Trump explains state of the country amid coronavirus l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president sat down with “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir for an exclusive interview about the decision to reopen the economy.

#ABCNews #Trump #DavidMuir #USEconomy #Economy #Covid19 #Coronavirus


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Trump explains state of the country amid coronavirus l ABC News”

    සමහර දුක පාලනය කරයි අපගේ දැනගැනීමේ අවසානයට ළඟා විය හැකිය අදින්න

  2. “I'm going to whine so much. You're going to get tired of me whining. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't whine so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America grate again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. I'm gonna keep whining.’ " – Donald Trump

  3. Why has ABC edited the interview to death? Anyone should know this if they at all know the President because President Trump never gives such short answers ever.
    Trump is totally right about America's numbers, all other countries are in no way testing any way near to the scale of the American testing.

  4. The tradition says that a captain will be the last person to leave a ship alive before its sinking, Trump got off before the warning… lacking of leadership…

  5. 2:33 He goes for his infamous folded paper w/pics of his kids & their names so he wont forget who they are… 2:36 Begins to open & play w/the paper. Trying to ready himself for another vague talking point… (2:362:45) He continued to play w/the paper; waiting for the right time to interject before forgetting the 'point' he was gonna make… 3:07 Begins to play w/ the paper again… 3:09 FINALLY he puts away the paper. Either cuz he forgot his talking 'point' or cuz he realized NO ONE CARES what ur stupid paper says!!!

  6. From a video producer's point of view, this is an edited release so can't be trusted.

    If one asks the President of The United States a question, and then does not allow him to fully answer because you get to begin his answer when you want, not when he started talking, and then you get to choose where to cut his answer instead of letting him finish, you are not interviewing, you are posturing. Excusing one's self of this dishonest practice with, "We have a deadline and can't afford the time investment" is dishonesty at an explosive hubris level that spins heads of those who are both in the business and are patriots.

    This is another ABC News posturing video. Journalists report events. Creative propagandists make stuff up out of the material they have at hand. We really do not know Mr. Trump's thoughts to these questions, especially since we all know that Mr. Trump takes a few seconds and a few false starts to get geared up to fully reveal his thoughts. I would like to know his real and full answers, wouldn't you?

    Cost lives to open the country? Really? People are going to die whether the country opens or not. In my state, many business and other groups and certainly hundreds of thousands of individuals are "opening" back up regardless of the needless closure extension. With all of the lying about COVID-19 cases from state and county officials, no one can know what the actual status is. So, we open anyway, obviously.

    All of you willing to destroy your neighbor's lives, I'll ask you—how many lives are you willing to destroy in order to fulfill your liberal agenda? How many broken families, broken and failing businesses does it take before we open the country in the light of the fact of no reliable pandemic facts available anymore? How many?

    Since there are no more reliable numbers, "saving just one life" is now irrelevant.

    As soon as someone has the flu, are we going to close businesses again? The Flu / The Common Cold / COVID-19, the real science shows the relevance. If we can't even cure the common cold, but we can't reopen the country's commerce without this illusive vaccine, it is obvious to a thinking individual that we have been duped. Each crises is not fodder for leverage and this COVID-19 debacle has been the testing ground for America's battle with internal terrorism.

    We now have to pick sides.

  7. The previous administration couldn't have left "broken tests", since there was no test for this virus back then. Just one of many lies during this interview.

  8. If he has built the 'greatest economy in the world' then how he can tell in the next sentence that there will be suicide and depression if economy don't reopen very fast.
    Even under developed countries stay under lock down and safe for months and they are not depressed
    Statements beyond simple logic

  9. I hate when he says the models have been wrong since day one. It shows he does not understand the value of the data of the testing. With that data that has been gathering we can build more correct data. So yeah we probably didn’t have correct models when this first started, but now we know a lot more because of the work the scientists are doing

  10. He had a lot of things going on like, watching Fox and friends all day and blaming everyone else..????? David Muir is now my hero!!

  11. I am so glad we have a real leader during this world crisis. Thank you President Trump for dealing with the haters and sticking it out for us. The losers will always have negative comments but you stick it out and move forward.

  12. There won't be elections coming up the way things look, and specially with a contender as sleepy Joe…..Ha ……Just have Trump raise his hand at take a new term ….It would be easier on the country.

  13. Trump: No matter what you say, I just want people to go to work, for the economy, for the stock market, even if the people die.

  14. When asked about the 70,000 people lost and their families, he didn't even say "I'm sorry for your loss". Those people are suffering right now under his management and his empty "I love you" means nothing to them because he doesn't understand the depth of their loss.
    He should be doing everything he can to stop these deaths, not continuously predict that the number of death rates will be bellow 50,000 or 70,000 or 100,000 by the time this is all over. People's lives shouldn't be treated like business or money statistics. Every one of them is precious and should be acknowledged properly.

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