Trump responds to former US ambassadors testimony | ABC News

Trump responds to former US ambassadors testimony | ABC News

The president is staunchly defending his tweets about the former ambassador to Ukraine.

#Trump #ImpeachmentHearing #Tweet #MarieYovanovich #Ukraine #ABCNews


27 thoughts on “Trump responds to former US ambassadors testimony | ABC News

  1. I hope AG Barr comes out with his report soon. I am way more interested in his investigation than the circus happening right now. Not even wasting my time to watch the impeachment circus….nothing there, unfair process when Repubs can't even call witnesses they want to.

    Wa State independent voter…my vote goes to Trump in 2020! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

    Please dont stop tweeting.
    You have a right to speak.
    You have a right to speek
    anytime you want. And i have a right to have you as my president. If the dems cant stand having you as president they should get out today.

  3. Keep on faith mister president in that purpose sir that God will help our spiritual battle against North korean leader ideas,

    The fart purpose sir, God wants to link your imagination and your fart against North korea leader, so everytime you fart God wants you to link your fart with your imagination, imagining you are farting in the power of North korea leader, saying that shits will happens there in his power

    God likes to gain battle by crazy ways, different ways that we not imagine sometimes as we see in some stories of the bible, so makes the purpose if not maybe their shits will have value against you guys

  4. Trump 2020 ❤️❤️🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. 2:22 Squirrel alert! White House squirrel dash!

  6. Oh well, AB FREAKING C is now turning off all comments on video regarding prince Andrew, HK protest, French Protests, etc etc. Yeah, very good at reporting the half truths and semi facts, where IS the ABC of yester years that has some balls to call things out.

  7. Trump is really the most transparent president ever. He does nothing to hide the fact that he is a pathological liar, a betrayer of three wives, a molester of countless women, a tax cheat, and a nincompoop!

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