The president responded to Ambassador Gordon Sondlands testimony on the White House lawn with his own handwritten talking points.
Historic public impeachment hearing underway: Live updates and analysis
#ABCNews #BreakingNews #Trump #Impeachment #Hearing #Politics #Sondland #Ukraine
It sounds like the desperate cries of a criminal that has been caught in the crosshairs. According to the POTUS if you're not fake new,s you will lie and give a good depiction of what happened in the press.
His voice… Like nails on a chalkboard. Shouts: I'm always in a good mood!!!!
Even Alec Baldwin can't match this hilarious performance
Mr. Trump, you are talking in present, future and past tense all at the same time. How are you "just" talking to Sonlund WHILE he is testifying at the impeachment hearings in Congress?
Gosh this sure sounds familiar.
"Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That's not how he operates. In conversations we had during the campaign, at the same time I was actively negotiating in Russia for him, he would look me in the eye and tell me there's no business in Russia and then go out and lie to the American people by saying the same thing. In his way, he was telling me to lie…And so I lied about it, too — because Mr. Trump had made clear to me, through his personal statements to me that we both knew were false and through his lies to the country, that he wanted me to lie."
Closing Time for Ukraine. A poem by Donald Trump (ft. Tom Waits)
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Why is this clown always infront a noisy plane and helicopter where the fuck he be going ???
"I want nothing from ZILLINSKY"
Who ACTUALLY says “I want no quid pro quoâ€ÂÂÂÂ
" I want nothing, i want no quid pro quo." That's the moment Schiff's sphincter tightened up like he just saw a fucking ghost. CHECK AND MATE, liberal assholes.
This dude’s a dork.
He sounds like the guy who lives in a bus shelter and shouts at squirrels!
This is Nixon's I'm not a crook.
OMG. He's officially a rambling, senile old man.
Sondland has a million motives not to incriminate the president. But he did. Principled. Unlike Republican Senator Money Grubs.
You want nothing? You said it twice? Three time's the charm.
"I WANT NOTHING" should be put on a Christmas sweater.
Well, it was written in Stable Genius Sharpie, so it has to be true. #magicsharpie
This feels so bizarre holy shit
What a silly fuck
This man is our Savior
Taylor Swift Amas 2019
Just gonna leave this here
Just listen to this turd trying his hardest to be coherent. Took you stupid fuckers what – 3 fucking *YEARS* – to realise he's a fucking loonie?!?! Really??
I need a song made out of this like they did that hide your kids hide your wife song
Words of a really desperate man.
Yeeeeah, he's definitely guilty. Trump didn't know what quid pro quo meant until a month ago.
Trump probably wrote this before he came out on the lawn
Trump needed to read notes about what he said? The amount of times he looks down to repeat the same quote is weird.
lol this whole bit is really unhindged he rambles on and its just sad lol lol.
I really have no idea what is happening or going on…but Donald Trump is the reason I am have followed politics the past couple of years because it has been so entertaining.
Oh my god…I saw the notebook on facebook and though it was a joke. This size of his writing…and in sharpie!
What a great person – President Trump at his best! Love to watch him!
parrot 🙂
Trump: "I want nothing. I want nothing."
Also Trump: "I would like you to do us a favour, though."
Doesn't sound like he wanted nothing… And he called SONDLAND in Europe. Why? To check up on the status of the nothing he wanted??
I tell my sports buddies and naysayers that President Trump is like that tough coach that you know some people just don't like (some even hate) – but we know that a tough coach is good for you because he will say things that you don't like to hear – but will make you and the team better.
"I'm not a crook"
The Dems look really stupid…
Pro-Pedophile ABC….. FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS…..
You do talk too loud!