President Trump said legislative action on gun control was already in the works but remains vague on details, saying, “We’re looking at bills, ideas, concepts.”
#ABCNews #PresidentTrump #GunControl #Congress #MassShooting
President Trump said legislative action on gun control was already in the works but remains vague on details, saying, “We’re looking at bills, ideas, concepts.”
#ABCNews #PresidentTrump #GunControl #Congress #MassShooting
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This is stupid as hell. The Democrats want to take our guns which is just as much a pro-choice decision as the republican's choice on abortion. Democrats: let's take all guns from law-abiding citizens and allow criminals to still have their guns. They want 20,30,40, plus year old people who have never broken the law to disarm themselves while meanwhile, the Republicans want us to have the choice to kill our unborn babies? I don't know which is worse at this point. I have to turn in my guns because they are a possible threat but yet I can go to a Doctor's office and kill my unborn child???? They don't protect the living, they protect their agenda. The whole system is evil and it sucks.
Thats BS
If you still support Donald Trump in 2019 you are either stupid or racist. Sorry not sorry.
I will never understand why any sane and normal person would refuse "background checks" when it comes to guns, period. Any gun. And Assault weapons should never be in the hands of ANY private citizen because they are just exactly what their description is: an ASSAULT on another being. So – YES it is pure POLITICS and GREED
A mass shooting,I don’t care
the lobbying is strong you need that money baby
"Nothings changed" So very true. Pay off all the corrupt politicians and nothing changes!
The greatest USA bloopers – “Licence the gun, licence the gun owner (background check included)â€ÂÂÂÂ. Opposed by The gun lobby, quoting 2nd Amendment rights However would you let an unlicensed person drive a car?Part of the license is learning to drive,tested to get a license, And yes there are fools who: Drink drive, drive while using their cellphones, Speed, can't handle road conditions- which can and has killed people. A license is a legal document. Break these laws you loose your license. A step further your gun!
The greatest USA bloopers – Every politico uses 2nd amendment to avoid doing anything. What about everyone else's right to “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.â€ÂÂÂÂ
That freak wears hats on bad hair days… know like us girls who focus our day on our bad hair. This man is not a male. He is a freak.
LOL That fucking hat.
Stupid is what stupid says.
His mouth is moving nothing more….
Watch as a mom protects her baby😢
Listen to how many bullets the shooter fired at people and police.
No gun Laws to protect other's lives is Government sponsored pure impunity!!!!
So if isis got in america wtf arw you going to do???
Call the cops ???
We have a right to have arms to protect us from false governments
Any solution has to involve the gun manufacturers. This isn't a second amendment issue , this is all about money .
If these rapid fire weapons were made to fit special calibre rounds that would only fit these weapons and not regular bolt action rifles. Ammunition that could only be purchased with a federal licence. A licence that was checked daily against state and federal authorities to see it the purchasers is a responsible person that is not under say a restraining order or for acts of violence. Then the ammo could only be purchased by those that have passed a background check and are not a danger to themselves or others. That means a re-vamping of sales of weapons and an exchange program of the now obsolete weapons, or having them refitted to fit the new restricted ammunition. That means that someone that steals an AR-15 could not buy this special ammunition and the older ammo would simply jam in the rifle. It also means that criminals or gang members could not buy functioning ammo either.
That's a lot of MONEY for the gun manufacturers. Hundred of millions in new sales. And it will then be the gun manufacturers that make the NRA change their opinion on the second amendment. This has never been a second amendment issue, this has always been a money issue.
We don't need to regulate the guns – just the ammunition used in auto loading rifles. Just as we do with explosives today.
Nothing will ever change with Trump in the White House….. NOTHING!
I find it hard to understand how you guys cannot see common sense. No other country in the world has anywhere near the trouble you do with guns.
Stephanopoulos sucks
Trump is a peace of shit!!! All that hair bleaching killed his brain cells… it's only considered a mental problem if the person is white…
Good Idea.. great president
The man just lies and lies
the only package is in your wallet Trump…
I’m sorry America.
I’m not even American,
But we’re all human and I wish I could do something about the mass shootings.
This is insanity, not normality.
The question I have for your president is “HOW MEANY MORE LIVESâ€ÂÂÂÂ.
If the shooter is white, he is mentally ill. If the shooter is of color, he is automatically tagged as a gangbanger/drug dealer/up to no good/deserved it.
Unusual President
U TRUST him with the NUCLEAR codes?
MTIS: yup
U vote for him in 2Q2Q?
MTIS: nope
U think he's right about 5 I's?
MTIS: NOPE we shouldn't diss our allies….u nuts? Saudi's MBS crazy ass dude. N.K.? Crazy ass MURDERING dude. China? Bastards don't fuck around.
Not happy go to the movies party party. Ok? You got me?
I got you!
U kill people?
I get big bucks for it. Do it all day long.
I kill for a living.
I see.
Comments: war is UGLY. The less we kill the better. Death is all around us and it doesn't have to be this way. WE CAN CHOOSE EVERY SINGLE DAY, TO HELP PEOPLE RATHER THAN KILL THEM.
Nobody can't do shit America has more guns than books and after 530 years of showing the world it's a trend to Kill your Native American population take their lands and Enslave Africans in America you can only get out what you put in to a Nation like 1,700 gun stores along the boarder so the seeds of self destruction is on trend with what it is and NOBODY can stop it now 😈😈😈😈s
TRUMP IS 100% CORRECT -> it's because of the mental illness of our president and our leaders, that this problem isn't being fixed.
Meaning I could walk into a gun store, purchase a gun, given my background of no criminal history, and I can walk away with said gun, and start shooting people, if I wanted to…that's the USA's gun laws people. Any psychopath can walk in, get a gun, and start shooting away
Still can't forget about Jeffrey Epstein.
Strict background checks=less gun sales=less $$$from gun manufacturers to NRA=less $$$ to Trump from NRA. TRUMP= more mass shootings.
America …. a sick country that values the profits of gun manufacturers over the lives of innocent people. Because America is a house where there’s no one at home except for the Millionaires and Billionaires. Everybody else is permanently out to lunch.
As long as Trump is in the White House, Nothing will change.
Detest this President.
Trump has become a broken record he’s a disgrace to the presidency.
You do understand if you strengthen gun laws the nra will start staging events. Just a clue for people.
Really? Come-on. There's no 'package': conversations; meetings; resolution, it's all fantasy concocted in Trumptydumbty's vacuous mind.
At this age I don’t give a fuck what trump says
How worse can humanity get?!?!?!…
Wait and see is Trumps answer you waited and saw nothing. He isn't in the line of fire so wait and see.
What background check would do? Most of these shooters are legally sane and have no criminal records. The media is already gaslighting us and limiting solutions to ban aid acceptable to the rich elite and the gun manufacturing.