Trump suspends non-citizen travel to US from Brazil | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. leads the world with the most coronavirus cases but Brazil is the second largest hotspot with more than 300,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #Brazil #Travel #COVID19


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Trump suspends non-citizen travel to US from Brazil | ABC News”
  1. Brazil has no democratic tradition, nor strong republican institutions. Bolsonaro is destroying our Republic from within. Deregulating, undoing Councils, Foundations. The environment and the indigenous people will be the first victims. The objective is to establish in Brazil a Militian Christian Fundamentalist Republic.

  2. Of course they had to segue into Trump golfing (once in 75 days) after the 100k death milestone mention. Like the guy hasn’t been working his ass off to deal with the NOVEL Coronavirus pandemic while everywhere he turns, his foes are working against him (and the USA) and even in his own party… is flaccid at best. SMH. It was almost a journalism piece for a minute.

  3. Of course the Democrats will hate this. It's "xenophobic" isn't it? Not to mention they wanna keep this scamdemic going for as long as possible

  4. how did he make this decision? watching for media stories about it? not fake huh?
    or did his fascist dictator buddies tell em how great everything was going?
    jackass moron

  5. We've already done this dumb ass experiment. On March 16 th. If you are going to lock down travel. Lock it down. Who cares where the people come from. If US citizens want to come home, they better be tested. No more of this piling people up in major airports after their adventures in the most recent "outbreak" zone. Holy Crap, does this guy ever learn anything.

  6. Revelation chap 6 v 9
    And the 7 seal was open and plaques pestilence disease and
    Naaaaa I'm fkin with you …
    Who give a fk what it says wear a mask & socially distance bitches 😷😷😷😷

