Trump may use executive order on census question

Trump may use executive order on census question

The president continues to push for the inclusion of the citizen question in the 2020 census.

#Trump #2020 #census #ABCNews #GoodMorningAmerica #GMADigital #president #citizen #US

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46 thoughts on “Trump may use executive order on census question

  1. Citizenship is what it's all about. No citizenship, no rights in that country. We all know that. No citizenship, no USA. Think about that. Alien. What is an alien. Even worse, what is an ILLEGAL Alien? Left wing liberal Democrats will rather destroy their own country than see reason in any form whatsoever. Wake Up Lib Dems. The alarm clock is still ringing.

  2. The census question concerning citizenship was on the questionnaire in 2000 when President Barack Obama was in office.  The next census 2010 the question was removed.  Do your homework the question has been on and then off the census throughout history.  The census information is all about federal money given to states.  It's about the money.

  3. President Trump is out of control and this needs to stop and we the people need to get up and start protesting over this and tell our government that we are not going to stand for anything more from this president. Ever since he has become president our country has been ripped apart and dissed organized all because of him. He has insulted us, embarrassed us, caused major damage between our allies while at the same time forming relationships with enemy countries that commit human violations, nearly walked us into another war that we don't need to be fighting, problems down at the southern border's with these crazy camps that he has set up and so much more. He has created dissent in our country with the different departments in DC as well as created racial situations to get even more inflamed because of him. If we have them for another four years it will get even worse and the next series of presidents will have to spend decades fixing everything that he has destroyed and spend the same amount of time trying to repair our relationship with our allies.

    Mark my words all we are on the brink of having World War III because of Trump and if we continue down this path with him we could very well be the starters of World War III and history if it survives will the United States as the bringer of death and that democracy and freedom will die forever.

    I don't know about the rest of you but I don't want to live under dictator rule and this is where Trump is going and this is why he want to stay in power.

    Just look what happened during July 4 with what Trump had done with our troops by displaying our military hardware the same way the Russian leader Putin and the leader of North Korea have done in the pass.

    All in one need to do is go read history and learn from it. Read about the events that occurred in Germany and how Hitler came to power and I think you will see some similarities happening right now here in our own country with Trump. For history is threatening to repeat itself and we must put a stop to it now before it happens.

  4. Now i think this is a good idea and the people who said no they are not citezens should be contacted and asked to fill out paperwork to become citizens … People.. illegal immigrants are not bad people most of them are from mexico. The mexican government cant keep them safe cartels control half of mexico they probably dont have a choice but to cross the border to live safe and no they cant just go through the border normally considering the state mexico is in those immigrants. Probably either cant afford passports or cant acces them most mexican immigrants have no choice but to cross illegaly to be safe illegal immigrants are not people to hate or to discriminate against or to deport they are people to help socially and finacially and we need to make a system for them to become citizens easily and with no cost

  5. This is a none topic really. MOST people don't fill it out. I damn sure never have or will in 60 years! My ancestors came here during Elizabethan Times 1500s so I'm legal but can you imagine illegals filling it out? lol Not happening. 350 mill people in America. They think it's 300 million lol but really, most toss it in trash where it belongs & others just fill it out in lies so it's NONE TOPIC. None of you fill it out and give honest answers. It goes in trash. Just the truth not a spin moment on faux or MSNBC BS stations. No law says you must fill it out. PUT IT IN THE TRASH AS A FREE CITIZEN WHO IS A PRIVATE PERSON. Don't tolerate City spy cams. Those from WW2 damn sure never would give up privacy for a tiny bit of extra protection! I spray paint them & gloss my lic tag to it's not visible to cams lol

  6. This is just silly, Trump catering to his misfits, the census happens every 10 years, Nothing will stop the so called illegals from answering yes I'm a citizen, no one ever follows up on the census.

  7. Dictator Don strikes again! How much more are we going to put up with? America we are being played by the wealthy 2 percent and we, the 98 percent are going along like sheep ready for the SLAUGHTER!! WE MUST LOVE THIS SHIT!! A UNINDICTED CRIMINAL SITS IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND NOBODY DOES A THING!

  8. The Federal court says such a question is unconstitutional. The President insists on including it anyway. This is a dereliction of his presidential duty (and oath) to protect the constitution. This all by itself should get him impeached if Congress had any balls.

  9. The citizenship question should not be a controversial issue. We must know how many lawbreakers, i.e., ILLEGAL aliens, aka ILLEGAL immigrants, stole into OUR country.

  10. Yeah , lets ask the orange anal ass-clown about his alien wife and her entire family that were green lighted into our country . Eat shit MAGA , what a bunch of deplorable morons .

  11. The whole point of a census is to find out about population.
    Citizenship should be a no brainer.
    They should get rid of race box and put ethnicity on: Europe, Asia, Africa, south American, native American and Eskimo.

  12. Maybe the native Americans should start deporting all the European invaders who came in by force and made their ways the rule of law on the land without native permission

  13. It’s unfortunate that Russia is going to re-elect him in 2020. ✌🏼❤️🌎🏳️‍🌈

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