Trump escalates China trade war with new 10% tariff

Trump escalates China trade war with new 10% tariff

The tariffs mean U.S. shoppers could see prices go up on everything from clothing to smartphones to TVs and toys.




35 thoughts on “Trump escalates China trade war with new 10% tariff

  1. China is getting hit on all sides. Make no mistake, if Trump chooses to flex the full economic and technological power of the USA, China is done. The U.S, even in a minor decline is still incredibly powerful. All of the projections of Chinese growth are contingent on a USA that allows it. Wumao is getting hammered from all sides, trade war, HK and Taiwan, food inflation, yuan deflation which means imports get more expensive couple with a historic low in manufacturing..

  2. Standard Republican moves. Grab the money while pointing at somebody else. Once it was the "takers". Before that the "well fair moms". Before that somebody else and on and on. Today it's the Chinese.
    In this case it goes…step one get a trillion dollar tax break from Republican controlled government…step two start a trade war so the idiots that voted for Republican government pay for the tax break.
    Well played!

  3. Finally reality checks in,this is the start of the finish on this guy because he doesn't know how to stop,please keep reading my remarks :
    Donald J. Drumpf, is the greatest charlatan the world has ever known, and continues to demonstrate that he is a naive, ignorant, delirious sociopath, devoid of principles, deceitful, divisive, inarticulate, incompetent, hypocritical, thin-skinned and grossly narcissistic; a dishonest, arrogant, autocratic, loser, bullying, misogynist, zionist, serial exaggerator and fabricator,pathological blacksmith and congenital liar and least of all a b.s. Artist and a political neophyte, with a feverish brain that continues "status twitterus" (a dangerous mental condition in which the twitter fits the one the other without recovery of consciousness between them) – in sum, a classic, "Dunning-Kruger" / "Peter's principle" affectionate – absolutely unsuitable for being POTUS.
    Drumpf's only reason for being is to nurture his insatiable narcissism and sustain his wealth, which he always exaggerates. Anyone who thinks they have ever had a sense of service other than self-service, or a man who spent his entire adult life promoting his vulgar "brand" and the many scams he gave his name to – at the cost of ,usually , the "poorly educated" – now they worry about a comma about someone else, or that he or his family / relatives parasites will pass every opportunity to monetize his presidency, is naive – to the extreme.
    Pathologically, Drumpf is an idiot; if he had not been born in great wealth, he would probably now live under an overpass somewhere. Yet the "poorly educated" elected this "snorted buffoon" to be POTUS, making the United States the laughingstock of the world.
    Drumpf has no principles; it only offers "snake-oil" tactics and illusory or naively simple answers to complex problems – we will be lucky if this cretin does not cause a real tragedy in the country.
    "Trump is a man of flexible principles, the first of which is to show inconsistent inconsistency at all times." –
    Now after 3 years of this so-called Trump show it's still bewildering to me that polls
    Still show that his base is still loyal to this cretinous individual!
    I guess history is going to repeat itself but this time in America! Imagine an aryan America!
    The Trump empire is being born thanks to all of you poor IDIOTS !
    I guess history is going to repeat itself but this time in America! Imagine an aryan America!
    The Trump empire is being born thanks to these so-called no-clues Idiots !

  4. the antics this channel boasts is full of themselves. If America wouldn't do it. Definable others will do more damage on the scale of work depleted. I wonder when Anchors in news desks will loose their jobs to robots… oh wait…

  5. So stupid can’t even try to work things out but mess both countries up and now we suffer for this poor farmers and workers just sad

  6. China was behaving badly. US just put a 10% penalty on China’s social credit. They like that over there in China.

  7. trump are awesome thanks for this guys this president of american free promotion huawei 5G product line introduce worldwide and P30 pro is world most advance photo zoom lens with leica technologies we love germany 🙂

  8. This Trump is getting crazy , and look like he has some kind of mental and logical thinking problem and I just wonder if he is capable to perform as a president without damaging the country seriously, congress needs to investigate

  9. 川普先生正在閉關鎖國

  10. Keep up the good work. Our leaders have allowed our great country to be ripped off for far too long. Thank you, President Trump, for standing firm with red China. What would happen to our economy if we stopped doing business with red China altogether? Probably not much. After a short period of readjustment, American companies would soon pick up the slack, to the benefit of all Americans.

  11. Took Chinese business for American job owner D day ….gain American ground market and labor authorities
    Prepared for another soy Bean export to import grape wine

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