Trump reacts to report on Russia probe, FBI director speaks out l ABC News

Trump reacts to report on Russia probe, FBI director speaks out l ABC News

The official watchdog report on the origins of the Russia investigation found that, despite failures, the FBI was justified in opening its probe into the Trump campaign.

#ABCNews #Trump #IGReport #FBI #ChristopherWray


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45 thoughts on “Trump reacts to report on Russia probe, FBI director speaks out l ABC News

  1. Sou o ant Cristo gue não e contra Cristo e sim o verdadeiro evangelho o dono do planeta terra estou com Cristo com deus sou telepata preciso de ajuda meu nome e Edson Gabriel Cassiano apelido cabeça nasci na terra pra pasifica e evoluir o mundo, moro en natal no rio grande do norte Brasil no bairro igapó. O ant Cristo e bliblico

  2. 🇺🇲🇺🇲TRUMP2020

  3. I will trust the fbi over the s-itting prez ….at least I know some of them AND russia did screw us….AND who loves putin= drump AND thats the bottom line. Once a liar always a liar . drump is a Christian my eye I would not put it past him if he put the 'dark state mombojumbo' on us from putins request! he/drump is the smartest person in the world….go ahead and ask him

  4. GOP => GO P => Go P => Go Putin
    Move to Russia, ye traitorous #&$!!!
    Im🍑🍊man !

  5. 🆓🍄+🎃 (in all this we forget about how it effects pumpkins!)

  6. No the COA was the Demonicrats drawing it out till they realized that they weren't going anywhere so they came up with the next ploy.Trump for president 2020 thanks to the Demonic rats

  7. Republitards look for any word misspelled to shout 'witch hunt!' when this on its whole this report is another fact-brick in the wall of evidence showing the corruption and treason of Trump and his Republitards.

  8. “ABC anchor Amy Robach was caught on camera suggesting that ABC killed her interview with dead alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein” now can you really trust them? Of course there is a Deep state! They probably own ABC news. What’s with the mustache lol

  9. Report comes out saying no bias and that the Russia investigation was justified: Trump says the report says the exact opposite. Yep, that's about what I expected from Trump. The man either lives on another plane of reality or just does not give two shits about telling the truth. Or possibly he has cognitive disabilities that make him think the report says something else. Or perhaps some combination of the three.

  10. Hahaha oh dopey donald you are so transparent 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. The system doesn’t work. We all need to vote every democrat out of office. Then the party needs to be dissolved. Furthermore, Shiff, Pelosi, Nadler, and others need to be charged with Treason.

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