President Trump also said “it never happened” in response to an allegation from writer E. Jean Carroll that he sexually assaulted her in a dressing room in the mid-90s. READ MORE:

#Trump #ABCNews


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Trump dismisses allegation with ‘she’s not my type’”
  1. It’s been 20 something years the dudes President now let’s tell everyone now lol you’d have to be stupid to believe this.

  2. Donald Trump Not my type 😂😂😂

  3. By the way there's something you don't understand because it's written wrong I don't write because of all the tragedy that happened to me and I've never told my parents because I was too scared that they were going to events that person and something was going to happen that they were going to beat them up or I was scared that my parents were going to go to jail if they did something wrong so I protected by not talking so don't blame my parents because it happened so young it happens it's not the parents fault is that person that doesn't at a young age like that I went to go to the washroom my mom was outside hanging some clothes and the other kids were all in the yard I was supposed to be safe going into my home so that's how it happened first one that suck having all the others so please if it's not written right don't blame me I've tried to say it right

  4. Lmao…. "She is not my type" is like saying that if I were to rape someone it would not be you, Trump is classic. Rape is not funny my heart goes out to all the real rape victims

  5. Really she is just now coming out i dout it , her left wing friends are going to confirm it happened thats a joke. Next there going to have someone come back from the dead and say Trump murdered them.!!!

  6. The same man that said you xan do anything grab them by the crouch even but. Either way Number 1 should of been it never happened but 👌
    What os wrong with people

  7. The far left hypocrisy is hysterical! Think about this really hard ok?? The now famous Access Hollywood Tapes that was recorded in 2006 was not released till 2016?? Why?? Cause it didn’t matter to the left until IT DID MATTER TO THE LEFT! All your doing with this day in day out Trump smearing is making his base stronger…just sayin.

  8. She didnt scream. she didnt tell the store employees, she said that he actually penetrated her in a CNN interview now she says she ran away and don't mention penetration. She's lying so she wont be penetrating my purse by buying her book.

  9. Thanky you Mr. President for standing up to these bully women who are trying to demolish men's lives – with their new trends! All tell sell books! She;s not no ones type!

  10. E Jean Carroll has been around for awhile. She was well known and a very upright lady. Say what you want but the Traitor is Not a decent man., and yes Guilty of many crimes.Are all of the other accusers also writing books? Hell no !You, Traitor Trump you are a guilty SOB!

  11. How is this allegation even entertained? Why would Trump even risk his life and career to rape someone in a department store dressing room? 23 years ago he was still a very attention demanding man. You think people would just ignore him as he goes into a department store, then the dressing room, rapes a woman, and then just leaves with no scrutiny at all? This is besides the fact the woman is extremely unattractive.
    Greed has filled this woman's mind, as she wishes to push her book by trying to drum up support at Trump's expense. She has no integrity, no respect for women who are victims of sexual assault, no respect for this country, and certainly a lack of creativity in her fictional rape scenario. She's a writer who thinks she's more important than she is, and is willing to lie to draw attention.

  12. She’s coming out about the alleged assault when she’s trying to sell a book? That’s sketchy.

  13. We unferstand that trump only rapes the ones he likes. The rest just grabs by the c….t. my kind of men and specially as pres of the usa. Lets reelect him. Bravo usa the moral standart to the world.

  14. If for trump obstruction of justice, treason. and rape do not rise to the level of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’, then what does? Is this why congress is dragging its feet on impeachment?

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