A key part of the president’s plan is a payroll tax cut but even some Republicans are skeptical, suggesting it’s a Band-Aid and not a solution.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Trump #EconomicRecoveryPlan
During COJIM partnership meeting on the 03/10/2020, the man of God, Christopher Orji stated prophetically that President Trump will recover in few days. Here we are seeing him live: hale & hearty and walking freely. The virus couldn’t slump him down, in fact, he looks just very fine. This is a fact that can only be explained as miracle from God through the many prayers of his anointed servant Christopher Orji. A diseases that brought so many men to their knees. A disease with no cure and average recovery period is nothing short of 2 weeks. But President Trump was cleared in just few days.
This can only be God whose Words of prophecy is at work in COJIM. So many victims has been healed of COVID in COJIM watch this video: https://youtu.be/W0OKIU-tSdg.
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Call for live one-on-one prayers, deliverance, healing, Salvation and all of God’s blessings using COJIM WhatsApp PRAYERLINE:
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Christopher Orji Ministries – COJIM
God bless Trump. God bless America. Trump 2020
Youtube is wrong for recommending this to me after he get diagnosed with the virus 🤣
President Trump, stop the Socialism! Your FED has given $7 trillion (and counting) to failing corporations. These corps has used it to boost their stock prices without actually improving productivity or hiring workers. When you were a canditate, you castigated Obama for bailing out GM (now in China). Now you are doing the same for Boeing (737 Max) and Tesla (Giga Factory in China). http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst_recenttrends.htm
Trump, you're doing great. Keep going 🙂
Restaurants are forced to be closed. I will get no pay check. How can I pay my bills?
Trump: Remember the phrase "…on my watch…"
The aid proposal/plan expects small businesses to be out non-working employee pay until the following year taxes are due when they are eligible for tax credits. What will this plan do for businesses that don't have the cash to do this because they are closed or struggling? They say they will be eligible for low interest loans. I can only imagine the uncertainty, delays and paperwork involved. Much safer to do layoffs. The auto industry bailout cost 78 Billion. 50 billion for this disaster ? It will eventually cost that much for airline help
alone. This is a trillion dollar mess. There won't be a "bump" – we have an economy reliant on credit, trendiness and entertainment.
Fragile. There is no gold rush here. We are not the worlds' hardware store. We don't have enough oil. Even our currency is not enough. Bernanke said "credit is the backbone of the economy". Too many have thought that was true. The reality is that production is. We have been running in the wrong race.
Waiiitt so are you saying the Democratic doesn’t want a tax cut?!?!?’ It’s like opposite day for them!
We'll have an hour long documentary style negative campaign ad by November. But his worshippers will call it fake news ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
Virus crisis? Oh yeah, my mom read me that story when I was a kid. It had a main character named Chicken Little. Trump is right wether anyone believes it or not. Sadly this is the one plan that’s actually working out for the Dems. All the panic is bs & people are doing exactly what Pelosi & Schumer want them to.
TRUMP 2020. You can never stump the Trump he is the jewel of the will of the American people. We are proud of our president and need to stand by his side, he's a human he can make a mistake too. At the end of the day he didnt create the virus. Only so much anyone can even do about it, for Gods sake it killed doctors who were trying to combat it. Trump is doing his best. God save the Trump.
How about protecting the health of American citizens
Screw the cruise industry. None of those ships are registered in America. Let the Bahamas or wherever deal with them.
They don't care about our health or well being just their money and control. Organize your own community.
Media far more toxic than virus
#Trumpvirus2020….a more fitting legacy and an easier to remember name for the virus.Trump likes his name on stuff anyways.
The orange one is showing his true colors….a yellow stripe down his back…
How are we going to pay for this?
Italy: what to do while country closed?
P***Hub: yes
Is it state payroll tax or federal payroll tax cut? Not all states have payroll tax
Trump is such an idiot.
Well Trump listen to Fox News the Russian propaganda machine that's why we don't have coronavirus test kits out in this country as of March 12th 2020 we've had 11,000 kits sent out through the US and we have over 300 million people in this country Trump just can't handle the pressure this Coronavirus is doing to our country he's got to go maybe he'll catch the virus who knows how it reacts do people with dementia
Stay calm and it will go away?🦠👀🤦ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ💋
Total cases around the world==> https://youtu.be/Us7OGq_Tfro
Total cases around the world==> https://youtu.be/Us7OGq_Tfro
People need to quite panicking . The President is trying to keep everyone calm. He might not be wording it right but he's right. Everyone needs to stay calm. We have a very a small out break because of what Pres. Trump has done already. There will always be nay sayers and second guessers…..but their not helping their only over reacting and looking for someone to blame. 😎🇺🇸
Trump Needs To Unass The White House and Go To Hell, Trump Needs To Uneass The White House and Go To Hell, Trump Needs To Unass The White House and Go To Hell, Trump Needs To Unass The White House and Go To Hell, Trump Needs To Unass The white White House and Go Straight To HELL!!!ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥☄ðŸâ€ÂÂÂÂ¥
livre sur le virus enfant–>>https://youtu.be/Kl-JhK2ZDvs
“stay calm, it’ll go away†lmao wtf Trump
Lost 30k in 1 day in stocks because of trump. Get him out of here!!!
Trump sees this as a business problem. Not a health emergency. This delusion may cost him the White House.
“I feel GOODâ€ÂÂÂÂ- Donald J Trump… this is how potus the man that should be the smartest man in our country speaks. Let that sink in.
The fear is made by media
You could see he was in pain saying everything in this speech, he has refused to acknowledge the truth until now, when he is losing credibility and has to act.
Trumps only concern is the economy not Americans health. Don't listen to this idiot
Is this where the communist Bernie Bros hangout……..
Oh sorry this is the Anti American ,hope the economy crashes
Pro Coronavirus hype
DemonKKKrat hangout.
Dementia posterboy Biden,is your choice to lead
us where???????
If Trump manages to get payroll taxes cut he will win 3 to 1 come November
Oh they better watch out they don't want to make Chuck Schumer angry. He'll start spouting off threats