Trump denies tweets against Yovanovitch were witness intimidation | ABC News

Trump denies tweets against Yovanovitch were witness intimidation | ABC News

President Donald Trump discussed his tweets that were critical of Marie Yovanovitch.

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34 thoughts on “Trump denies tweets against Yovanovitch were witness intimidation | ABC News

  1. Joe Gendron you are right they are all in jail. So the President is guilty by "birds of a feather" or just because they knew each other, work together? It's possible but I still need more proof real proof not what sounds like, could be, maybe, it's possible or just suspect.

  2. Slick Willy engaged in witness intimidation and witness harassment of Linda Tripp who revealed the existence of Monica Lewinsky's infamous blue dress and nothing was done about it.

  3. Trump is innocent, he has been falsely accused, he is entitled to free speech and his opinions. That gal is entitled to her feelings too, but the president is also entitled to a little thing here in America we call due process. He is also entitled to hire and fire staff. We elected him to get rid of the corruption. Those corrupt people are being exposed and obviously they don't want to be indicted or go to jail. Plus the media is unfair, bias, inflammatory, at times outright lying to the people. Trump 2020! Happy Christmas 🙂

  4. President Trump is the most attacked POTUS in history, by the Deep State and leftist fake news, because they know, if they don't do something fast, he will be re-elected. Also, they know, the Durham FISA report is about to be released, and a lot of heads from the Democratic Party are getting the guillotine. Trump/Pence 2020… KAG and Drain the Swamp.

  5. Trump 2020 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Kind of sad that trump thinks he is getting a rougher time of it then black people in this country who were hauled out and murdered with no trial or jury.

  7. He's the frickin joke. What an embarrassment to the Republican party. I'm embarrassed to call myself a republican. He's a malignant narcissist. He's a nine year old in an 80 year old body. He wipes his butt with the Constitution. Could care less about the citizenry. He only cares about himself and his dying business ventures, or soon to be dying business ventures. I worry for the 50 percent of the country that has been swooned by him.

  8. @POTUS is a joke.
    The most transparent president in history. As transparent as mud.
    It's frightening Americans support and defend someone who violated the Constitution. No-one is above the law. Supporters are accomplices.
    This guy isn't even a Republican but a RINO.
    The Republicans have a ConMan-Cuckoo in their nest, that pollutes and destroys their party.
    They're in a coma.

  9. Look at shiftys eyes during the hearing. He asks her if she was intimidated by trump and shiftys eyes grew so big looking for agreement and assurance. Then once he got his words his eye countered to close to offset what he realized he naturally did! That all happened on camera I saw it. Shifty shift is a big idiot.

  10. You do realize there is yet to be one single shred of evidence whatsoever against Trump.
    Just like the manufactured russian failure that produced zero evidence , zero indictments in regards to russia Trump , the Ukrainian coup attempt is failing by the minute .
    The dems know the Barr Durham and Horowitz reports are about to be made public . Why does the msm not report on the many sealed indictments , and the grand jury selections being made ?
    The impeachment sham is pure panic , they are throwing up anything and everything and all coup attempts fall to the side .
    Their star witnesses , 2nd , 3rd , and 4th hand heresy would not even be allowed in a court of law . Everyone knows who the fake whistleblower is , the dems don't want to trot him out because they know that would immediately end the hearing . Even though Schiff has said on multiple occasions he will testify .
    Which is a joke anyway , Trump already gave the un redacted word for word transcript !
    Before the manufactured impeachment inquiry ,
    Trump polled at 46% , after the pathetic non witnesses , Trump went up to 50.4% approval .
    Why is the msm not reporting on the long time bestie of Schiff arrested on pedophilia charges ? Or certain media anchors trips to Epsteins pedo island ?
    If the inquiry even gets the votes , the Senate will immediately dismiss it due to zero evidence of anything whatsoever.
    The small number of weak and easily manipulated hating public are going to be completely shocked with the reports , since their sources have been spoon feeding them known false information.
    Trump 2020
    MAGA isn't just a slogan …..It's happening while your hypnotized .

  11. What's really sad is that the President of the United States doesn't even understand the Constitution and doesn't even understand how impeachment works.
    The trial happens in the Senate.

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