Trump Vows To Continue To Oppose Election Results | NBC News NOW

Trump Vows To Continue To Oppose Election Results | NBC News NOW

President Trump spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. to oppose the results of the presidential election as Congress will meet count the electoral college votes. He vowed “we will never concede” and continued to push false claims about the election process.
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#Trump #Election #NBCNews

Trump Vows To Continue To Oppose Election Results | NBC News NOW


46 thoughts on “Trump Vows To Continue To Oppose Election Results | NBC News NOW

  1. If there’s nothing to see in Az, Wi, Ga, Nv, Nh, and Pa. Then let us see it no one hires 100 lawyers if they don’t have something to hide! We only need 5 seats to break the stranglehold of democrats.

  2. Trump is an American political deserter !!!! Where is the proof of all his BS !??? Makes no sense to lock up the Capital vandals without prosecuting Trump for sedition !!!

  3. Russian riots and thousands are arrested…

    US riots and and a couple of hundred are id'd after broadcasting selfie videos.

    Treason and killing 6 people is less of a crime in the US than being black eating subway sandwiches.

    Inciting murderous riots is acceptable in the US. Democrats and the families of those murdered need to move on?

  4. Russian riots and thousands are arrested…

    US riots and and a couple of hundred are id'd after broadcasting selfie videos.

    Treason and killing 6 people is less of a crime in the US than being black eating subway sandwiches.

    Inciting murderous riots is acceptable in the US. Democrats and the families of those murdered need to move on?

  5. Pinky power and colonial cronyism are the world's biggest threats, both domestically and internationally..

    Capitol police suffered brain injuries, smashed spinal cords, cracked ribs, eye injuries, stabbings and 6 related deaths.

    The world already associates the US with racism, school shootings, invasions, riots, stupidity and lying.

    Treasonous Traitor Trump deserves a multiple life jail sentence for each of the six murders. RIP Brian Sicknick.

  6. Churchill's "We shall fight them on the beaches" speech was made at the UK Parliament House of Commons on 4 June 1940.

    6 June 1944 four years later, Churchill was nowhere to be seen on the beaches of Normandy.

    Traitor Trump's "We're gonna walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and we're going to the Capitol" speech was made at the white house.

    6 January 2021 Traitor Trump and his family hid in the white house bunker watching the riots and the 6 murders he incited on TV..

  7. My advice to Trump, give up chasing a loosing aim. Concentrate on the grandchildren, play golf, in fact play computer games, hey, there you can always kind of win and guess what, a lot of games also have cheat codes.. You really would love that!

  8. Someone come get this crazy
    uncle,. He's off his meds AGAIN ‼️

  9. He was brutally honest President. He won the election. The big tech, fake news media and the corrupt oligarchs and elites manipulated this whole election. The Democrats were elected by their Mob people. Pelosis and all the Media always provoked Yrump and there’s no more such thing as Freedom of speech because the big tech are more powerful than the President in the USA. Shame on you all media and the big tech.!!!!!

  10. He led you guys to your jail cell! 😂

  11. "Our country" was NOT debating, using our first amendment rights, last Wednesday. Our country was forced to watch as a madman screamed for revenge. He told the armed crowd to march on the Capitol along with him
    (Ironically, after winding up the crowd he didn't march , but fled leaving his white supremacist supporters to wreak havoc, fear and destruction while he slipped away to cheer, safely, from the White House. I think that this man is a clear and present danger who has had so many "second chances" that he feels invulnerable to any consequences.

    It's blood on your hands each and everyone in power who refused to set boundaries.

    If you think that he is gone after today, just listen to the echo of his agenda. Many, on the senate floor still parrot his words. He won't go away until you sanction the classic action (the one exception to free speech) of yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater.

    Do the right thing, for once, and represent those who elected you!!

