Trump says economy is ‘strong’ amid Dow plunge | ABC News

Trump says economy is ‘strong’ amid Dow plunge | ABC News

President Donald Trump tweeted that the economy is “strong” as he is trying to ease fears about a trade war with China.

#ABCNews #PresidentTrump #Tweet #Economy #Recession #TradeWar #China #DowJones #Stock


29 thoughts on “Trump says economy is ‘strong’ amid Dow plunge | ABC News

  1. Walking in Obama’s shoes. 10 1/2 year boom. Thanks President Obama. You created an economy that even trump
    Couldn’t screw up.
    1.3 million MORE new jobs created in last 3 years of Obama’s term than 1st 3 years of trumps. After his 1st year – when he steered the economy out of recession and away from a likely depression real gdp growth averaged 2.1%. Right where it is now.
    Obama brought the unemployment rate down from 10% to 4.8%. It has fallen a whopping 1.3% since trump took office.
    Rising wages are offset by larger inflation. Stock market is up 47% under trump. At this point in Obama’s first term it was up 57.9%.
    Trump has been a con man and a liar all his life. He has been banned from having anything to do w charities. Who
    The fuck cheats charities?

  2. 🇺🇸 Nice 👍 President Trump Economy is Really Experiencing a Middle-Class Boom — This Data Doesn't Lie like the a Fake News and Democrats do.
    The $5,003 rise in middle-class incomes under President Trump is impressive—especially given that incomes rose only $1,200 under former President Obama in the 7-years after the recession ended, Stephen Moore writes. “The majority of middle-income households have benefited financially from the Trump economic boom.” President Trump gets my conservative Democrat vote again in 2020. Democrats trying to impeach President Trump for 3 years because they know they have nobody that can beat President Trump. Nobody period!

  3. All the Trump haters below will be disappointed again in 2020.  The economy shows no signs of cooling off.  A trade deal will be made with China.  There are no Democratic candidates who have a positive uplifting vision for America.  Only the loonies who want to give away the store and dismantle our democracy brick by brick. Trump will win easily.

  4. do y'all remember when trump said Mexico was gonna pay for the wall? (Mexico ain't paying)

    do y'all also remember when trump said china was gonna be paying for the tariffs that he placed on Chinese made products meant for US consumers? (now he said he is rolling the new tariffs back cause it may affect the pocketbooks of American consumers during Christmas… )

    how can anyone trust this fool?

  5. I am totally against Trump now on a another issue that nobody is bringing up that made me leave the Republican party after 14 years and I am not for the Democrats on some areas as well. The area and reason I left besides not being brought up by any political leaders, also proved that not a single Trump supporter could defend ever over the last 3 months at all in his defense. But anyways, regardless, having the lowest points of the year on wall street happens once a year under any presidency anyhow. Every year, there is a worst day and the best day of the year, it's normal. But I hate it that Trump blames everyone else when the slightest thing goes wrong but if anything goes right even if he had no involvement in it, he pushes himself into the picture like he was responsible for it.

    He blames everyone acting like they were to blame when negative things arise as he did here in this situation and appoints people to oversee everything but yet all his staff has stated that Trump is involved with everything while keeping on the low in people's direct observations. So he is to blame yet he loves playing the blame game. He has been like this since day one of his presidency yet when he had his reality TV show, was it not just the opposite? People need to vote him out in 2020 period the end. Make America Great Again by getting rid of Trump, Mitch and any other of PUTTINS puppets in 2020.

  6. A disconnected narcissist doesn't give one crap if more than half of the people can't even afford tires to replace bald tires until his ass is riding in a limo on the interstate and somebody struggling financially has a blowout and hits his car head on or crash on a bridge that need repair. That's how stupid this money greed game is. Cut nose off despite your face thinking. The unecessary violence and chaos stemming from economic deprivation is the last thing on their mind. Meanwhile boost about the economy when the real indicators beg to differ.

  7. Trumps top economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, is famous for saying in 2008 on air and in print that the Bush bull market was intact as the global economy was collapsing all around him. Then he spent all of the Obama recovery crying about how bad the economy was. Trump just hires the worst of the worst in every case. Political hacks and scammers.

  8. It's called a correction, and it is what happens after a large spike. The Dow is right back to the same point it was at this time last year. When comparing to this time (august) in 2014, DOW is up $8k. 20 seconds looking that up and I can see that it is actually behaving like the rest of the stock market, wait until the end of the year (when companies dump money in the stock market) to compare to the previous year, not during a typically slow trading time (summer) The American Economy is going strong right now and will continue as long as the democrats don't take control…key word there is take…

  9. 👎👎👎👎 yea rigth,

  10. It IS strong…idiots (read in this case leftists) are always cared out of their stocks when the slightest bad news hits. Yesterday up 99 points, so far today back up yet another 296 points. This is us, making money off the stupid with stocks and all while laughing at how morons do not understand how the economy works.

    ZERO jobs will be list from that dip a few days ago and with more Americans working now than ever in history, the economy is strong via having so many people with money to spend which will cause even more gains in the very near future.

    JOBS are the economic indicator…tools.

  11. “Nothing wrong here” said the Russians during Chernobyl…

  12. How did,you liget the,ruchssan SHOUT though 4 MISSAEL at tge,USA to day it blow over Kansas I mid air the,FORES filed BLOCKED it to 3 hours a GO the crypt KINGS OF RUCHSA AND NORTH KREOA fired 4 misaels and I BLOCKED THIM win you going to STOP this

  13. You'd think after 3 to 3.5 years of the major networks, both legacy and cable, pushing conspiracy theories that anybody with an IQ above room temperature could tell was nonsensical that people would wake up. But no they still come to places like this for their source of "news". There is no hope for this country simply because there are far too many people who are too dumb to actually do any critical thinking… and too lazy to even do so much as 2 seconds of research.

  14. You guys keep saying it's strong as you guys sit in your million dollars mansions and you guys don't have to drive down a street and see all the abandoned houses, the homeless, and you don't hear the many people saying they apply for jobs but never get hired, many people hiring but never hire, just signs in the window. So all this economy is strong is bull shit

  15. "Herp a derp, daily stock market fluctuations are representative of an overall trend!" ABC proving once again that either they're idiots or they think their viewers are.

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