Trump lashes out, Mayor Pete surges in Iowa, Hong Kong chaos | ABC News

Trump lashes out, Mayor Pete surges in Iowa, Hong Kong chaos | ABC News

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43 thoughts on “Trump lashes out, Mayor Pete surges in Iowa, Hong Kong chaos | ABC News

  1. Kanye the Megalomaniac has found his team: TelEvangelicals! The kind of minister Jesus NEVER would have been—one who puts “things” first; Men who lead the most successful pyramid marketing scheme in the US: RELIGION. Gross. Just. Gross.

  2. USA persistent Donald Trump help in Hong Kong please also help your residents get out Hong Kong as well ASAP.
    Please China army's get in Hong Kong bombing Hong Kong university.

  3. You know, when Trump came out against flavored vapes for the health of our kids, that was the first time I thought he had some balls and a fraction of humanity. Then he hears from big business how it will hurt profits and "OH, NO!" lose jobs, he says "Oh, never mind. Too bad kids. Money is more important."

  4. Jordan, it does not matter how many people voted for him he is still an imposter because he does not know how to do the job and refuses to learn it. People can make mistakes and Trump was a big one

  5. ….Kanye West is among the "top 5 things to know"? Bad choice by ABC "news" editors. I'm EMBARRESED for ABC NEWS. He'll unconvert in 2 months IF he thinks he'll get high ratings. Not MY "news".

  6. FAKE PRESIDENT INDEED! ~ Pelosi is right – Read this definition: Imposter syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. 'Imposters' suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.

  7. Donald Trump got himself into this by running for president! He should be attacking his Ego! Idiot president. He didn't know that his privacy was going to get invaded and dissected. Of course he's an imposter, he is definitely not presidential.

  8. Google/Youtube Is Indeed Censoring Conservatives
    by Peter M. D'Abrosca Posted / November 15, 2019

    The Wall Street Journal Friday released a report claiming that Google is actively censoring search results for conservative news websites. The story was later expounded upon by Daily Mail.

    “Google’s engineers have also created blacklists to weed out more-incendiary suggestions in auto-complete, the feature that predicts search terms as the user types a query – particularly those relating to controversial subjects such as abortion or immigration,” Daily Mail reported. “The WSJ compared Duckduckgo and Google autocomplete results in Joe Biden, and found that ‘creepy’ was suggested every time by the former but never by Google.”

    Duckduckgo is known as a more private alternative to Google that does not collect and sell search data like the Silicon Valley giant.

    In a long statement, a Google spokeswoman fired back at the report, claiming that the company does not, in fact, censor conservatives. She said in part:

    "We have been very public and transparent around the topics covered in this article, such as our Search rater guidelines, our policies for special features in Search like Autocomplete and valid legal removals, our work to combat misinformation through Project Owl, and the fact that the changes we make to Search are aimed at benefiting users, not commercial relationships.
    This article contains a number of old, incomplete anecdotes, many of which not only predated our current processes and policies but also give a very inaccurate impression of how we approach building and improving Search."

    The insinuation in her statement is that any reference to Biden’s creepiness (he’s been to sniff the hair of children and adults alike) has been deemed by Google to be “misinformation,” and that Google’s auto-complete feature blocks such results.

    But Google has long been accused of harboring an anti-conservative bias, and those suspicions were echoed by an employee who came forward to speak with Project Veritas and James O’Keefe in July.

    Greg Coppola, a Senior Software Engineer at the company at the time, claimed that Google was manipulating search results – the same complaint levied by The Wall Street Journal today.

    He said:

    "I mean, overall, I’m very concerned to see big tech and the big media merge, basically, with a political party – uh, with the Democrat party. I have a PhD. I have five years experience at Google, and I just know how algorithms are. They don’t write themselves. We write them to do what we want them to do. I look at search, and I look at Google news, and I see what it’s doing, and I see Google executives go to Congress and say that it’s not manipulated. It’s not political. And I’m just so sure . . . THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!"

    Another whistleblower from earlier in the year told Project Veritas that Google was “working to avoid another Trump situation in 2020.”

    According to Friday’s report, not only is Google working actively against conservatives, but it is also working on behalf of other large, left-wing tech giants.

    “The company also boosts some major websites, such as Amazon and Facebook in search results, according to people familiar with the matter,” Daily Mail said.

  9. How is it possible that Donald Trump is an imposter?… think about it for a minute … He protects our borders from people coming here to rape and rob and commit crime… he cares about the Jewish Nation… even moving the embassy to Jerusalem… he's against abortion … He's bringing jobs back to America… he stopped China from getting over on the American people… He's making America great again and he brought our troops home to be with their families. Well, he's a pretty darn good imposter I would say. So I encourage all of you to cast your votes for this imposter.

  10. Ok Kanye is a Preacher now and Kim is an Advocate plus soon to be Lawyer? I am starting to think her being robbed did more to them then even they realize. Can it be possible for them to be famous for more than…jus being famous? Sorry but I never really considered Kanye talented. More over rated but jus my opinion. Hey good for them for being role models now to their kids. Lets hope it trickles down.

  11. “Quick, One hears Andrews pants may be on fire 🔥 “

  12. What is 60% of 58? 35? Why not Say 35% support impeachment? Better yet, 65% don’t support impeachment.

  13. Trump Support Is 85% Plus! Gone are:

    Death camps for Mexican children

    Race riots

    School walkouts

    MILLIONS of Trump haters protesting

    Weekly statue riots

    Campus anti-free speech riots

    Nationwide ANTIFA

    Road blockades to Trump rallies

    Daily flag burnings




    Iraq War

    Oil wars



    Kathy Griffin is on the no fly list…TOO FUNNY!! hahahahah!

  14. The primary loyalty to America IS loyalty to the President of the United States because that's who Americans placed their loyalty to by voting. That's called a democratic constitutional republic.

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