Trump proposes economic changes over coronavirus l ABC News

Trump proposes economic changes over coronavirus l ABC News

President Donald Trump made plans to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, and also addressed supporting businesses during the crisis. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE:

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36 thoughts on “Trump proposes economic changes over coronavirus l ABC News

  1. I wonder if China put our debt in forbearance 🤔🤭

  2. In the Bible it states that the end of the world would be of desieses like plague.I feel they are trying to base this of the Bible because most of the U.S if Cristian and it would scare more of the U.S. population. It's bad but them closing down the U.S is what would happen in the Bible and they are taking this to Jurassic mesuares. It's not in alot of spots that they have closed down. This always happens near election. Think of spine flu, they said that was the end of the world. This is like a distraction while he takes our money. This can help any sanation companys get the most money and doctors office. This is crazy they are taking this to far.

  3. We need economic changes. We need to become more independent instead of relying on China. The fact that China threatened to cut off medical supplies AMIST the outbreak just shows they are not even capable of being trade partners.
    Fck China

  4. Covid 19 has a deeper meaning we don’t know about.

  5. payroll tax release does exactly one thing, blocks money into the pockets of business men! The employees aren't getting paid and the government is getting the tax money, and it's exactly the employees and the government that needs money NOW more than ever. This may be Trump's stupidest decision yet, that will tank the economy by raising inflation to ever new highs, as both employees and the state will have to rely on yet more debt from banks, and banks will just print out more money as it does.. say hi to coronavirus and then say hi to inflation ! God save the next administration from the Trump virus !

  6. "Too little, too late." Trump is taking half measures when swift and decisive action is called for to calm the panic on Wall Street and Maine Street. In contrast Xi Jinping locked down China, built ten hospitals in ten days, staffed it with healthcare personal from around the country. Testing was done on a massive scale and those infected, quarantined. The populace were told to stay home and all gatherings banned. They did all this in three months. And they seem to have done it. Infection rates and death rates are down and slowly restrictions eased. While President Trump bumbles along and only now seems to comprehend the gravity of the Coronavirus pandemic with thousands dead and Iranians digging burial tranches a 100 yards long. And Trump institute a semi travel ban from Europe. Why? The Coronavirus is already here in most of the states and infecting hundreds if not thousands. What a fool.

  7. My fellow Americans
    It will pass. We must all do our part and minimize the situation as much as we can. It is up to us, not just the government and the medical providers.
    We must all help each other in the way this current pandemic requires. You help each other by containment. We are all in the same boat. Money doesn’t mean more than lives. Public health is at the highest priority right now. You may be able to survive or be healthy enough, but are your grandparents? Think about this. The severity of our current situation is critical and will get worse. The problem is that the incubation period can be up to 21 days. They don’t really know. This means You can spread it while not having symptoms.
    Which makes this virus very dangerous. This is not a time to argue and be bi partisan, this is a time for us to Unite. We are strong and we will pull threw. Everyone must contain and reduce they’re public exposure as much as we can.
    This is what they should be telling you right now, unfortunately that is not the message.

  8. Trump does not have anything under control. We need tests, tests and more tests. Trump has to stop lying and saying tests are available for anyone who wants one. There are no tests and Trump had better make sure that tests are made available.

  9. Sounds like this is Democrat’s media, remember the news reporter shouldn’t present his own opinion to mislead the audience. Still strongly support Trump’s administration. At this point, they do the best on their work. I quit to follow ABC news from now on!

  10. The World Health Organization was willing to start providing America with Test Kits over a month ago. The Trump administration said No they didn't want them. ABC is complicit with the Trump administration in hiding Trump's incompetence in handling this crisis and won't tell you this

  11. Like the media response has been great. They've been salivating over anything to hurt Trump this year, so they did everything they could to panic the public, instead of informing them in how to rationally and calmly prepare.

  12. We the Planet government going to take over China, as the Lord gave me visions about secret laboratory there of North korea secret agents to study and create virus, or to be receiving and passes virus, we going to be there in investigate every feet of that nation,… we received order from the Lord to keep the eyes opened to that side of the globe because have people there that the Lord told me that are studying and making experience wih virus, and how to create virus, that can even try to kill millions of people in the globe, they judges that they are different, they could try that, since vírus is also a invisible type of weapon to kill people, since is hard to see a virus with naked eyes, so if they creates a virus and uses to attack the population of the globe if we not be close to them to stop fast this attack maybe could be harder after the virus spread

    I want to call this mission of sharp flag mission

  13. God forgive me, for using some of my Profits to stay in Business. 😭😭😭

  14. Why is the stock market and the gold and silver prices falling. I didn't think both could fall like this at the same time ??? What is the real reason for this , with out reading a book.

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