Trump remembers coronavirus victims – Car Mod Pros Portal

The remarks came after he was criticized over the weekend for spending more time touting his administration’s response than offering empathy to hurting families.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Trump remembers coronavirus victims”
  1. Mr. President. Amazing how you can talk about the victims of pandemic and economy , all in one sentence. You say nothing from your heart, just read the text. Zero empathy! You are pathetic Mr. President!

  2. Totally mechanical, lifeless reading of remarks he clearly cares nothing about, though he picks up when he starts thinking about himself. And the money that our being forced back into the workplace will make for him before we die.

  3. The veiled 'remembrance speech' is nothing but a farce. Too little too late, reading those words like a child forced to recite a poem to aunties he barely knows. No emotion. And in the wake of the amount of stuff he has spouted over the last few months is atrocious, and now has the gall to stand on a podium and do this??

    He tells a nationally broadcast press conference that "Injecting disinfectants" and shoving your face in front of UV light is a way to halt the virus. And then says he isnt responsible for emergency cases regarding poisonings VIA disinfectant injection. When you are in a position of one of the most influential people on earth, your words CARRY. People look UP to you, in hope's you can take them to better times.

    Get him out of the White House. Get him out of the elections. Bring back Bernie Sanders.


    If Obama had said any of this, he would have been investigated and promptly removed from power FORTHWITH. But Trump gets away with it. You know why? Because hes white. Argue with me all you want, it's the truth.

    Trump will destroy his country, and destroy this planet. His dismissal of Climate Change was the beginning, and now we are swiftly approaching the end.

    Glad to have lived my nearly 20 to witness the biggest mistakes of humanity reap its consequences.

  4. Well read Trump. Read it straight from the heart. You read that without sarcasm. You read ut like it mattered. Thank you Trump for all the reading you have been doing throughout this difficult time.

  5. HAS the United States lost its way? A system where, out of 300 million people, a narcissistic, self-absorbed, egomaniacal serial liar could rise to the top tells me there is undeniably something wrong with the process of electing a president.

    A system where ignorant uneducated people could elect such a vile excuse for a human being is deplorable. A system where a man with an outlook on basic human decency is equivalent to that of a juvenile delinquent could have his fingers even near the nuclear buttons clearly has to be reformed. A system that allows an obvious half-wit to be sitting in the Oval Office making decisions that affect the very survival of the human race is — at best — ridiculous, reckless, broken and laughable. At worst — simply terrifying.

    A system where a man so obviously intellectually unqualified being president of the United States screams the need of a nomination process that ensures a qualified leader with a verifiable familiarity of mathematics, economics, science, and ethics ends up being the nominee of a political party.

    The American voters Need to end this madness and Vote this Baffoon out of the Oval Office We need to act now before he does something truly horrifying.

  6. Trump should be held accountable for time he wasted reacting to this Terrible CORONAVIRUS .Three whole months wasted. He Has the Blood of Thousands on His Tiny Hands. The Bloviating Self Congradulatory Racist Moron pretending he knows what's going on in the world! The Ineptness of this President is Insanity! Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Moron that holds the lives of Millions in his Hands.. God help us! The Baffoon Literally can't String Two Sentences together without lying or Patting Himself on the Back. The Fox News Opinion Hosts are Complicent in this Crime. Just a Few Short Days Ago, Trump and the Fox News Backside Kissers were saying to their Viewers that the Corona Virus was a Left Wing Democrat Hoax! Completely Mind Boggling.

  7. Ya, its a NEWS, he still remember somebody keeps dying every single day and every minute! 😲😲😲

  8. Zero emotion towards the lost 🤦‍♀️ awful. Please stop these horrible briefing. You’ve lost the confidence of the American people who have brain cells.

  9. He creates the problem, he acts like he's fixing his problem, so he can say he fixed his problem when he leaves it up to everyone else.

  10. Hello America, I’m President Trump. As you may know, I downplayed this virus to the point where I was forced to acknowledge it as a threat. I then promoted unproven cures like hydroxychoroquine in which I have several financial ties to its major manufacturers. I then was caught on camera looking at a sign saying “sunlight interferes with virus transmission” and “disinfectants like bleach kill the virus” right before suggesting that you inject disinfectants into the human body to kill off the virus. My supporters put too much emotional investment in me & don’t want to admit their mistakes so they kindly tried looking up articles featuring topics vaguely similar to the words “sunlight” and “disinfectants” to make me sound like a genius with a hidden plan. The one about light still in testing phase and the one about ozone literally impossible unless it’s in concentrations that are toxic to humans. Now, I could’ve elaborated that via tweet, Fox News interviews, or official statement, but instead I chose sarcasm as my excuse.

    Now that my ratings are falling, I’m faking an emotional plea to virtue signal my way back to the top! Sounds kinda odd given my party’s hatred of signaling but then again, they hated celebrities but elected me, a lot of them are religious but are ok with my antics, and claim to hate authoritarian iron-fisted governing but have no limit on how painful a punishment can be in order to “deter” illegal immigrants, marijuana smokers, people they simply don’t like etc.

    Remember folks, it’s ok to lie your ass off as long as it gets you in power

  11. Thanks to the doctors, nurses, aides, cafeteria workers, environmental services staff and pharmacies. Not Trump. As a Republican, his fundamental belief is to have minimal federal involvement. he wanted to take a hands off approach from the beginning. that’s what he did and that mentality bit him in the ass. unfortunately a trickled down and killed thousands of Americans. The virus is not his fault, we should’ve had an infectious disease task force in place to address this emergency. We were clearly unprepared, one of the richest nations in the world, and we found out that everybody is just living paycheck to paycheck and when they needed help from the government, they couldn’t get it. I hope this teaches us that the entire concept of feeling safe because you live in a rich country is complete nonsense. The things we tell ourselves are lies. it can all fall apart in eight weeks, as we almost saw over the last two months.

  12. Have you guys did a comparison between asian countries death count which only number in the hundreds against america that is more than 56,000. American families should sue Trump GOP for bludering mistakes that cause this stagering deaths. Even India with the worst health care system does way way better than us.

  13. Where are the guys that used to make fun of Obama because he read from teleprompter? trump can’t even read a paper in front of him.

  14. USA
    Total Test : 5,696,928
    Infected : 1,010,356
    I think almost everyone in USA already have the virus.
    Methods used in other countries might not work in America

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