Trump’s defiant stand after two stunning legal blows – Car Mod Pros Portal

The President admitted to giving payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in exchange for silence but added that since the money was out of his own pocket, no laws were broken.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Trump’s defiant stand after two stunning legal blows”
  1. Trump is not already removed because of the failure of Congress. Fortunately Sessions recused himself. Fortunately the judicial system is still able to behave appropriately towards the rule of law. Trump is a criminal.

  2. Even Manafort's own lead attorney thanked the judge for a fair trial! If Trump now undermines this natural flow of justice by pardoning Manafort before he serves any time at all… that… will be a travesty! The American people will NOT put up with this! And it will be about as "swampy" as Trump could get!!!

  3. Oh he likes Manafort didn't roll over on Trump that's why Trump has respect for him. That man has zero compassion for anyone but him. He is not a man. Parasite living off other people misery!

  4. Trump thinks wrong is right. That ugly is beautiful (wall). That cheating is integrity. That lies are truth. And that anything and everything is fine as long as economic numbers reflecting the health of "greed" in America are favorable.

  5. I’m going to laugh so hard if Trump serves two terms without getting impeached. So much money on Russia collusion would have been wasted.

  6. Cohen is a low life human ! He has nothing on trump ,he's just trying to get his ass out of hot water ! This is all fake and illegal shit ! From a fake mullur investigation and Dacia! I thought this was about Russian collusion ! Ya right ,it's a fkn witch Hunt ! Mullur needs fired as soon as he is done and his benefits striped away !

  7. So the president of the USA lied…he's not the first, nor will he be the last ("No, I did not have sex with that woman."). Why all the hoopla over #45?
    I don't support Pres. Trump, but I can still see the "witch hunt" that Democrats have actually seemed to slaver about since he became a candidate for presidency.

  8. No one outside of DOJ can be trusted in this federal government, Mueller an NY AG are going to make sure this guy does not get away with anything. This arrogant side show con man is about to have his hair lit on fire, and is going to wish he were born with a zipper in that trap he calls a mouth. His spoiled brats can follow, maybe they can have a Trump row in there cell block. Jared can join them too along with quite few republican politicians as this story unfolds.

  9. He's the President until 2020 at least. So FUCK OFF and let him work – instead of continuously humping his leg with claims of any kind of real or imagined deceit. He will be defined by his presidency – and not some kind of disingenuous and relentless fucking PR onslaught – that wanted clinton to win. CHRIST – you (and cnn and msnbc) are like adult toddlers.

  10. – of course he is going to stay defiant – he has a whole deck of “Get out of Jail Free Card”

  11. This type of silly spin is only making President Trump STRONGER. Ma and Pa Middle America needs to see evidence of RUSSIAN involvement, all of this 3-4 rungs out and 10 years ago non-campaign crimes only reinforces the belief its all a witch-hunt.

  12. Let Cohen nixon Trump. Repeat after me: MAGA – HAHA! MAGA – HAHA! MAGA – HAHA!
    Let Mueller nixon Trump. Repeat after me: MAGA – HAHA! MAGA – HAHA! MAGA – HAHA!

  13. How dumbfounded trump thought he could FIRED the Director of the F.B.I and just laugh about it.. They know all his secrets & all who come in contact.. KARMA

  14. It's amazing how soon we forget that the US has an abysmal record when it comes to meddling in other countries elections. The US has even sponsored assassinations.


  15. Both cases have absolute 0 to do with Russian collusion.Paul Manafort should have been charged with Tax evasion back in 2005 when it was first discovered.They wait 13 years later to charge him with it.Then you have Micheal Cohen for tax evasion lying and recording a sitting president.What does that have to do with Russian meddling.I wonder how many politics on both sides have off shore bank accounts and our government spend more money then any of us will ever see unless we get lucky.I am laughing at the pure stupidity and all the fake news believers who believe this will lead to impeachment excuses me while both sides lie to American none of them are getting impeached none of them are getting impeached for lying daily.The Russian meddling did not change the out come of 2016 election.Russia has GDP of 2 trillion dollars and what they bought social media ads pages for and against Trump and Clinton.60+ million voters showed on election day and elected Trump as president.Keep your friend close and your enemies closer.The real threat is China but you won't hear this on destroy Trump media nor you won't hear a single positive thing that Trump has done he has done more then any president has done.But keep watching the fake news media who fail to report actual news on daily.It's one thing to have genuine criticism for both sides aisle.So what does both cases have in common the fact they lied and defraud the government so what connection does it have to do with Trump 0.

  16. Micheal cohen once said he would take apenis in his rear end for donald trump,but now he is sticking that same penis in trumps rear end after he flipped & decided to snitch & speak with prosecutors.

  17. If Trump paid Cohen back, then it wasn't a campaign contribution. All that means is Trump was financing his own campaign. Is there a limit of how much of his own money Trump can spend on his own campaign? If Trump directed 300 people to make payments for him and then he pays all 300 people back, that's the same as him never receiving a dime from anyone. There are campaign finance violations we can look into if you really want but I can guarantee you Trump won't be the target of those investigations. Can you say Clinton? You're welcome.

  18. Everyone's going to jail but Hillary! That right there tells me all of this is a huge con on the American public. Even if they really went to jail, it would be a 5 star hotel at some secret place and nobody would be able to verify that they are in fact incarcerated.

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