Turning Point: Protests in America – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Matt Gutman reports from Portland, Ore., where protests have hit a boiling point amid a racial reckoning in America.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Turning Point: Protests in America”
  1. The USA is the land of the free.
    1. Free to hate minorities;
    2. Free to kill peaceful protestors;
    3. Free to exploit people;
    4. Free to genocide native americans;
    5. Free to manipulate mass media;
    6. Free to destablise and demonise other countries.
    The list goes on and on. The USA is the BEST country in the world.

  2. Damn the peoppe in this comment section dont know what Antifa means ever hear of FDR the fucking president of US during WW 2 what do you think he was Antifa! Your grandfsther and grest grandfather in ww 2 also Antifa

  3. America's wealth is built on the humiliation and slave labor of black people. Until the mid-60s, blacks generally had limited rights. Think of Angela Davis. She is an icon of the struggle for black rights, a living legend.

  4. Regardless to who caused it, I still don’t like riots 🙁
    They’re unpleasant to see

  5. It's time, after this pandemic we're going to throw together the greatest protest ever made, I myself will make sure it goes countrywide

  6. The US political system is based on slavery.
    It does not matter what mule kills this cart.
    The ruling regime in the United States uses the resources of this country for several families who are connected to Zionism.
    The United States has become a colony of Zionism.
    Democracy and freedom are a toy in this system of government.

  7. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲(𝘀) 𝗼𝗳 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆

    America is in a state of deep scrutiny. So is humanity. Today’s America presents the future state of humanity: If the world advances the way America is advancing, we will end up being divided between two blocs that hate each other in every sense—ideologically, approach to life, culture, education, and every other way. It will be impossible to connect the adversaries, just as it is impossible to connect the Democrats with the Republicans in today’s divided United States.

    As things are, there will be no calm. It seems as though things have gone out of control, but they haven’t. It is simply what happens when the ego wants to govern and will not hear of anything less than that. It does not want connection; it wants domination.

    It may be horrifying to watch, but we are merely witnessing the natural process. When everything revolves around who has more and who has less, and when the ego keeps intensifying, we come to a state where the ego wants everything, and to leave absolutely nothing to the other side. This is what you get when you don’t educate people.

    It doesn’t matter how much you invest in aid packages and relief programs, when the ego comes to a state of all or nothing, nothing helps. Therefore, we should thank America for the example it is giving us, at its own expense. We should thank the American people for setting an example that demonstrates what our future will be like unless we achieve unity among us. In other words, if we don’t achieve a united state in humanity, humanity will become like today’s United States: an assortment of nations, colors, races, and faiths that hate each other to death, and do everything they can to cater to their hatred.

  8. Trump showed Americans the true nature of Democrats. These are totalitarian dictators who have nothing to do with democracy. They bring in and kill peaceful protesters, introduce censorship, break laws. Need to fight for the future of the United States.

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  10. A Protest

    As far as the eye can see!
    There exist a protest that is full of nonsense.

    All that huffing and puffing;
    Someone out there is bluffing.
    All fired-up and nowhere really to go!

    They even generate sweet honey money to entertain themselves, or to confuse too amuse.

    An emotional protest, fanning the fiery flames
    of anger and hate; Guaranteed at least one individual arrest.

    "To conclude: A earthly law one of many, simply is law;
    No one should be above the law."

    A Copyright Reserved Shared Poem.

  11. The left are the most racist thugs in Americas history and the media blames Trump….disgusting. They are not protests, they are Marxist riots….very much like the Nazi brown shirts.

  12. салют с Донбасса 👣 олухи

  13. Give these clowns a some land, fence it in, turn off cell reception, and don’t let anyone in or out for six months. Just to see what system they come up with.

  14. Вечно эти Индивидуумы чем-то не довольны.
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    Хотите жить? – соблюдайте Законы Своих Правителей.

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