After inaccurately warning that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian, President Trump showed a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it.
President Donald Trump is not backing down on his claim that Alabama could have been hit by Hurricane Dorian — even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case.
#ABCNews #Dorian #Alabama #TrumpSharpie
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen 🤣🤣🤣
how, after this, did this MORON still get 72 million votes??? is there really 72 million braindead idiots in america?? what an embarrassment!
We had an absolute lunatic as president, and republicans loved it.
Trump is a fool who needs to learn geography!
He really is just an adult child. "I wasn't wrong, look!" pulls out map that shows him being wrong and draws an extension "see! Told you it would hit there." But I mean, even most children are better than this…
I wonder what DT is conducting while you are spending all your resources following up on his petty * hrm * interpretations of facts. The US media is partly responsible for the misery created by the fearless leader.
If all else fails, Trump will BLAME the Media, or Obama, or Hillary, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer, or Adam Schiff, or Joe Biden, or "Bernie," and ANYBODY ELSE, but MYSELF, for (I) am PERFECT like ALL my conversations and phone calls, of course.
Look, we can't continue making up excuses for Trump's foul-ups. It is well known by people throughout this country that Trump does NOT listen to his advisors or to any other professional before he speaks before the entire nation. He'd rather speak in front of the entire nation and try to wing-it, before anything else. Trump obviously has some serious Mental Issues going on in that head of his. From an Observer Standpoint, you have no choice but to reach the conclusion that his Staff is scared of him. They are all too scared to advise him of anything because of fear of retaliation. Donald Trump is a straight up IDIOT.
Too bad that Dorian didn't gloss over the swamp at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
“take a close look, it was doctored by a sharpieâ€ÂÂÂÂ. Yeah no shit!!!! Hey fucking morons, he was showing what the ORIGINAL threat was. He’s not trying to pass it off like the original, you’re SUPPOSED to see the difference. Idiots!!!!
All of y'all are so stupid!!! He was talking about the "ORIGINAL" forecast….the original one y'all….ya know, the first models that came out and it was projected to cross over Florida and could've gone into the gulf, putting the FL panhandle at risk, and over to Mobile Alabama. The entire gulf coast was on alert. He was saying it could've done that at first and it was a scary scenario and we were very lucky. I live in the western Florida panhandle and we were on high alert when that first forecast came out and everyone was starting to make preparations for the storm. We even ran out of gas over here. It's unbelievable to me that people will take something like that, that most normal people probably didn't even notice or think anything of, and blow it up and totally out of proportion! Like seriously people get a life!! 🙄
The news media is shameful. Had Obama made any predictions they would have praised him as attempting to have the foresight of where the hurricane might go since the weather service is never 100% correct. Since Trump attempted to raise the possibility that Georgia and Alabama might be in some danger and that some precautions would be prudent, the media felt like they had something else to attack him on. Being prepared is the smart thing to do, if the hurricane doesn't hit you then at least you were made to think about the possibility and brush up on your Emergency Preparedness Plan. Its the same reason you buy Car, Home or Medical Insurance, you are being responsible by trying to keep yourself and your family safe. If Trump had just gone with the map as it initially was and the hurricane had spilled over onto Georgia and Alabama then the main stream media would have criticized him for not foreseeing that eventuality. In their eyes they must criticize him no matter what happens. To me he tried to make people around the predicted path take some precautions in case the hurricanes forecasted path turned out differently.
The presidents aids are definitely following
The weather reporters said qote ..if the hurricane keeps on its path and crosse's Florida it would impact Alabama. Fact. I was watching when they said it. Hater's. And he didn't pick the map.. someone else put it there for him. Get over your terrorists party Game. American hater's.
Who drew that nose on that diagram 👃👃😬😂😂😂😂
But …the media IS the one controlling the narrative though! WE as viewers don’t have access to the White House and the Oval Office or the President. We don’t get to ask the hard hitting questions about sharpie-gate sooo for once trumpito might actually be right 🤆because I know if I could ask the president a question it would NOT BE ABOUT A DAMN MAP!!!!!
