Trump’s conduct ‘does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense’: Dershowitz | ABC News

Alan Dershowitz, who joined the president’s legal team as a constitutional consultant, is interviewed on “This Week.”

#Trump #AlanDershowitz #president #2020election #2020 #ThisWeek #impeachment #impeach #GeorgeStephanopoulos #TheConstitution #Senate #HouseofRepresentatives #politics


Author: avnblogfeed


24 thoughts on “Trump’s conduct ‘does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense’: Dershowitz | ABC News

  1. No one should blame New York One station managers for not
    wanting to continue spending hard earned advertising dollars on hair dye and
    make-up on aging women broadcasters, when it would be so much easier to just replace
    them with younger women with less upkeep, which is exactly what they did.

  2. Constitution Article I Section 3. "…Judgment in Cases of Impeachment…but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
    Comment: Does this not make it clear that a high crime was presumed to be an indictable offence?

  3. Trump and his tertiary syphilis vomiting psychotic paranoid maniacal delusional incriminating batshit lunacy all over Twitter again.

  4. The democrats are doing this to distract from the fact that they are worthless pieces of CRAP. They collect their paychecks while the American Middle Class lays in ruin. They FAILED to bring back the jobs that were Out-Sourced Overseas to Communist China. Eight years of Obama as POTUS and the Democrats got nothing to show for it. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

  5. The Alan Dershowitz logic: "If I had a "happy ending" massage from a minor, it would not rise to a criminal offense — because I did not take my underwear off."

  6. Dershowitz – a Trump cult supporter, who believes in the misogyny, racism, and homophobia in the Iron Age biblical text, and a genocidal god that advocated for the rape of women and children, and murdered the entire population of the world other than Noah and his incestuous family.

  7. By the democrats standard every other president would have been impeached and removed. One article impeach trump for trying to reach the courts. Come on!

  8. Is this the interview where George frantically tried cutting the feed when too many facts were being spoken? Camera cut to him by mistake as he was hacking at hus neck to CUT CUT CUT! Yeah tgey already edited it out. How about tge latest that Trump fired Yanovich 1 year before Biden announced his run for President because she was bad mouthing and UNDERMINING PRESIDENT TRUMP IN UKRAINE!! DEBUNKS DEMOCRATS WHOLE ARGUMENT AND IMPEACHMENT IS A SHAM SND I WANT DEMOCRATS AND THERE VANGUARD MEDIA TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE CRIMINALLY!!! KAG2020

  9. The media has been ATTACKING Dershowicz for his position on this impeachment. Its an all out example of just how partisan and pro democrat the media has become. Dershowicz is a huge Democrat and no fan of Trump but he is showing how unbiased and truthful he us when it comes to THE LAWS. He reminds me of that Johnathan Turley, a self described Democrat and does not like Trump but these men are being HONEST, TRUTHFUL, and showing amazing CHARACTER because these legal scholars are simply articulating that President Trump's actions do not meet criteria of any high crimes, misdemeanors, or anything that meets criteria for conviction and removal.

    The media on the other hand dont care about the truth, its shameful whats going on. Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and Schumer looks like a bunch of corrupt partisan and totally incompetent fools! I think the democrats are displaying a total lack of confidence. Why I say? Clearly the Democrats who have done nothing in last few years except throwing weak accusations, investigations, and politicized government agencies to try and remove Trump from office.

    Its a waste of our tax dollars, and makes the democrats look shameful and weak…..This whole thing is stupid, let the voters decide in November, thats how we do it in America!

  10. Holding almost a half a billion dollars of aid from a country that is being invaded… unless they can make a public announcement regarding an investigation into Trumps political rival, that doesn't rise to the level of impeachment? Alan, I really wonder what they have over you for you to embarrass yourself into defending such a treasonous POTUS.

  11. Does anyone have even a basic understanding of our judicial system? Prosecutors, with the full power of the state and the police behind them, pursue criminal charges. Defense attorneys defend the accused. The defense attorney’s obligation is to provide a vigorous defense. It is not their job to determine guilt. It is the jury’s job to determine guilt. Dershowitz is not going to jail or hell or any other negative place for properly defending his clients.

  12. Trump 2020! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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