Trump says ‘I never suggested firing Mueller,’ despite former WH counsel testimony | ABC News

Trump says ‘I never suggested firing Mueller,’ despite former WH counsel testimony | ABC News

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, Trump said what Don McGahn told Mueller “doesn’t matter.”

#Trump #MuellerReport #Interview #Stephanopoulos #ABCNews

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39 thoughts on “Trump says ‘I never suggested firing Mueller,’ despite former WH counsel testimony | ABC News

  1. Now George stephonopulos will be known as the “Little Wise Guy”

  2. Listen,Georgie you been I little wise guy😂🤪😄

  3. are we to believe that everyone is a liar but Donald? Even though their are hundreds of videos where you see Trump blatantly lying..
    Cult members will believe that even the kool-aid isn’t poison
    . (i.e. jim jones 1970’s)

  4. George George nice try on getting him to tell the truth a Liar will always lie because they have no conscious, but nice try George I watch you everymorning your great sir….🙋

  5. Why don't they release whole interview? What's with showing bits and pieces that too with their commentary? Cutting in the middle of the answer to make news headlines. At least show the complete answer. They had so much problem with Barr releasing conclusions before the report. But they are running with half a sentence for weeks and not showing complete interview.

  6. Why is it in every public appearance, Trump looks like he's on the porcelain throne pinching a loaf? But at least he says "Excuse me" a lot, even though it doesn't mean excuse me but "STFU, little wise guy."

  7. Yes, trump George Stephanoplous is being very "wise" he is calling your bluff…yet you continued to lie to him and "bluff" her way through this whole interview. And if trump had actually read the Mueller report he wouldn't keep repeating "No collusion no collusion"…collusion is NOT a legal word or term. The word Conspiracy is…and it is in the report…

  8. What a DISGUSTING human being, let alone president trump is. He IS LYING to Stephanopolus, he did NOT answer any questions on Obstruction. Most written answers to questions by special counsel trump wrote "I do not recall, or "I don't remember" over and over again he wrote this. And McGahn's testimony to the special counsel had FACTUAL EVIDENCE from McGahn's statements about trump calling him and leaving a message instructing him to "get rid of Mueller he has to go"…once McGahn testified this information you don't think Mueller didn't "retrieve' that phone message? Hello! OF course he did. Just like when Flynn told special counsel about the phone call a trump attorney made basically "warning Flynn" about loyalty to trump etc…and we all saw the documented evidence on paper of that phone message and we HEARD it outloud also. Special counsel "retrieved" the phone message. It's what they do, this is why it is called "an investigation"..trump is just full of himself and I think he would actually throw Don Jr. under the bus if he had to..for his own needs.

  9. George. News break providing a tax return is in no way a requirement to run or b president
    Let’s see Nancy Pelosi and chucks shimmers tax return. Let’s put ur tax return on the www. Ur proving trumps point constantly Ur fake news

  10. We really expected fair objective questions from ABC didn’t we 😑

    Damn wish he’d been that tough on obama and the Clinton’s but he knows that would be the end for him NEXT

  11. This is insane my god what a president… The guy just lies and lies and lies… he sounds like a girl when she's caught "out there" but just keeps on denying everything… even though you heard and seen everything with your own eyes and ears. What a time to be an American.

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