Truth & Lies: Jeffrey Epstein l PART 1

Truth & Lies: Jeffrey Epstein l PART 1


Maria Farmer began working for him shortly after the two met in 1995. She said he assaulted her at his home in Ohio and that she reported him to authorities afterward.

#ABCNews #JeffreyEpstein #Documentary #TruthLies #Epstein


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49 thoughts on “Truth & Lies: Jeffrey Epstein l PART 1

  1. And now this weazel scumbag peter nygard too…it is safe to say that these investigations would have gone nowhere if clinton was potus. The pump to drain the swamp has been cut off…

  2. I don’t think any reports of Epsteins early life are true, I think he had connections from birth and was able to create his own false origin story, I feel like this goes even deeper than the corrupt media, all of Epsteins associates, the royal family, I think this might go all the way back to the rothchilds family

  3. Same thing happening in Sushant case .. cbi is either sold or under pressure, thats why they have closed eyes on all proofs which even public can see that it is clear cut case of murder

  4. Why has it taken the media so long to expose these people this has been going on for so long and the media knew what was going on and that is why America do not trust the media anymore because they have there balls to go after truth.

  5. RIP a true patriot taken from us way too soon. We know he’s up there smiling at us, that cool breeze you feel is just him letting us know Jeffrey is there protecting us.

  6. Finding this unreal I heard of nieve but this beggars belief 19 years model 19 goes to a strangers house to give an old man a massage d by her age group is this for real he was an academic so he liked to do his fatherly promise I will pay for your college I see this of a bu chemist student these you g women were not stupid they were A students they were not destitute either or orphaned street kids they had family where were they we did not know or they did not tell us they are children most of them sheltered not street wise and certainly not men wise yet they went to a billionaire,s mansion for what tea for what yes it,s atrocious ever here of no not interested madame was a pro in more than one way and was he I am b not saying any of them stood a chance I can have buy anything anyone well did he live with his billions no and now we has his clone who is actually worse privlidged lost it all I will pay back every young woman ruin their lives her father was her rock she was no wall flower she was used to wealth box of chocs won,t cut it here look I am ending this he was the pits she was a charmer manipulater was she made who she became did he control her yes to a degree he did he is dead lives ruined none of these women went into prostitution why they were not from poor families they were educated sorry call me a bitch but they had to know this was suspicious ease talk me this is a yes he was a predator he was not a paedophile get it straight this really gets to me he was no paedophile he was an opportunist like most are

  7. Maria, what a beautiful gift to all the women. you have a heart of gold. God gave you a couple of gifts. Thank God you started the ball rolling in this horrific situation. i know you and your sister must have felt he was getting away with it. But God says you reap what you sew. I pray you all find comfort through His holy spirit and guidance throughout your future endeavors . He loves all of you so dearly. It is too bad so many people are not holding accountable. But… God sees all and knows all.

  8. You cherrypicked facts to make yourselves look better.
    Your studio could have run the story ages ago, but Epstein's buddy at ABC got the story dropped.
    I'll be watching the Miami Herald for updates on this, they're the ones who blew the lid off the story. Only real reliable information source.

  9. What about Bill Clinton flying 22 to his island??!! Is it surprising that ABC refused to comment on this part of the story that their senior reporter Amy Robach specifically identified?

  10. Way to try to romanticize this vile creep…this could of all stopped in the 90s if someone would of listened and did their damn job! I truly hope everyone involved in this gets locked up n a little dark cell for the rest of their lives! Give the victims their voices back

  11. DuszÄ… mnie mocno !
    Mengele z USA nic nie zrobią ,będą czekać tak jak koronowirusem . Widzą że za zbrodnie których dokonali podziękował bym im
    .Według NICH oni wszyscy razem ,(te cia ,sra ) i inne rzeczy mógłbym zgnieść (nauczony  tej metody )więc jest to przypadek zbrodniarza wojennego który boi się zemsty swojej ofiary .Są dwa rozwiązania,albo te potworki mnie zamęczą albo ONI uderzą pięścią w stół i córkojebca z bandytami rozpadną się tzn ta ich moc .

    DuszÄ… mnie mocno od rana.
    Efekt motyla w pełnej krasie szajka pedofilii z USA i ich służby które korumpowały (polityków,aktorów i duchownych )dziewczynkami zniszczyła by świat,gdyby nie ONI.

  12. Ściskają mnie mocno tchawicę i straszą że mnie zabiją tak jak Jeffreya.Myślę że dociera do nich że jest to dla nich droga w jednym tylko kierunku ? ONI to potwierdzają .

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