Trump says he wanted Pence to overturn election – Car Mod Pros Portal

In a press release, former President Donald Trump said he wanted former Vice President Mike Pence to “overturn the election.”


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Trump says he wanted Pence to overturn election”
  1. trump has been saying this about Pence turning over the election from day 1. He heard Pence say he didn't have the right to do it , and yet trump is still saying he is right that he could. Guy has no class, no common sense, and no brains. Just goes to prove the only ones he's talking to are his base , who still are waiting for JFK in Texas LOL,LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL,

  2. Trump is an evil idiot with tards for supporters – noone else is getting pardoned, not from 1/06 – the angry idiots are going to have to sit their butts down and do alltheir federal penitentiary time,… every day of it, and especially that main moron that was foolish enough to dress up with horns for the media while committing his felonies- trump is a looser has been and is not rescuing anyone so don't get your hopes up

  3. I wonder how many wantabe dictators around the world would love to have the freedom to lie to so many American voters.

  4. 45 of Nixon's enablers were eventually tried and convicted, but it took nearly three years. If the past is prologue, it could be 4500 enablers and a decade this time…

  5. • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES • 2000 MULES •

  6. Donald Trump could have a new job according to a note sent on Wednesday to members of The Mar-a-Lago Club, the exclusive resort where the former president now spends much of his time.
    Trump will be "playing the role of disc jockey" during dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings at the resort in Palm Beach, Florida, said the note, per senior journalist Maggie Haberman of The New York Time

  7. You know sometimes when you listen to people that think they the smartest person in the room and actually they can't walk into bubblegum at the same time and they keep telling the same lies eventually somebody going to listen. But what you're not hearing is with my mother always told me don't listen to what people are saying listen to what they not saying with Donald Trump is not saying is I'm blaming Mike pence for all of this

  8. It was the Democrat wife of a clans man that made plan Parent hood she said she was going to kill Israelites but she said black people of course before they were born that's pro-choice. This anglo doctrine being taught in schools is controlled by the Demarats. The fact a brother is treated bad because the welfare system pays out sisters and this anglo system shuts out brothers and now masculine males are a threat when unions were formed 2 years after the so called ending of slavery to protect the anglo-american because they couldn't compete with the Israelites Democrats support all that. This anti Christ system the Dems support, were Esau was born Red And Hairy God hated Esau. Esau became Edom, Edom became Greece and Greece became Rome and Rome became the Roman Catholic Church. Who pushes the white face savior? Revolutions 1:15 brother that's God's peoples skin color. The pictures on the pyramid walls of Israelites that's God's people you don't know that because Democrats are responsible for erasing your history! I Brother X 1963 Berkeley speech tells you who these people are they killed him for that I'm not Muslim I believe in the Bible but he was an educated brother. We have a President that used the N word called Israelite children cockroaches, said he was going to lock that one brother back in chains I could go on anglo-american Democrats support that. We will never have generational wealth under Democrats dictator ship. Learn your history Israelites gain your future!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mike Pence is a pile of 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  10. They should change the slogan to "Stop stealing my ego"…. It's bad enough being racist…. but come on idiots we don't believe your Alt-Right bullshit… gimme a break… "Come on man" lol…

  11. 45 of Nixon's enablers were eventually tried and convicted, but it took nearly three years. If the past is prologue, it could be 4500 enablers and a decade this time…

  12. So Biden/Harris say that 2016 election was fraudulent, and 2022 might be fraudulent, but the 2020 election was the most secure election ever, so secure, that no audit is needed.
    Sounds totally legit.

  13. The media has turned their back on the people of America and not been honest. ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, spent more than three years lying to the American people, saying that Russia colluded with Donald J. Trump to steal an election in 2016. And they knew that was false. They knew they were peddling lies and they did nothing to stop it. It was a complete hoax and it was a lie. And now they’re doing the opposite. We have evidence of corruption in our election and they refuse to cover it. They refuse to be honest with people of this country. It is disgusting what the media has done. And I think their days are numbered surviving all of this. When you’re lying to the people and you’re the media, it’s a bad business model. Fact check>>Face book fell 30% in 24hrs,

  14. Unless republicans make preemptive laws to STOP-Stop-stop as in literally stop the elections in midstride while it is in progress, the dems will reenact Jan 6th, once again. 2000 mules will turn into 2000 FBI undercovers raiding havoc.

    Remember, the special teams, FBI, CIA, national guard, state and local police were not on the same page on Jan 6th.

    The election process which grants both parties to be present means that there will be undercover law enforcement there from both sides. The deep state undercover will play dirty for the dems. Unless there is something done, it will be Jan 6th 2.0

    ALL suggestions from civilized people are welcome.

  15. After the Democrat Party voted him out of the White House in the 2020 Presidential Election, the Orange Pumpkin did not want to give up his Dream Job as Dictator In Chief. The Recent Release of Federal Archive Records showed that #45 went Full Blown Dictator for about 20 days trying to get the DOJ to help him steal the 2020 Presidential Election. The Orange One is a Professional Organized Criminal and it would be Very Befitting for him to get a date in Criminal Court with Lady Justice.

  16. In other words, Trump knew he lost the election, despite of his claims that he won by a landslide, and he wanted Pence to overturn those results. There were other backup plans to try to hang on to power and all of them add up to treason. Trump needs to face justice. His supporters should decide whether they want to continue supporting this traitor or support the USA. You can't do both.

  17. so by what republicans say the vp can overturn an election remember republicans Kamala Harris will be at the next one 🤣🤣

  18. Straight out of his own mouth. That's straight up a coup. Lock him and his hogs up. Now we know exactly where the election fraud came from.

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