A critical confrontation is shaping up between Republican and Democratic senators over whether any witnesses will be called.
Trump impeachment: Here’s how the process works: https://abcn.ws/2Tz6tFK
#ABCNews #Trump #Impeachment #Politics
Trump is my President â¤ï¸ÂÂÂ
I agree that the judge of the trial were an impartial man, who won`t be forced by the white house. But, for what I think, Trrump want to intimidate to Demo`s with lawyers with high experience. If this should be a fair trial, the prosecutors that been against Trump should be as good as them, because the presidencial charge should never been used for personal abuses. Trump lawyers says that this is not of cause for a trial (!!!!!). And the accused is so worried…, that he`s on vacations, he doesn`t have ANY to be WORRIED, cause he`s very, very shure that all of his political partners will solve all his mess, and will take all his responsability in their own hands of his antics….
The Democrats are not going to be happy until they've destroyed this country, and when China comes in and takes over, takes away your stuff, and tells you what the hell to do, who you gonna blame but yourself! Idiots will still blame Trump. Idiots will be sitting in their own shit, crying. When it happens, watching the chaos will be some measure of gratification. I'm beyond disgusted at Democrats! Way beyond!!!
The Repigs perjured themselves en masse. They are not going to do impartial justice.
Repig slogan 2020: No Witnesses! No Evidence!
Trump going through an impeachment process (WATCH: Historic impeachment trial of Trump begins in the Senate – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYl-prpRePU ) ,
yet they've overlooked this incident that has happened to create conflict in the middle east, for to spread the evil Ideology ?? Bush on 9/11 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7qS5c3WRJk That this explains just as good into such evidence – The Pet Goat full story – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tigxo8sgNUE&t=245s
To then fulfilled this leaders request -Muammar Gaddafi 2006 – Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing a Shot – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCGYKSEsYFM
So that the trojan horse can grow within for future purposes – AUSTRALIAN ACTIVIST NASSMA BADER AT HIZB-UT-TAHRIR EVENT IN SYDNEY: WE WILL CONTINUE TO RESIST UNTIL ISLAMIC CALIPHATE IS ESTABLISHED AND ISLAM HAS SPREAD GLOBALLY – https://www.memri.org/tv/australian-academic-nassma-bader-hizb-ut-tahrir-resist-until-islamic-caliphate-global-victory-coming?fbclid=IwAR1bPFTPNt3csnnuWFi_9-mEKHrgyN1lvUb8XNP7fGrg-2dHkxtDVvoTI04
That this hidden message explains – End Time Giants- Everything happening right now leads to WW3 Wake Up!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf1rogxG2Ic (Giants = Population = Muslim Demographics – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3X5hIFXYU&t=9s ) Sleepy is the media job of making them think they are peaceful people etc, then it continues with the hidden message and the extra's if you watch at least 10 mins of this.. .. So knowing that this is a smokescreen, to continue taking the eye of the real agenda = Stir up the war in Iran with the Assassination, jus like how Bush did in 9/11 Twin Towers, this explains further on such – Chabad Lubavitch NWO Movement – They Are Everywhere! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7az4DtHUxk&fbclid=IwAR0mB3o53SXpJb_8adOaFKM_QoJvexyT2NU0e-hRRZg3qGIxqIzO7N-B0Y4 That they are all in on the agenda 21 (depopulation) attempt where this hidden message made its mark – Movie Called "The Oath" – https://ibb.co/y8n77Zq?fbclid=IwAR216QAd6D90i6FraK51q-uMsH_AS2qdOxfHJt7UWI7HbOU1m1tjDYPUhxg <- blatant about it (Communism / Roman Catholic / Freemason / and the sidekick ISIS (Islam) is there to help with the chaos making when it comes to ahead. A little insight into such – (Watch fully ) – Walter Veith. The Islamic Connection to Catholicism.Total Onslaught – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZRj-CleopA&t=1161s So when we have inside jobs and hidden message found out in the past = $20 American note hidden message was for 9/11 and Terminator 2 "Caution 9'11 on a bridge or movie with images of the Twin Tower being involved with such attention, here is the $100 dollar note hidden message – Titled – New $100 Bill Decrypted Nuclear Devastation (Really Ä°nteresting) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blVXzYPQnig&t=67s&fbclid=IwAR2J4aHCMs60ro9qEORU6Dq6rkHxWa1_SaAjQ6PKtZNRZef5d2CykNIh0jw So, what's next after this exposure on such to happen? (Watch fully ) – The Rise of the Antichrist – November 3rd 2020 