Trump has been following the track of Hurricane Dorian from Camp David | ABCNews

Trump has been following the track of Hurricane Dorian from Camp David | ABCNews

The president has also been briefed on the shooting in Texas and Washington is under increasing pressure to act on the issue of gun reform.

#ABCNews #Hurricane #Dorian #Texas #MassShooting #President #DonaldTrump #CampDavid


49 thoughts on “Trump has been following the track of Hurricane Dorian from Camp David | ABCNews

  1. Okay first things first: Rachel Scott is 🔥 🔥 🔥 Chocolate…and…Hmm…I forgot the rest…

  2. China Mainland netizens hot topics: the CCP- Hebei province ,Provincial Councillors "Liqiu  Zhu " United Hebei province District
    Court, using mafia means  , Threats,intimidation,many students and families pay  Huge
    service charges for her private company which Illegal operation in the  National Public Schools. Despicable means
    ,turn off water and power suply, False invoice fraud,Administrative intervention and  bribery, make the Law and
    courts  service for her personal company and united national pubilc shool  ,
    Forced students to live in their Shabby and polluting"room" WITH Presidential Suite Spending. nakedly declaring the CCP Provincial governments
    like Taiwan  and the rights holders  “”Illegal organizations and anti-people” Essence,The investigation team joined the incident,Cover-up and
    circumvention once again, Public anger boils over 天价学生宿舍幕后老板"朱立秋-ZHU LI QIU":现任河北政协常委  网易新闻      天价宿舍调查:幕后老板“”朱立秋-ZHU LI QIU “”曾为全国人大代表  新浪新闻

  3. No one knows more about hurricanes than Donald Trump, but whether it's very "wet water" pouring from the sky or nukes landing, the President will play through. Will anyone break in on the half-hour for these hourly weather briefings if Mar-a-Lago gets flattened by the storm?

  4. Sorry democrats your FAKE NEWS doesn't work on me anymore.
    I support President Trump 💯%

  5. Trump can’t follow along in a coloring book let alone track a hurricane.

  6. typical Trumptards; totally missed the main point and just trying to "whatabout??".
    Stupids! If you want news about the storm, look for other videos. ABC also covers the hurricane.

  7. This was click bait for a gun control ad. I am under a national emergency for a hurricane and these people tack on a story about gun control. Millions can die in this storm. This was completely uncalled for. Your disgusting human beings to push for my rights to be removed while I'm waiting for a storm to take out my family. Only scum would decide to do something like that.

  8. Yeah the gridlock has existed in Congress for years. It's called the Second Amendment. 🙄

  9. That's what you bitch ass news casters do talk about some shit that don't need to be discussed and this dumbass of a president doesn't even know what a category 5 hurricane is what has America come too

  10. The media is not the media if they don’t want to know about so called “gun control”….the enemy of the people!!

  11. The tyrant wannabes and the ignorant and easily manipulated can push all they want but those who represent us better continue to ignore those treasonous cowards because it always starts with one law or ban( shame since it already has begun with the first agreed to gun ban law which shows proof that our Constitution has already been chipped at) and then once the Constitution has been fully negotiated (compromised) the powers that be won't stop there. Many of you know as well as I do that yet again there will be more coincidental shootings that will occur until they've scared the cowards enough and have taken our rights fully away all under the guise of security but then who the hell will watch over the watchers or control the controllers??!! (government) when we are left with inadequate means to defend ourselves. We need thousands of competent people from all across the country to look deep into a lot of these sudden dramatic increase of mass shootings that have occurred throughout the timespan of past years because things don't seem as coincidental when you take the time to examine specific details that match up with the timing, the places, the states the cities, at times even the demographic type of people at said places and events and especially the ever so obvious paid liars, threatened victims or the easily coerced individuals who have given their so-called eyewitness report to the corrupt media. It doesn't take much to spot a bullshitter unless of course you yourself are the bullshitter or you are somehow incredibly ignorant to how people can be, have been and simply are at times in this world. You would have to have lived under a rock, I guess. I mean come on, most kids can even catch on to their friends, family and even some strangers behavior when they're lying through their teeth and that's all due to the subtle telltale signs that I just assumed all humans would pick up on once you've interested with other people for a little while…at the least… eventually!!! Sadly, these people seem to be blind to the in your face, couldn't make it any more obvious, we're lying to you because you're too lazy to look crap up yourself, mockingly laced with authentic red flags, crap that the sellout media keeps feeding them. These people also have the tendency to be self absorbed and lack that whole down-to-earth attitude many of us try to project to one another when we are communicating that we are caring people and we are willing to give as long as we can receive respect and understanding. It's such a simple yet powerful way to look at life and the wonderful people you encounter during it… a mutual understanding of respect for our fellow humans. Now as for those sad individuals, to sum it all up…they don't care about anyone but their damn self no matter who they're trying to convince otherwise with their lies and will stand ferociously by those lies all out of fear of being exposed as monsters to their own neighbors, friends and family because we know how there are those who would rather keep their masks on for the rest of their life and continue to be well, just plain shitty, while feeling confident that no one can see past there charade. I never could comprehend how anyone could carelessy stand by and either ignore or be part of the cause of the horrible and/or fatal fate that's forced onto others so long as they feel safe and secure themselves. I know that's a universal truth throughout history of the whole world but I to this day I never could grasp how one could live on without the faces haunting then in their dreams for the rest of their lives. The sheer guilt eating away at their very soul, diminishing every last ounce of light to be replaced by a darkness so thick that you would actually believe you could reach inward and touch it though resisting the urge to pull back from that gelatinous filth solely out of curiosity, trying to fathom how before the intrusion of such an abomination could've ever possibly harbored something so warm and reassuring…the purest form of your very essence. Those same individuals don't seem to realize that past their thick wall of denial, the same fate or worse can someday become their horrific and nightmarish reality and that they're not so immune to the effects of the evils in this world after all.

  12. Trump is following the hurricane from camp David? Too bad he's not at Mar-A-Lago or the bug infested Doral country club. What good is it going to do this moron to follow the Hurricane? Trump spent the FEMA funds to build his stupid wall. Criminal idiot has to go.

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