  7. To block off all of the roads going into Union County Indiana and to get some of Federal Government Independent Army Seargants and Soldiers to guard all of blocked off points, and to block off some of the streets in Liberty Indiana, and to get some of the Federal Government Independent Army Seargants and Soldiers to shoot the .308 machine guns at the fake Union County Indiana Sheriff and fake Sheriff deputies there, to have 50,000 Federal Government Independent Army workers in Union County Indiana, to arrest the fake police officers, and to arrest the former police officers there the former Union County Indiana Sherriff and Sheriff deputies, and the Liberty Indiana City police officer, the Union County Indiana Courthouse judge and prosecuting attorney and clerk, that were bribed to quit their jobs by Mary Stanley's gang in about 2013 or 2014, and to arrest anyone else that needs to be arrested there and to seize all of the state, county, city, and federal Government property there, and to seize all of the gang owned property there. To get some of the Federal Government Independent Army Seargants and Soldiers to shoot the .308, .365, .400, .485, .650, .850, 1", 1.50", 2", and 3" machine guns at the former Union County Indiana Sheriff and former Sheriff deputies. To arrest all of the former police officers, judges, detectives, coroner's, prosecuting attorneys, and clerks for Union County Indiana and Wayne County Indiana, and Marion County Indiana and Vigo County Indiana and to arrest all of the former state and federal prison wardens, prison guards, U.S. Marshal, FBI agents, and district court attorneys in Marion County Indiana and Vigo County Indiana. To get some of the Federal Government Independent Army lawyers to make and to write some laws and penalties, to put those laws in the Federal Government Independent Army Code of Justice, I think it should be 20 years or more, and the prison wardens and guards for the maximum security prisons with execution chambers 50 years or more, and the police officers that were bribed to quit their jobs to let those gang criminals murder people and they knew that, and someone was murdered or some people were murdered, to lock them up in prison for life or execution or to shoot them and to kill them. And to investigate the murder of my mom and my grandma, that I believe that Melissa is the one that was bribed by Mary Stanley's gang to murder mom and to arrest her if she did and to lock her up in prison for life and to execute her, and to investigate my uncle David Garrett for the murder of my grandma and if he did to arrest him and to lock him up in prison for life, and to investigate my aunt Brenda Brown for the possible connection of the murder of my mom and my grandma that I believe that Brenda was bribed to separate my mom and my grandma and to put my grandma in Golden Rule Nursing Home and to help my mom find an apartment and that apartment building was Patriot Pointe Apartments, I believe that Mary Stanley's gang owns Patriot Pointe Apartments, to arrest her if she is part of the conspiracy to murder my mom and my grandma and to lock her up in prison for 40 years or more. And to investigate Stegall Berheide Orr and Community Funeral Home for cremating my mom illegally to cover up the crime of murder and for having an illegal funeral at Stegall Berheide Orr, and for embalming my grandma illegally to cover up the crime of murder and for having an illegal funeral at Stegall Berheide Orr Funeral Home, and conspiracy to cover up the crime of murder, life in prison for cremating my mom illegally, and 60 years or more for embalming my grandma illegally. To investigate Patriot Pointe Apartments, for conspiracy to cover up the crime of murder of my mom and for conspiracy to commit murder against my mom, and to seize Patriot Pointe Apartments if those criminal gangs own it, to see if that person or persons was bribed to buy Patriot Pointr Apartments or bribed to be a property manager there by Mary Stanley's gang for the conspiracy to commit murder against my mom and if they are part of the conspiracy to arrest them and to lock them up in prison for 30 years or more. To shoot at some woman who works in the Kanawha County West Virginia Courthouse, I believe that it was her idea to murder my mom to racketeer conspiracy to commit murder against my mom, that the bribe money came from that woman in the Kanawha County West Virginia County Courthouse that the bribe money was stolen money from the FBI and DOJs bank accounts and the Kanawha County West Virginia County Courthouse bank account, and it was that womans idea to commit a lot of other crimes to bribe some gang criminals to be fake police officers, to bribe real police officers to quit their jobs, and to bribe gang criminals from Mike Pence's gang to buy real estate in Mitchell Indiana with stolen money from the Kanawha County West Virginia County Courthouse bank account, and the FBI and DOJs bank accounts in Charleston West Virginia, to arrest that woman to have the Federal Government Independent Army Seargants and Soldiers to shoot her and to kill her and to arrest the fake Kanawha County West Virginia Sheriff and a fake Sheriff Deputy to shoot them and to kill them, and to arrest John T. Copenhaver Jr., Mary Stanley, and Vaughn T. Sizemore, to shoot them and to kill them. To start locking up about 2,000 criminals in the former Terre Haute Federal maximum security prison, medium security prison, and minimum security prison, criminals from Union County Indiana, Wayne County Indiana, Marion County Indiana, and Vigo County Indiana. To search Reid Memorial Hospital in Richmond Indiana for fake medical doctors and fake nurses and fake patients and if any are found to order them to get out of there, and to see who owns Reid Memorial Hospital and if those gangs own it, to seize it and to shut it down, and to do the same to the Hospitals in Marion County Indiana and Vigo County Indiana. To see who owns the Palladium Item Newspaper and if Mary Stanley's gang owns it, to seize it and to shut it down and to see who owns the Indianapolis Star Newspaper and if Mary Stanley's gang owns it to seize it and to shut it down. To seize all of the TV stations Wish TV 8, WHTR 13, Fox 59, and any other TV stations and radio stations that those criminal gangs own in those four counties and to shut them down. To check all of the Roman Catholic Churches and Roman Catholic schools in those four counties to see if those criminal gangs own them and if they do to seize them and to shut them down, and to check all of the Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and any other religious organizations in those four counties to see if those criminal gangs own them and if they do to seize them and to shut them down. To check all of the private colleges and grade schools and high schools in those four counties to see who owns them and if those criminal gangs own them to seize them and to shut them down. To find out who wanted to buy the churches and who wanted to bribe the Roman Catholic priests to quit their jobs and who wanted to bribe all of the members of the churches to leave the churches and who wanted to bribe the Roman Catholic nuns and Bishop to quit their jobs and to leave the churches, to seize those Churches and to seize any bank accounts that those churches have and to shut those bank accounts down and to shut those churches down. To arrest any illegal immigrants from Mexico, Peru, Brazil, or the Ukraine and to lock them up in a Federal Government Independent Army jail for illegal immigrants and to hold them there until we get some military equipment and weapons manufactured and to hire some more Federal Government Independent Army workers, sometime after that which could be about 2 years or more, to take them back to Mexico, Peru, Brazil, or the Ukraine. To protect and to safeguard other baptized believers in Jesus Christ like myself that went through about 9 months of RCIA the Roman Catholic Catechism before I was allowed to partake in the Holy Eucharist, to protect other Christians and their families from being injured by fake Roman Catholic Priests and fake Roman Catholic Christians, that the fake Roman Catholic priests are devilworshippers, bisexuals, and atleast one fake priest at St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church in Charleston West Virginia is a murderer, bisexual, and a devilworshipper, that hands whoever the bread in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, because some people take religion very seriously and I never thought or believed that anything like that should be any Church, that baptized believers in Jesus Christ gather in Church and are of one mind, and that there's a mind requirement when partaking in the Holy Eucharist, and that I believe that my mind was tested during RCIA the Roman Catholic Catechism and that I was tested for the faith there and I was found worthy of the faith there, and that someone that is a devilworshipper and a murderer is not of that mind and they should not be partaking in the Holy Eucharist with other baptized believers in Jesus Christ. That I was taught the Roman Catholic Catechism by two Roman Catholic Carmelite nuns Sisters Dorothy and Delphine who had worked for the Roman Catholic Church for about 50 years at that time, and Fr. Elmer Nadicksbernd is the Roman Catholic priest that baptized me at Risen Lord Roman Catholic Church in Maysel West Virginia in 1999, that he said that he went through four years of training and education to become a Roman Catholic priest at a Roman Catholic Theological Seminary, and that he was an ordained Roman Catholic priest and he was in his 60's at that time. To investigate St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church in Charleston West Virginia and the fake priest and if he is a murderer to arrest him for whoever he murdered and to lock him up in prison for life and to execute him.

  8. Donald Trump decided to ban travel from Brazil finally frustrated
    because he was not able to find it on the map. "Does Brazil limit with
    Nambia, Nipple and Button?"

  9. Democracy has always been an experiment. The only trouble is the people in charge think that they're the ones conducting the study, not us. End Lockdown!

  10. Is this racist to the left? I wanna laugh at that notion. Do the left think this is racist? I hope so. I'm just gonna believe they do…. Lol, stupid libs.

  11. Is there any possible way pendejo will claim credit for ordering a ban on passengers arriving from Brazil? There are still 97K plus American deaths during his watch. Didn’t pendejo go on the air to bitch and complain about Obama playing so much golf? Why is he playing golf and tweeting about Crazy Joe Scarborough instead of fighting Rona?

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