Trump leads in Pennsylvania but over a million ballots still being counted | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The state is racing to process the mail-in ballots that could decide the race in a crucial battleground state. The mail-in ballots come from mostly Democratic constituencies.




#WorldNewsTonight #2020Election #Pennsylvania #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Trump leads in Pennsylvania but over a million ballots still being counted | WNT”
  1. Comments in SUMMARY REPLY of the situation post election: – SCIENTIFIC REASONS TO DIVORCE ANY PANDEMIC SCIENCE FROM ANY ELECTION POLITICS – Say by requesting court orders also to cease rival suppression and deleting, as herein, of republishing global health data extracted from JHU, WHO, WORLD BANK, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY DATA on COVID-19 "%-FATALITIES" in factual comparison of U.S. handling it vs. other nations, e.g. ~Nov 2 vs some ~Nov 9 to gauge changes: – Germany 1.97 [IMPROVED TO 1.72 by ~ Nov 9] – NL 2.11 [IMPROVED TO 1.95 by ~Nov 9] – Finland 2.20 [IMPROVED TO 2.03 by ~Nov 9] – U.S. 2.51 [IMPROVED TO 2.40 by ~Nov 9] – Brazil 2.89 – France 2.69 – Spain 2.89 – AU 3.28 – Canada 4.30 – UK 4.51 – Sweden 4.78 – China 5.39 – Iran 5.69 – Italy 5.47 – Mexico 9.92; – 1) I recuse myself, as scientist [BOOKS AT AMAZON], from debating political root causes of national election split, except a few verifiable background ones, like ''fake news'", which had caused reported media existential survival fear, hate response and acts to destroy Rival by all means, even by violating both media certifications and election by-laws/regulation [facts below] – acts gradually influencing herd emotional dynamics, and riots that risk a modern return to the 1000 yrs RETARDED SCIENCE since the murder of the greatest-ever-woman-scientist, Hypatia. [Wikipedia] – 2) NATIONAL SPLIT HEALERS? Living in Palm Beach, FL, I closely followed how our COURT, FL SC & U.S. SC as DUTY-DESTINY HEALERS OF THE UNION SPLIT, took a month and a half to effect it – 3) Like today, same duty and destiny first to stay both winners claims by polls, media, the 2 rivals – 4) What may be realistically requested today? FIRST, mitigate alleged election invalidity, like court ORDERS to DIVORCE pandemic science from Election politics – 5) For ~ten months, Media & Dem Camp, [MDC], try to defeat rival by scaring Voters while blaming RIVAL's failure to control big U.S pandemic NUMBERS – 6) KNOWINGLY, in endless daily published versions, starting from the famous CNN-ACOSTA DEFEATING RIVAL. MDC hides our unequivocally proving MDC LIBEL – which, with our data only reflects big U.S. population, detected more tech/methods & inflated numbers by hospitals [paid 4 each…? w or from COVID-19 %-FATALITIES – 7) Allegedly MDC delete, even here, the scientific data posted above, knowing these actions violate both media certification, and election by-laws/regulation – 8) The CNN-ACOSTA LIBEL WORKS WELL FOR MDC, ENCOURAGING EMAIL ATTACKS ON ME AS NON-SCIENTIST, FABRICATING DATA THAT I SHOULD DELETE IMMEDIATELY, and HACKING DAILY MY COMPUTER, even as I WRITE, adding Utube-Email-INSULTS [EMAILS SAFELY MULTY STORED] – 9) LAST ATTACK-VIOLATION?: The moment these comments were to be published at Utube under SC JUSTICE ALITO ORDERING PA to lock apart some PA VOTING FORMS, IT WAS DELETED. In vain, during ~2 hrs, I searched for it. – 10) Does alleged MDC ACTS mirror various rigging votes in Latin America, ETC.? – 11) Issues outside own experience? Suppression of positive Trump News, like – a) going to NK and preventing NK from firing more missiles marked next for America – b) – building mutual positive personal and political relationship by going to China, Russia, UK, India, Israel, SA, WORLD ECONOMIC GATHERING IN SWITZERLAND, and more – c) adding Dubai, Bahrain, Sudan to Jordan & Egypt peace w Israel – d) BBC has collected key election fraud protests: But as I WRITE THESE LINES that BBC link WAS DELETED. [Available in previous comments.] /

  2. ✝️KJV Amos 9:3 "Although they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them:"✝️……..continued.

  3. I can't remember if the Macy's website has ever crashed or had problems 24hr/7day, but in 2020 we're still counting ballots 🗳 by hand…some'n ani't right?😟

  4. This election was a sting operation on the Democrats.All the real ballots had hidden,non radioactive isotope,watermarks that are block chained registered and they have a way of knowing where all those ballots are.Now the Democrats have cheated with fake ballots and have been caught,this is why we don't have anyone called as a winner yet because once they do the investigations start.People are being arrested right now and it will continue for quite awhile.So have fun Democrats,you've lost the election and your heroes will go to jail.TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE !!!!!

  5. As of Friday, just over 683,000 ballots had been returned, three-quarters of them by Democrats, according to state data.

    As of Friday Octber 30…… 683,000 ballots were recieved.

    So, evidently, in 4 days……
    they recieved millions, upon millions of ballots…..
    as of right now
    (Thursday Nov 5),
    they are claiming there are still 1,000,000 (one MILLION) ballots to count!

