While the president gave his thoughts on the nations economic strength, the ongoing trade war with China is rattling investors and impacting U.S. businesses.
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We have nothing more than buffoons positioning to lead this country . As of today ( 3-24-2020 ) we now have quite a grim situation in this country .
The left will get a hit in the Pocket soon,
I wonder where we would be if HRC had been elected? My guess is we would be not only in recession, but in receivership. Odd, but that is what the democrats and their controllers were working on for decades, although, I don't think a lot of democrats realized it. Trump has been a GOD send.
Fake news
Fake news
Fake news
Fake news cnn and abc
Fake news cnn abc
I usually do not believe anything anyone in authority tells me, so I am rarely disappointed.
Trump is beating his chest, while China is kicking our a-sugar-sugar
China is paying hmm 🤆prove it! Just like you said Mexico would pay but they have not paid a damn dime!
Pathological liar Americans are fucking paying with our wages and in the process our money is going to ludicrous policies that you have made
"We're broke!"
If you know, you know.
Trump and his administration are clearly losing steam against China
I love President Trump, as a Chinese.
INTO THE GROUND !! Here we come babyyyy!! Rece-WHAAAATTT?? I don’t see it … nope !
The narrative is a hood speaker I can hear it
Your boss with heart woman lol Trump your can't win . Armys God Allah bless world
Fake news media propaganda All you communist are putting this fake recession out there to start a recession ! looking for some fear-mongering ?
I am getting sick of all this bullshit. You people are enemies to the American people now !
If the economy is good, raise the salaries. We can barely make it.
Basically Donald Jennifer Trump is saying if she loses hes taking everyone down with him…401k and all..whether u love him or hate her. you better vote for him or die. Lol wow..way to threat ur way to reelection lol
Of course he does not cause us tax payers pay for his crap. But yet a basic blue collar worker can not even afford a gallon of milk. Every time i got into the store i see at least a .03 cent increase on basic needs. Your such a blind moron..
The media is pushing this.
God forbid we start making our own stuff again
Surprise, the guy who inherited millions upon millions and still had to resort to loans doesn’t know how the economy works.
money worshipers society that all the know .there soul is field with nomber.
O bullshit, Don, you above everyone should be concerned about YOUR economy. It was your big thing among many in your campaign 4 years ago, and when the Dow started its climb, you were the first to bang a drum, as per your standard. Now, however, I hear no blurbs, burps or even a fart about his dam,ed economy. Face it, maybe it was because of you the Dow and the economy rose to record levels. The other side of the coin, it's on the schneid, and so is the economy, due to him and his fetish with tariffs.
Blah blah blah. 6 more years please!
Fake news from liars who lie for a living.
Trumps economic plan is moving and grooving 🇺🇸 THe media and their democratic cronies hate this so that means Trump is doing a great job 2020
Democrats the party of Antifa and Infanticide KKK And Slavery I'm not buying what you are Selling Arrest Hillary Clinton for Treason
To reverse NAFTA, it's gona hurt for a minute! But then everything will reset and be great again! How come you economist cant see how this works? Oh that's right, Orange man bad. Trump for 2020!
Gas lighting. Nothing to see here. President Trump doesn't like how China operates….and hasn't for decades. Check his appearances on Oprah and Larry King.
"Possibly recession".
The chances of a recession are 1 in 1.
The chances of a depression are 1 in 2.
The Dollar is going down hard.
401k'$ in the hands of a drunk Kudlow a evil Murdock's disciple.
Nobody sees it coming
If your an American Trump supporter "MAGA2020" living in a lower class trailer park i got news for you… Your hero is going to abandoned you, while he wipes his ass with ultra soft reynolds wrap, your gonna be shitting into a dry toilet…😂😂😂
He says that we have no choice but to vote for him, I say Bull Sh_t. We always have a choice, even if we have to write Micky Mouse in as an independent.
Of course he has no concern. Trump only cares about himself
Do not vote for the liar…..
Nobody has the guts to tell Trump the truth. Farmers are hurting a Trump can't believe it.
This is why I hate some of America 😑
ABC & other competitors are always going to talk trash on Trump so obvious. ABC is anti Trump just to let your viewers know probably why they watch. I watch all forms of news because they are both pushing their agendas. I'm against the political party system.