NOAA Contradicts Weather Service, Backs Trump On Hurricane Threat In Alabama
President Numbnuts “thinks†that the guy who irons his hair does such a great job of making it indistinguishable from the real thing, that he gets him to doctor all his weather maps too.
LoL. The media is really reporting this? No wonder the biase media is failing.
And if it had gone to Alabama what then? People would have died because you didn't warn them. At least warn of a possibility so people can prepare with 3 days food and water and batteries and fill up the tank. There was a sucking off of the energy of Dorian into a category 3 huricane that actually occured in the Gulf. That shows you there was a strong pull froma the Gulf that could have steered the Huricane to cross Florida. Better to be forewarned than refret it later. Idiots. The weather men got it wrong when they initially said it was heading for Florida. Do you chastise them? How often is the weatherman right? 50%? At best.
Did you know, I got out of bed, and I put different coloured socks on. I'm not perfect.
And this is a big deal why? It's literally a sharpie mark on a map. How about coverage of the actual storm instead of some screw up some intern made.
So…. Did it hit Alabama??…
That's trump
This is why a guy in his kitchen gets more views than a multi-billion dollar media company. Feelings do not define human. That is why abc news is just whiney bitches.
America yall are so funny hahahahaha im in tears
Lol. Damn. The guy who wants immigrantion based on merits. Lol
Yep, he ignorant!
C'mon people, it's not that bad. He just can't tell his left from his right, read maps, understand and intake information. I say let him have 4 more years so people not in the US can continue being entertained.
The smartest American alive.
Lol. Defend this Fox??????
It is a sad display of an American idiot that would put his own ego first before taking care of the disaster on the East coast. People are dying and this idiot spends more time trying to prove he wasn't wrong on an issue that don't really matter or to be a priority with what is going on.
What will hurt the left is that TRUMP WILL WIN AGAIN IN 2020! Cry you a river then!
Don't see the big deal. Making something out of nothing, just like the atheist believes 🤣🤣🤣. STUPID ATHEIST!!! Watch them attack my post with their comments now!!! I wont respond, just so you know!
Everyone talking about how stupid trump is and how he can’t just let it go…
Guys, what about the media.. does anyone else notice that this news network just did an entire segment on this issue just to prove trump was wrong? I mean, what’s worse, Trump making an honest mistake and not willing to admit it, or the media so hell bent on finding was to hurt him politically can’t just report on other more important stories.. they have to actually make sure everyone knows trump was wrong about something and then try to embarrass him by belittling him for issuing a sharply and not backing down.. think about it.. the news is so completely anti trump it’s embarrassing. That they have to actually put him down I. This way, never give the guy a break.. obviously trump doesn’t want to ever admit his mistakes, not to mention he has to always have his guard up from being constantly attacked for silly things like this.. question, so what was the point of this story??? It was to cover something negative about trump.. nothing more.. and it’s always this way.. it’s pathetic
I cant stand ABC fake news…! They persist to divide our COUNTRY.. Its because of ABC AND FAKE MSN i became a Republican..!
Really, is this all liberals have left? Looking for anything you can find to slander the president. You guys are just plain silly.
trump is so used to lying he cant tell the truth ever he needs some serious help
That map 1:11?? Who knows where that thing would've went… Look like it was heading to Mississippi to me..
Lots of butthurt libtards in the comments lol
Now even the weather service is afraid of losing their job if they correct the man / child dotard. WTF?! What kind of numbskulls want a government run like this?
Come someone drew a penis on the map to make him look like the prick he is! Funny but draw a resignation form so he can sign his autograph and save us headaches!
How the hell he got elected!!!???
We are at the end-times. People can do w/e they want now. I don't think the world can perform w/ the next generations w/ religion pretty much dying out. Gay marriage out of control, mass shootings, people killing people over food that has been sold out, etc. Acts of God such as Asteroids, Supervolcanos, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, if people made it into Heaven after then they've made it, if not then..