Turkey moves military convoys and special forces to Syria border l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Turkish forces set the stage for a military invasion targeting Kurds as President Donald Trump stood by his decisions to withdraw U.S. troops.

#ABCNews #Trump #Syria #Turkey #Military #Troops #ForeignPolicy #Politics


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Turkey moves military convoys and special forces to Syria border l ABC News”
  1. Turkey didnt have shit to do with anything. Help the kurds to claim large territory then tell them nicely to give up the land they died for. Trump is hiding a secret agenda ans nato gonna get a piece of the oil field deal.

  2. Nice try guys, but they're leaving. Job is done and they're leaving. No need to extend this occupation another 10 years. Can't believe I'm siding with the conservatives on this one.

  3. I am KURDISH and I love TuRKEY . %90 of Kurds are living happily in Turkey. We have a job and the same rights with Turks . We have freedom of speech , freedom of language . Many presidents of Turkey had the Kurdish origins .. Why westerns like to interfere and tying to destroy our unity? Why westerns insist not understanding Turkey trying to create secure area in Syria to back 4 million Syrians living in Turkey .. None of Europeans helped the refugees when running from war , but only Turkey did and opened borders with a warm welcome ….

  4. Abd nin çöküşünü keyifle izleyeceğiz..

  5. The conflict between the Turks and the Kurds predates the Syrian/Iraqi/ISIS conflicts by 40 odd years. To hear some comments on here anyone would think the USA started it by this move to get out. There old enemies the PKK want a chunk of Turkey and Turkey don't want to give it them. Fuck all to do with the USA, Trump is right.. it's not their fight.

  6. Turkey is fighting against the PKK Group (PKK is a Koerdisch Terrorist group) they are not fighting against the Koerdisch you have to tipes and not every Koerdisch people is bad. Do not fucking lie to get attention.

  7. There was once a naughty boy,
    A naughty boy was he,

    He ran away from Syria,
    So his enemies couldn't see.

    He saw that his enemies had seen him,
    In SouthAfrica, Hormuz and Venezuela too,
    So he ran from all these places,
    And hid in White House loo.

    By now his enemies,
    Knew of all his tricks.
    So they came to the White House,
    With an impeachment to bid.

    Now the naughty boy had no friends left, and so in town square he cried.

    But people didn't help him now,
    For they knew he would run from them too.

  8. Trump's excuse for abandoning the Kurds in Syria, and allowing Turkey to move in on them, is that the Turks fought alongside the Allies during WWII and the Kurds did not. Well. He is certainly right about this one. The Turks sat out most of WWII and remained neutral. They only joined the Allies in February of 1945 – when they saw the writing on the wall that Germany was going down. The war ended in Europe on May 8, 1945 with the Turks never actually being called on to fight. The Kurd's , on the other hand, only did the heavy lifting for over four years to bring down ISIS with US military equipment and military advisors standing by. Now TRUMP is leaving them for the Turks to slaughter and take over the land that the Kurds fought so hard to retake from ISIS. (…All to make the Turkish dictator happy so he won't take TRUMP's name off his "not one but two towers in Istanbul"- or take over all of Trump's other business interests in Turkey…). Meanwhile, there is also Trump"s favorite dictator, Putin, waiting to move in to Syria as well. 'Bonespurs Donnie' is a coward who was too yellow to serve his country during the Vienam War – BUT – he has no qualms about putting these BRAVE Kurds' lives at risk to put more money in his own coffers. He is a disgusting WASTE of FLESH and so are the spineless, sycophant Republicans protecting his criminal, orange ass so that they can try to keep their jobs. Not one of them has any morals or a patriotic bone in their bodies (not even one with bonespurs)!

  9. One thing they never mention is that Turkey is NOT attacking Kurds, Turkey is attacking a terror organization called YPG who is apart of the INTERNATIONAL terror organization PKK that has killed over 50,000 innocent people, including women and children, in Turkey. For couple weeks now arabic and kurdish parents from children who were kidnapped by the PKK / YPG in Turkey are protesting against these kurdish terror organizations as well. So many kurds themselves are against the YPG / PKK, so it's no only false information that you're spreading by putting all the kurds in one pot, but also disrespectful to those kurdish parents whose children /relatives were killed / kidnapped by the YPG. Now are kurds bbeing discriminated against in Turkey? There probably is no objective answer to that, that's supported by objective facts, but all I can say is that turkish TV has many kurdish TV programs, kurdish music and dances are a crucial part of turkish weddings and that Turkey even has kurdish political parties in the turkish parlament. So to portray it as if Turkey is attacking and killing all the innocent kurds and that kurds are not represented or thought of in Turkey is pure propaganda like the Nazis did back in the day.

  10. Anything he does is directly or indirectly done for his own benefit at the bequest of only one person.

  11. Trump throws up a mess……next hours later, here comes the clean up crew-trying to get all this mess off the wall [TV]!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. One day-“Americans need to quit being world police and leave others alone”

    Another day-“Americans are traitors for not giving their lives in a never ending war”


  13. If Turkey was not in a geographical strategic position to the US or part of NATO, then I’m sure US would have declared war against Turkey. But because of these factors Turkey holds, war between Turkey and America is highly unlikely to impossible.

  14. Trump you backstabbed the only allies we had fighting isis. The United States is not longer a reliable partner since The US doesnt stand with its allies. Wow…what a shame…you betrayed The Kurds for the Turks who are enemies of Israel….Trump you completely lost it….Im an American and i dont agreed in betraying our allies. Who could trust The US???? No one!!!!

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