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn1Um7ouDGo&t=901s Will the smoke screen turn into "The Oath" scenario that this resemblance show, of the same hidden faces of "where all roads lead to Rome" have tried in the past, for another Ethnic cleansing World War ?? Hitler made its Army / Navy / Airforces sign an oath to be obedient and loyal ?? – or will it be a Movie similarity of the movie called "Angel has fallen" to make out another country involved to create another war? – > https://ibb.co/grST0rj?fbclid=IwAR0cm02m1QhtJ4dmeSlXalD37oizTRHkL014OvdFYRWn9qVQdRLbeSmuzQ4 or the Nuke in the water off New York for another massacre to blame Iran / North Korea?? For WW3 excuse attempt to start such, now that there is unstable waters created .. We can see the hidden face through symbolism to be behind such – (Watch fully ) Lucifers Temple – Inside the Vatican (R$E) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQhW9vAwCqM or this for Trump's gift to the papist regime of a lotus flower explained within – The Signs Are Everywhere – (Very interesting watch fully) >> Mystery Babylon The Great! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBcWarQuLZQ&t=2s&fbclid=IwAR1QiEc5iMdriTIn7N8nwg3n1oz68NGwP-7_g3BWm7ldcT9rILArZNojq3k That was also shown here as the symbol of the agenda plans The Pet Goat full story – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tigxo8sgNUE&t=245s @1:48 or the Notre Dame fire: Paris found within @6:20, then reveals a birth canal of the antichrist to the right? Just like their cathedrals front entrance looks like if you look carefully enough you're entering the womb of the church, with its display of Architectural elements. So when this is developing as well via the creators of movies (Illuminati) or the secret societies (freemason the list goes on, they are all controlled by "Where all road lead to Rome") and why they have deceived the World since this era of time – Tares Among the Wheat: Sequel to A Lamp in the Dark – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe3CMDXeG4w&t=2860s&fbclid=IwAR05Z1nLECEV0WK08BVIN5RfCYjCpS-ItM679XbUlUNVjr3HHz_S7P8WSoI to create this deception rising up as well "When a Church Conference Arises to Appear like the Illuminati!" – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_epH3cOcGyU&fbclid=IwAR3ueUDZMb_GTSuhQxUxEm-D33juVtw1c-e2lxhJNUVU9TNBjd1lUpp9xMw That they want to gather all for such to give watered-down the content of deception so to carry out what they displayed at an opening of a Gotthard Tunnel ceremony! 9/25/16 Switzerland: Opening of the World's longest and deepest rail tunnel brings Merkel and Renzi where Satanism on display!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vu3HPkR6vc Like Ex-President Obama allowed in Satanists Reveal Sculpture In Detroit After Rejection At Oklahoma Capitol – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpQ0aJxroLM and said to the World – REALLY, What did he just say? did Obama really just called us all too small minded – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M11z5ZEs7o4 ( Isaiah 59 KJV )
This farce will be over in less than a week. Democrats trying to un-elect a President because they can’t win by the rules.
I bet trumps blood pressure is out of control and he is about to blow
Bottom line: Trump is going down
generally the one who gives the money makes the rules
what a weak answer "I did nothing wrong" – Go ask any prisoner and he will tell "oh I am innocent" – well guess what – impeachment found you mr president
Oh Mitch moved with unease – maybe he starts to feel the heat?
Impeachment to coverup Biden and Obama corruption with Ukraine
It’s all old ugly people
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Top 50 USA Songs 2020,Top US Music this week
Trotz Amtsenthebung-Verfahren wird Herr Trump im Herbst 2020 wieder gewählt. Aber im Senat die Mehrheit verlieren. In autumn Mister Trump would be lost at the Senat his republican Majority
this is all bull shit
Historic impeachment?
They should swear them in, one by one, while connected to a lie detector. I doubt there will be ANY impartiality in that trial.
USMCA ABC News???????
Trump and CIA have order more immigrant caravans to come to the US from Guatemala Honduras 01-18-20 they are on the way, this caravans will be used to create fear of an invasion to the us and also pressure mexico. This is to help Trump to try to get re-elected. Heads up people. We don’t know yet who is financing these caravans of immigrants as of yet.
If you would like to understand the Articles of Impeachments without noise from the media watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIx5T-aV3-8&feature=youtu.be
ABC doess not talk to much