  12. This is the REAL reason they are blowing the Capital incident out of proportion while they let riots go down for months! They are trying to use the 25th amendment to escape justice. Got to hurry to get him out before he can do anything. 💥 Biden DISQUALIFIED 💥
    Story broke by Maria Strollo Zack, founder of Nations In Action. Witness has been arrested by Italian Government and incontrovertible Evidence turned over.
    [Nations in action DOT ORG] The link is being blocked. FB is censoring and banning, but can search on DuckDuckGo ITALYDidIT.
    “Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy.”
    💥 The world knows💥

  13. tRump junior has asked Elon Musk to set up an internet company, so his daddy can use it. If you are a Joe Biden & Kamala Harris supporter, do like I have & ask Elon not to do it. I stated we should use tRumps cancel culture against Elon Musk if he attempts to help the tRump's in any way. If you can afford to buy Tesla, then DON'T, if Elon supports tRump. Lets stop ALL the crime family (of which one is currently in the White House) from using Social Media. 7 Days to go till he's ousted. Mike Pence won't invoke the 25th Amendment, SO IMPEACH HIM NANCY PELOSI.

  14. G1 and G2 ,믿을수 없는집단들 줄것이 없다ㆍ천주가 직접주도 할것ㅡok

  15. Trump🙌🙌 the people’s CHAMP🏆

  16. Jail Trump and his gang members! You will stop at Rucker’s Trump.

  17. Hi,
    Faced with the dramatic and shameful events on Capitol , America must immediately end the function of D. Trump, who is entirely responsible for it.
    In a democracy, you have to accept the results of the elections.
    Let us be reasonable, intelligent and courageous in certifying this verdict of the people, even if this verdict obtained only a simple vote to make the majority.
    This is the rule of universal suffrage.
    Another rule: all the culprits – Trump or whoever – are obliged to answer to the Justice .
    Let's try to build a "Better World " by reading our eBook in KDP, Amazon. Friendly.

  18. Sorry, but if you haven't seen this coming as a safety expert, then you better get retrained. For weeks, months, they had been working towards January 6 as the "day of truth," the moment when all previous failures would be erased and the Republican majority in the Senate would appoint Trump as president. For weeks Trump has been hinting at the efforts of his armed supporters to reinforce that. For months, those supporters have shown at the BLM demonstrations and riots that they also want to use real violence. For months, Trump and his supporters have shown that they live in an alternate reality and care about the laws of the country. This storm was foreseeable! Bush Jr. said about "this happens in a banana republic, not with us". I am afraid that he and many in the American establishment have not yet fallen penny that this is how a country becomes a banana republic. I hope they will finally really realize that!

    These last days of Trump mark his entire term as President: An administration full of misconduct, corruption and illegal activity with no regard for the law and no fear of consequences. Failure to hold Trump accountable to the law would mark a profound politicization of the justice system, one that would call into question the legitimacy of the rule of law. The main characteristic of a morbid democracy is to allow crimes committed by the powerful to go unpunished. Compliance with laws is not voluntary, nor is enforcement of consequences based on who is breaking them. The Democrats' refusal to prosecute obvious crimes has not only politicized and undermined the rule of law in the past, but also caused their own political defeat in 2016, allowing those same Republicans to return more brutally than ever. That same mistake shouldn't happen again!

  19. Our people American is not United anymore,with all my respect to our president he did a good job of inviting trump supporter to come over to support him but they get into a wrong idea and that’s not our president fault.President Trump is a good world leader as everyone knows

  20. The fake media and all these people you guys don't look up in one thing and that is the good things he has done in his 4 years
    He wanted his American cittizens first so they can all get jobs secondly he built the economy so strong which Biden and Obama could not do in 8 yeras. He also strethened the US Armed forces!! You guys really need to start appreciating the good he has done! In the coming days Biden will take over and the chinese will be the happiest in the world!! they will take over US in the future.
    And i want to use this and give my prediciton for 20Jan 2021

    But till that time take care and stay safe everyone!

  21. So today he says he will concede??? We all should be extremely worried about what he has up his sleeve. Probably why they are trying to remove him ASAP lol.

  22. You liberals are going to regret Biden. You are too stupid to even realize you are being played. You like to be told what to do. You enjoy businesses being shut down, schools closed and broken families. You will get your wish. Every one of you fools. All you liberals are blindly led by the media/facebook and twitter and have no independent thought. I feel pity for you.

  23. They sought to steal the election from a losing insurrection. Present day so eloquently described in 1965. Filed under "M" for "mankind" in the Twilight Zone 🤪👍 See link below

  24. donald duck you have committed treason against the American People.
    You will pay for your wrongs in the Court. You have done so many bad things
    to America, there must be something you can be charged for.
    But time will tell on you.You are a selfish evil demon.

  25. Impeach Dictator Trump. He’s an embarrassment.

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