Trump to visit El Paso and Dayton, gun control debate rages over “red flag” laws – Car Mod Pros Portal

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35 thoughts on “Trump to visit El Paso and Dayton, gun control debate rages over “red flag” laws”
  1. The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist.

    Winston S. Churchill

  2. This is about setting up a dictatorship in the US. There is no regard for human life. President Trump. He betrayed his country and betrayed Americans by giving leftist democrat dictators everything they wanted by giving them his new Red Flag and Pre-Crime Prison and other gun laws. Trump knows the many staged set up fake preplanned and premeditated “mass shootings” are performed to scare good people into giving up there guns. Trump murdered the US constitution and the 1st 2nd and 4th amendment rights. Now only the bad guys and corrupt government will have guns. Taking guns away from good citizens is the holy grail of all dictatorships. The US is setting up a Marxist Leninist Stalinist style dictatorship. They have no regard for human rights.

  3. They can put an ankle monitor on a human but they can’t put a tracking device in a gun ? A tracking device that can alert police/security of a weapon.

  4. p Mass- shootings like the ones, just witnessed are planned & staged,
    in advance…. The shooters are selected & handled according to
    there usage. generally selected from unstable backgrounds, the more the
    merrier, no shortage of patsy's! Mk-ultra….

  5. p Mass- shootings like the ones, just witnessed are planned & staged,
    in advance…. The shooters are selected & handled according to
    there usage. generally selected from unstable backgrounds, the more the
    merrier, no shortage of patsy's! Mk-ultra….

  6. Gun controll is only a political tool to brainwash and obtain
    power and votes. All the laws we adopt are on gun controll are useless. Guns
    are a Tool of Freedom to a free society and a personal defense of the unruly.
    We have people who would break into our home and cause havoc. We have a government
    from top to bottom who feel the power of superiority that want to keep that power.
    We put our money in a bank. The bank is required to insure it and Guards are
    hired to protect it Then the money is secured in a large secure safe. With all
    of this. How come there are still bank robbery’s? No laws will illuminate bank
    robbers. No laws will guarantee a crazy person from obtaining a gun.

  7. We fear no government we will NOT comply. Our 2nd ammendment is NOT up for bid. Its time to purge this country from dirty politicians. The Constitution regulates the actions of the government NOT of the people. We will not go without a fight

  8. ABC Your Responsible
    For the Division in the USA
    For Bias broadcasting
    It's ok what goes around comes
    Around literally makes me sick
    Hearing your so called reporting

  9. Yes let's go for control not the real issue. It is like wiping your nose when you have a cold and banning the kleenex. Totally lazy. Rather than spend billions fighting for a political party's dominance, illegal aliens living, medical and education expenses or maybe even our politicians lavish expense accounts, why do something intelligent for a change and create a fund to research violence, mental stability issues. Two hijacked planes killed 3000 people, families are killing their children, gangs and drug dealers shooting, stabbing or beating people to death, 70,000 overdoses annually, 40,000 gun deaths in which 60% were suicides. We also allow 600,000 abortions annulay and what do we worry about guns, not the causes. Brilliant.

  10. It's sad just how stupid people are nowadays. Gun control this. Gun control that. It's not going to fix a damn thing! California has one of the strongest gun laws but it didn't stop some lunatic from shooting up a garlic festival! It's pathetic that we blame the guns for these shootings yet we don't blame alcohol or cars for the number of people killed by drunk drivers.

  11. More people got shot in Chicago with illegal handguns this weekend than El Paso.
    And it is a gun-free zone.
    Maybe if we make it illegal to carry an illegal gun.

  12. Trump had no business let me say it again He had no business going to either city's..He fed the Monsters and then tries to deny feeding them to begin with.
    Trump has the Biggest Red Flag..right along with a powerful pen..Very Dangerous combination..Trump needs to Vacate the Whitehouse he doesn't belong there

  13. If anyone shows me videos of mass shootings on our first date! I’m gone! 👻

  14. not a debate, more of a PTS brainwashing. after 9/11/01 we went to afghanistan and not larry silverstein for answers. i expect the same sort of response from the potus that helped destroy 9/11 evidence and his "democrat" peers. red flag laws = more racism.

  15. Trump only went to Dayton and El Paso to make an appearence and to make people think he really cares. This is Trump!!! Just to make a photo op. If he took his wife, why? She is another one who just wants a photo op. If she did actually care, then she would've tried to do something to help those little immigrant kids. BUT, that NEVER happened. All she did was NOTHING, just like her husband is doing now for future mass shootings (we pray no more). Trump gets money from NRA, so he is not doing anything. God Bless all of the victims and their families. My sincere condolences to the families of the ones who did not survive.

  16. What a moron!! Where the hell is your own accountability? Always pointing a finger at some one else!!?? Where the hell is your brain? Don't sit on it, wear it on your head! !! Geez!!!!!

  17. “The most foolish mistake we could possibly
    make would be to allow the subject races to posses arms. History shows that all
    conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared
    their own fall.” — Adolf Hitler

    Dictator of Nazi
    Germany: 1933 to 1945

    Date of Gun Control
    Law: 1928 & 1938

    “The most foolish mistake we could possibly
    make would be to allow the subject races to posses arms. History shows that all
    conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared
    their own fall.” — Adolf Hitler

    Dictator of Nazi
    Germany: 1933 to 1945

    Date of Gun Control
    Law: 1928 & 1938

  18. "In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings.
    On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose…
    500 to Medical errors
    300 to the Flu
    250 to Suicide
    200 to Car Accidents
    40 to Homicide via Handgun
    Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data."
    –Neil deGrasse Tyson, America's scientist

  19. Democrats are out of their minds, they're releasing thousands of felons into our neighborhoods, along with the Socialist, Communist insisting we give up everything from cars to eating meat, you are simply out of your mind if you think we will give up our guns. The far Left has gone crazy and the only thing that will protect us from them when they consolidate power is our guns as our Founding Fathers intended. Today more than any time in history, we need our 2nd Amendment for which it was intended.

  20. It's not the 1800s anymore. Stop worrying about Britain attacking you. You dont need assault weapons when you have a National Guard, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines and Air Force to protect you.

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