Trump fires 2 men who testified in the House impeachment hearings | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Trump said he doesn’t want Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and weighed in on if his impeachment should be expunged.

#ABCNews #Impeachment #Hearings #Testify


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Trump fires 2 men who testified in the House impeachment hearings | ABC News”
  1. News media like ABC and CBS make Trump possible by reporting his lies without fact checking. They have abandoned their responsibility as being part of our country's system of checks and balances. They are no longer the Fourth Estate

  2. If you have someone you cannot trust working for you, than the smart thing to do is FIRE THEM…I am sure that they will be rewarded by the Dems who fed them their lines or should I say lies!

  3. Good thing they got fired and got to go home. Others that go against previous administrations usually commit suicide or have some kind of fatal accident and that's always before they testify, never after.

  4. Yes, firing may happen after you attempt to screw your boss.
    Disagreement with foreign policy does not legitimize supporting impeachment, if it did, how long would any leader stay in office?
    Time for the democrats to remove their clown noses, end this three ring circus and do what they were elected to do in the House.
    New legislation, bills and policy.

  5. Our president is doing wonderful things… for ALL people! Wake up! Don't let the left tell you how to think!! Tell me how I'm wrong.

  6. Vindman wasn't fired, he was reassigned. He actually is being moved to a very nice job teaching at the Army War College. If anyone watched Vindman's testimony, he was upset with Trump and thought that Trump had behaved improperly because Trump hadn't followed the talking points that Vindman had listed out for Trump in the conversation with the Ukrainian president. Vindman seemed to think that he was in charge of US-Ukrainian foreign policy.The level of media bias in this story is astounding. Everything from saying Vindman was fired to saying that he was heroic is over the top bias.

  7. I'm rather intrigued. If someone were to stab you in the back after claiming to be your friend, what reason would you possibly have to keep them on retainer rather than straight up fire them? Who's to say that they won't do it again and again, wasting everyone's time and money?

  8. Trump needs a special visit from Aunt Karma. Dear Donald you Will get a visit from everyone’s Aunt. Ponder your words and acts. Wonder about your ticket you are buying.

  9. The 2 that were let go work at the pleasure of the president and can be removed at any time for any reason or no reason at all. If the White House or the military officials determine someone is a liability risk or not working for the best interest of the country they have the right to remove that person to ensure the security of the nation. The 2 let go showed that they had falsely claimed what took place in the call or inserted what they believe was the agenda of the president without first hand knowledge of the presidents intentions. They were in a position to insert distrust between countries and between the nation. So it wasn't out of retaliation it was out of securing the relationships and secured operations of the White House.

  10. ABC news, eh, should be ABC propaganda . Some how I sorta suspected our beloved President Trump would be demonized by this so called "news" report. I don't watch MSM because of their hatred for our Republic. Keep throwing out the anti American trash from our government, the unelected do not set policy, no matter what the ignorant reporters believe.

  11. Military officers have lawyers? What for? You serve, follow orders, go where your orders send you. What do you need a lawyer for when following your oath?

  12. "Thrown out of the white house…" landing headfirst on Pennsylvania avenue nearly breaking his neck. He is now homeless, naked, and has no income whatsoever….. True story.

  13. Now I see what the gun control issue is about, disarm America when Stalin, Hitler Tojo and Putin couldn't. And Trump is playing into there hands by doing 'hits' like a Mob boss against his political enemies. Wake up USA! We have a draft dodger running the country, willing to send others to fight wars

  14. All you Republicans who think you're safe because you are acquitted Donald Trump you're not safe because Donald Trump has the power and the power have gone to Donald Trump head I hope no one makes him mad and he see them on 5th Avenue

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