    Also within this report it states 3/4ths
    of the mail in ballots
    were Democrat……..

    How would they know?????

    I thought they couldn't open NOR count the ballots BEFORE the closing of election?????

    How many ballots were not returned?

    8.7 registerd to vote
    6.1 million actually voted.

    *per the news report link above.

    also Pennselvaynia has a population of approximately
    12 million.

    Texas has 29 Million and we are through counting!

    What's your problems Pennselvaynia?????

    Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins.

  7. TRUMP IS BEEN REELECTED 4 MORE YEARS 2016- 2020 & 2020 – 2024!!! SO IT IS DONE!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Robert Hotchkin wrote two sets of POWERFUL DECREES to bind corruption and treachery in the election (especially with Pennsylvania where there is so much more time for "things" to happen … Which means we have more time for MORE PRAYER! What the enemy meant for harm God will use for the good!)

    PRAYERS  to BIND all TREACHERY and DECEPTION in the 2020 Elections!  God WILL have His way!!

    LET'S DECREE in the name of Jesus that:
    [1] The enemy's schemes and scams to hijack or steal the 2020 election will be fruitless and fail! The spirit of Haman will be hung on its own gallows!

    [2] Any and all attempts of the enemy to derail the plans and purposes of God in the 2020 elections, and in the USA, will be utterly defeated!

    [3] Praise God that He will make a spectacle of the enemy in these elections, showing that The One True God truly is the Lord ALL MIGHTY and INVINCIBLE in every battle!

    [4] LET THERE BE LIGHT in the 2020 elections! Let the light and truth of Jesus shine forth shattering every dark plan of the enemy! And may all darkness in our government and our nation be obliterated by the LIGHT of God as He establishes righteousness, truth and justice in the 2020 elections and in the USA!

    [5] We speak confusion into the camps of the enemy! And declare that the powers and principalities behind any and all dark agendas will turn upon themselves and destroy one another!!

    [6] YAY GOD!! You are the Lord of Breakthrough! Come like a flood and overwhelm and undo every plot, ploy, scheme and scam of the enemy!!

    Prayers for ELECTION MONITOR ANGELS to Oversee the 2020 Elections and bring about God’s Kingdom Agenda! (Based on Joshua 5:12-15)

    Lets Agree and DECREE that:
    [1] LORD we declare that the 2020 elections will be a mighty move toward a REVIVAL of RIGHTEOUSNESS in the USA!

    [2] LORD of the Angel Armies send forth Election Monitor Angels to watch over every vote, ballot, polling spot, mailbox and early vote drop-box. Expose any corruption or malfeasance, and render it all null and void!

    [3] We declare any attempt to influence or hijack the 2020 elections toward an unfair, unrighteous or ungodly outcome will not succeed!

    [4] We declare ”HOSANNAH! HOSANNAH! HOSANNAH!” over this election and every aspect of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government. King of Glory come in and rule and reign. May the increase of Your government know no end in the USA!

    [5] LORD pour out Your glory on the 2020 elections!

    [6] LORD we praise You that You are well able to bring about the very best outcome from the current set of circumstances in our nation, and in the 2020 elections!!
    🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🙏 🕯 💕 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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  9. Election interference is PRISON TIME. Decide if cheating is worth it. Both parties want a fair election. Votes for all people needs to be honored. For undecided States, Demand anninvestigation of those late ballots, call your Secretary Of State
    Michigan 888-767-6424
    Pennsylvania 717-787-5280
    Wisconsin 608-266-8888
    North Carolina 919-814-5400
    Georgia 470-240-5060
    Arizona 602-542-4285

  10. Good old mail in balloting splitting double digit leads like it’s nothing.

  11. Demoncrats are running a coup and fraud.
    Mid-election states were done counting, and for some reason battleground states pulled the plug…

  12. Biden Win through very Massive Fraudulent Ballots especially the use of Mail In Ballots by the Biden Democrat Campaign! This will Not unite Americans!

  13. Government workers are typically democrats because they are parasites who live off the public, like the government itself. Ever been to the DMV? That's the quality of people counting these votes.

  14. Wisconsin and Michigan drops in tonight Democrats stilling election, same in Pennsylvania cheating, lying and stilling this is what Democrats always do.

  15. Election fraud all over the country. They planned and carried out stealing this election. Everyone knows it. They won't get away with it without a fight.

  16. Dont let Trump hear that word COUNTING! People dont count in his world. Likewise be called smart! BIDEN MISSED A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! At debate ( Trump said " DONT USE SMART AROUND ME" ) he should have retorted " OK MAN YOU GOT IT I WONT CALL YOU SMART!"

  17. It's still not a fair election what about all the votes that they had refused to count earlier because they had not signed them when they were told they didn't have to a set up if you ask me

  18. If they gave Presidnt Trump hell for his 4 years in office, Republicans and all Americans who loves justice and freedom should go after Corrupt and lying Jo Bidn and family especially his son Hunter for his corrupt and lying business dealings in Ukraine and China.IMPEACH BIDEN.

  19. Literally Texas population is 29 million and PA is 12 million just how in the world PA is not done yet that’s extremely suspicious, yeah philly is corrupt I lived there the school district officials steal tons of money the taxpayer is being stolen instead of fixing their roads I wouldn’t be surprised at all for philly and the suburbs beside it to cheat the vote

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