Trump speaks out as rules set for historic trial l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president is at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland as lawmakers on Capitol Hill debate what his trial will look like after Republican leader Mitch McConnell released his blueprint.

#ABCNews #Trump #Impeachment


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Trump speaks out as rules set for historic trial l ABC News”
  1. scholars are going to say what whoever pays their salaries tell them to say…. they need to keep their jobs, too… lol! this is such a sham, nothing to do with political parties anymore, despite what the media says… this is about career politicians thinking american voting citizens are stupid and clueless, and too self consumed with their own lives to know what these elected officials are doing…. pay attention, voters- they are coming for you, your properties, your way of lives…. i did not vote for trump, but i respect our system and want it to remain intact- pelosi, schiff, and whoever else is playing their game- can be voted out of office…. if you vote- do not vote for politicians who have been paid in your tax dollars and do not care about your lives.

  2. Just Vote Trump 2020 to win, whatever happens never vote any of the Democrats
    Politics they are all Traitor Liar Corruption criminal GOD BLESS to all Republican and to all
    Trumps Followers

  3. Good news is the second amendment March went off without a hitch. For some reason the closer the digital warriors got to the fence and the "safe zone" their live feeds were interrupted. We all know how unsafe that can be. God bless America and all the people who love liberty. Long live the Bill of Rights. Because this bunch is trying to shred the Constitution

  4. you demonrats are evil!!! you hate our constitution and you hate the american people that stand up to your bitch ass,, you demonrats are pathetic as fuck,, you dont do anything for the american people,,, YOU DEMONRATS LIE AND YOU ARE EVIL AND YOU DO EVERYTHING AGINST US!!!! YOU ARE PURE EVIL!!!!

  5. Mr President, you can just resign. 💁🏼‍♂️
    I hate hearing your name everyday. 😬

  6. Hopefully we can keep our Democracy intact until the next election where we MIGHT have a chance of restoring our democracy, however. The Trojan horses are already in place. You have the Russians surveilling us off the coast of Alaska and you  have Tulsi Gabbard,,Kellyanne and George Conway working on drafting a new Constitution called the Lincoln Project, on the inside.Just asking but why is Kellyann and Mnuchin the only ones who have not been replaced of the original cabinet?? We better pray we can make it to November.

    Read more

  7. Trump the manically insecure lifelong grifter, flimflam artist, proven record serial liar, and embarrassing loud mouth grand stander would be the 1st to loudly and incessantly demand even the smallest shred of documentation, the weakest witness testimony, or slimmest of evidence of possible exoneration be trumpeted on every front page headline, on every news show, in every speech, and for sure constantly streaming from his Tweeter feed. Wonder why now Treacherous Trump desperately want's a willing conspiring Moscow Mitch to join him in a blatant stonewalling and rigged cover up Senate trial, oh that's right, GUILT. Democrat's vs the new Trump Republican Sycophant Party of Party before country and abandon American values

  8. Mitch You are a criminal. By your actions you are consciously deceiving American citizens and violating the constitution. Shame on you. What you sow is what you reap.

  9. We the people want to know the TRUTH. If senate is hiding the truth and not remove Trump. We the PEOPLE will protest until Trump is remove, all the corrupt republicans, and corrupt senate should resign or jail.

  10. A lot of us are getting tired all this nonsense in regards to them wasting all of our time and money and I think when it's all done and said they should start deducting all the money they wasted on these trials out of their checks all those are behind it!

  11. This is just the way to spend our money and shoot blanks at nothing what a pure waste of time for our government to do this just go in and arrest all these bastards and get it done!

  12. Half of the Senate is old, including McConnell, and 12 hours sessions is not going to cut it. If we, the American people, rely on the internet to hear the trial… that too is rigged.
    More and more of the footage released has sound issues and only a quarter of the footage is shown.
    THIS ADMINISTRATION and GOP are rigging this trial.
    Write, email and call your SENATORS NOW if you believe these rules will hinder a fair trial.
    Pray for our country.

  13. This is stupid wasting our fucking tax money while idiot population falls for it. I guess this is what we get for allowing old corrup, billionare people to run this country while the normal humand fight about it. THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT!

  14. Im sooooo sick of him saying it's a hoax. No, what's the hoax is that us as americans go to jail/lose your job/lose your family and some more if we did any of these things that trump and his people have done and the shit ain't fair. I will say this…trump has shown that if you got money and can help other people with money get money you can do just about any damn thing. This is 😥.

  15. How much is this trial costing America?
    Presidents who have done and allowed things which have appalled many have always existed, that is why we vote. All this trial is proving to America is that the populous really doesn’t matter. The politicians didn’t have things go their way and here we are at a very time consuming and expensive trial.

  16. Probably not my place but it seems to me that trump is very self involved and points out the diffrences in cliqes and groups of minorities singleing out anyone that will reside withing a social community, but what acually got me steamed was he compared the salem witch trials of 1692 and 1693 to congress putting him on trial for a cheap attempt at black mailing a balid allie all so he could ngatger dirt on someone who was running against him i mean if we are getting literal here

    he's a selfish,Inconsistent.Non minority that compares him being but on trial to hundreds of women being murdered all because he was gonna abuse the social status of our country to get unurgent information about a opponent

    i honestly do hope he gets booted and we get a much more responsible President

  17. Where Nanci Pelosi, were. Making a serious danage on THE PRESIDENT TRUMP and his fammily, and THE USA country. Agent rhe inconsequent, and why not say, mad, with actitud.

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