter is not losing much compared to other media outlets.Twitter is just making a scene since the majority of the money goes to Facebook. Twitter is barely profitable.

  14. Jack threw down the gauntlet ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  15. Jack is right. If sponsors are goin to have any access to someone, elses data. They should be paying for it and something like (data Sponsor) is more appropriate with a hyperlink to there ad's. No?

  16. The question is; what qualifies as a "political ad?" Who decides? Do we really want Twitter and Facebook being the authority on what is considered appropriate? This is a slippery slope and it will only end with one group (facebook and Twitter) having the lion's share of power.

    Let people run their stupid political bs on these websites. Just be objective and do your own research. This shouldn't be left up to corporate fat cats to censor content… i swear our country is getting stupider.

  17. Here go the trump supporters😂😂😂 you morons in the comments I swear his supporters parents are brother and sister

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