Trump responds to Jan. 6th hearing – Car Mod Pros Portal

The former president is accusing Democrats in Congress of attempting to distract from other major issues like inflation and skyrocketing gas prices. ABC News’ Justin Finch reports.


By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “Trump responds to Jan. 6th hearing”
  1. This is the guy that booked the Four Seasons by the porno shop for the press conference but ok let’s go with him.

  2. ABC News, if you hadn't pushed that Russia Hoax for three years, you might have some credibility on this. As it is, we will wait for the new committee in January to get to the bottom of this, as well as the 574 riots in 2020 that you encouraged nightly.

  3. President Trump told the supporters to go home peaceful and be loved them and nor to do anything unlawful. The President Trump was giving his speech when the Riots were involved in the Capital building

  4. When he waves his hands in front of his audience, he’s secretly saying “ you’ve imagined all of this. This never happened”… and presto! Their hypnotized. That’s all it takes for people with lie IQs. Thank you president trump for stealing our money! They chant back! What a joke!

  5. I think in the future if you can't go to the polls to vote then just too bad. The mail in Ballots proved not to be good for our election integrity.

  6. Thesenpeople blew up the tax office to cover there trail of corporate greed and I can say for sure you are 100 right that that was overthrown and they even still have people coming in tryingbtonuse proganda I guarantee you there friends in the capitol riot were all set up and that was staged

  7. Omg everyone in the world knows the election was rigged and paid for by big tec and sorboes like how stupid and embarrassing can these dems get….nz

  8. Trump has never been able to accept loss of any sort and it is obvious that the man would use any means to “win” this past election. It showed me that Trump refused to listen to all the police from all the people to bring the insurrection to an end. It actually looks like he was enjoying his little power ride, even as short-lived as it was. The USA deserve better than this.

  9. According to an entry dated January 30, 2019, Ashley stated, I have always been boy crazy,’ she wrote. ‘Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).”

  10. Biden’s Intimidation Campaign Causes Assassination Attempts Against the US Supreme Court. Increasingly Dangerous Decision Making By Biden Causing Numerous Problems for Americans Daily.

  11. BLM Bidens laptop matters. Collapse of the US economy is what Biden is bringing. Focus America. Clintons, Soros, Obama, Biden, Hunter

  12. Trump accomplishments as president:
    —The $1.5 trillion Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,

    —Total employment (peaking at 158,803,000 working Americans in December 2019) never was higher. Black and Hispanic unemployment sank to their lowest levels ever, with female unemployment the lowest since President Dwight Eisenhower. Median household income in 2019 hit a record $68,703 — up 6.8% from 2018. Wages grew a healthy 3.6% that year, even as the left’s favorite adult toy, income inequality, slid for the second consecutive year under Trump, after rising under President Barack Obam
    —America’s poverty rate fell to 10.5% in 2019, a record low, with Black poverty at 18.8%, its first year ever below 20 %.
    —Stock markets soared, thanks to Trumponomics. Since January 20, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed from 19,732 to 30,814 Friday — up 56.2%. On Trump’s watch, the S&P 500 has rocketed from 2,263 to 3,768 — a 66.5 % boost. And the NASDAQ has grown from 5,540 to 12,998 — 134.6% higher. This is spectacular news for billionaires on yachts and, more important, some 78 million Americans with IRAs, 401(k)s, traditional pensions, and other workplace retirement plans.

    —Trump’s approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline, oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, fracking projects, and other initiatives have made America energy independent. The U.S. is now a net energy exporter, to OPEC’s regret and the frustration of Russian President Vladimir Putin — Trump’s "boss," according to four years of baseless, unsubstantiated, evidence-free Democratic lies.
    —For those who care, expanded natural gas production under Trump helped cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions to their lowest level since 1985.
    —Trump and the GOP Senate placed 231 constitutionalist jurists on the federal bench: Three Supreme Court justices, 54 appellate judges, and 174 trial-court appointees. The 2nd (New York City), 3rd (Philadelphia), and 11th (Atlanta) circuit courts of appeals all had Democratic-nominated majorities in 2017. Trump’s designees have turned these into Republican-majority appellate bodies.

    —Trump’s signature on the First Step Act criminal-justice reform ended mass-incarceration and let some 3,100 largely Black, non-violent offenders begin new, mainstream lives in fiscal year 2019. FSA's inmate releases are expected to increase in FY 2021 by 8,700.  
    —The president pushed school choice, expanded educational savings accounts to cover K-12 students, reauthorized the DC Voucher Program with $85 million in funds, stabilized assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, conditioned federal assistance to colleges on their defense of campus free speech, and (by shredding Obama’s Title IX guidance letter) restored due process for college students (mainly men) often falsely accused of sexual misconduct.
    —Trump vastly improved Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, launched veterans medical choice, strengthened health savings accounts, required medical price transparency, and secured for terminally ill patients the right to try experimental drugs. 

    —Trump was the first president to address the National March for Life in person, rather than literally phoning in his remarks. He blocked Title X funds to Planned Parenthood and halted subsidies for abortions overseas.
    —The president fought for a southern border wall, to stop entry by illegal immigrants, gang members, drug smugglers, terrorists and others who break into America without permission. Overcoming relentless Democratic objections, Trump ultimately prevailed. 
    In fact, the president Tuesday celebrated 452 miles of steel and concrete wall along the southern frontier. This distance roughly separates Manhattan from Greensboro, N.C., and connects San Diego and San Francisco. Consequently, federal apprehensions and encounters on the U.S.-Mexico border have plunged from 977,509 in fiscal year 2019 to 458,088 in fiscal year 2020 — down 53.1%.

    —Trump dumped the cost-rich, benefit-poor Paris Climate Accord.
    —Unlike the last three presidents, Trump finally obeyed the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act and moved America’s diplomatic mission to Israel’s capital.
    —Trump scrapped Obama-Biden administration’s absurd, ayatollah-friendly Iran-nuclear deal.

    —Trump flushed Obama-Biden’s asphyxiating rules of engagement and sicced U.S. and friendly forces on ISIS in early 2017. By year’s end, the bloodthirsty, primitive, Islamic-extremist caliphate — which Obama-Biden let swell to the size of two New Jerseys — was blasted clean off the map.
    —ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iranian terror master Qasem Soleimani both were killed via American force.

    —Under Trump’s guidance, Israel signed the Abraham Accords — four peace agreements (and the first since 1996) between Jerusalem and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

    —The president confronted China. He applied trade sanctions for its cheating and intellectual property theft, locked up its spy-choked Houston consulate, slapped travel bans on top officials, and more.
    —While Trump’s diplomacy with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un did not denuclearize that country, the North halted the underground nuclear bomb tests and long-range missile flights that chilled the Obama-Biden years.
    —The president harangued America’s NATO allies to keep their word and spend at least 2% of GDP on common defense.

  13. Start handing down indictments, it doesn't matter the repercussions, its our last chance to defend our Democracy against the gOP.

  14. He told his followers not to watch but he was glued to the scream.

    As long as they didn't see it he can lie about what was said.

    Even if they did see it he'd still lie about what was said

  15. It was real news but for u, it was fake news that got you worried about giving someone else's a tried. LoL winking 😜 emojis the time your secret services said a shot fired in the white house campaign. That made the news reported a "WOW,"

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