The president has been on the defensive since he sounded the alarm for the state; it is a federal crime to knowingly issue or publish a false weather forecast.
Did he have it in for them? One would assume so… hahaha Donald Trump is a chicken little 🤦â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ😅ðŸâ€â€Â£😂🤣 🙃ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ»
Trump: "Here's the aid money you need"
Alabama: "Errr okay…we didn't get hit though."
Trump: "Yes you did, my map shows it!"
Remember when he wanted to detonate a nuclear weapon over the storm what a moron
Trump 2020
ABC are you still covering up for pedophiles? Jeff E was a pedophile right and Robach said she was stopped by abc from report. Joke about markers and Alabama?
I had to watch this to believe, lol we are living in an alternative reality… Or it's the matrix, idk man… Just insane
This guy's fucking nuts. Condolences from Europe.
It’s illegal yet Nothing is done about this fear mongering. You are complicit media
At this point, Prove that the Weather is Not Manipulated… the evidence shows mechanical assistance.
You can tell he is lying. What a piece of shit.
Trump 2020
Looking forward to "The Science Guy" at a Nadler impeachment hearing. He will testify Dorian will make a 180 and go back where it came from.
Slam Dunk! All Americans will then agree Trump should be impeached.
So ABC, with over 6.5 millions subscribers AND YouTube algorithms pushing, you get up to 42k views in almost a month?
Wow, how does it feel to be insignificant?
Please lock him up
This why Trump is so entertaining. She is a horrible person. But like, it’s not funny, but it’s entertaining and it passes time to watch all of the shit he’s fucked up.
came here after the BBC R4 announcer was having a momentary lapse in professionalism by giggling his tits of trying to read it
What's with all of these presidents? Lets not single out one and forget about the others. This is why these politicians behave the way they do. They're not held accountable by everyone when they lie, people want to pick and choose according to their politics and that's dangerous. Americans want to hold the person they didn't vote for accountable, while the person they voted for gets a pass. Trump has no idea about the sharpie loop drawn on the map hes showing. Obama's parents met during a civil rights march that actually happened years AFTER he was born. Bush doesn't know what happened to the weapons of mass destruction that were in Iraq but never found and Clinton never had sexual relations with that woman. Come on people, smarten up, hold every one of these politicians accountable and stop the nonsense!
Trump supporters… Seriously? How can you keep supporting this idiot? I'm assuming you realize by now that he's an idiot but maybe you want to keep defending your vote. Stop being the fool. America needs all of us to elect better leaders, left or right.
MAGA where are you guys when mr president needs you?
📺Trumps the kinda guy who will troll to help out medea for shared publicity and profitable clicks. Hate trump. Make media rich again. Tune in for more 👀.
PS Russian Collusion. 🤪👌ðŸÂ½
Politicians know that there are no perfect people. They are like children who get in trouble and wanna point out everybody else’s mistakes.
Is the Alabama situation part of his increasing difficulty with words? Remember origins and oranges? Perhaps this one was confusion with Bahama and Alabama. They are similar.
🤦ðŸÂ¼â€ÂÂÂÂ♂︠We have a moron for President in the US.
CNN Meteorologist saying Hurricane Dorian is a threat to Alabama.
Trump: CIRCLES Alabama
Dumbest mf ever
Peopel are saying that trump is treating everyone like idiots over Alabama hurricane this time. We are idiots, trump is president
Shows You Doing Dumb Sh!t Gets You No were , So It Get Us Nowhere Too , Show Us How Freaking Stupid Racist People Are , And They Be On That Bullsh!t , Everybody That Wants Him Again , Is Scared In America , An Wants To Be Racist Against All Color People , If U Scared In America , Why Start Sh!t By Voting For Racist , Like Trump , This Arizona As In Example Got Mexico Written Too , Y'all Can Get It Too , Written In Sharpie , In Blue !! , Like This Is Personal Too !! …. That's Why I Say , Get Along doggies , Get along !! Vote ââ€â€Â‹ #BlueWave , Trump People Its Freaking Over !!! ….. Cause Enough Is Enough Too , We Can't Be Wasting Are Times , With Y'all Punk Ass Hating Ass Racist Ass Bastards !! .
Oh my word. Do you know what was said to him behind closed doors? No you dont! Maybe that is why he is insisting.
he knows feck all…period
I hope you have 4 more years of jokes because you’re going to need it when Trump wins next years elections….Trump🇺🇸2020
How on god's green earth did he think he'd get away with it?? Such a smooth transition from the white hatching. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's so embarrassing that the man leading America is a complete moron.
Trump: Hurricane Dorian is definitely gonna impact Alabama.
Hurricane Dorian: No I'm not! Stop telling me what to do Trump!!!
Dumbass 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Everyone who did not vote in 2016, just showed that they were fine with who won.
So all the Trump haters crabing about him, go vote in 2020 instead of being lazy sheep
The early spaghetti models had a track going across Florida and Alabama…
If Trump wasn't playing golf instead of paying attention to hurricane updates he might have had the correct information. Why should he start now in having correct information about anything before he opens his mouth? F*** Trump.
I'm sorry America, but your demise is your own doing. Even the terrorists see this stuff and pick up their X-Box controllers.
just stop!!! President Trump does not make his own visuals….he is in the middle of uncovering treasonous spies planted in his administration. Sick of your double standards and lack of objectivity!!