If ABC is going to seek out arrests of a black people in order to create racial tension, then they should also be seeking out white people getting arrested by black law enforcement. We are sick of seeing this. Trump is gone, stop creating tension for views. F U ,,,,ABC ! If we want to see arrests, we can watch the T.V show COPS. This is not news.
Reaching for a weapon!!!! WTF. Her little daughter walked out with a toy doll by mistake! So now a little girl gets traumatized and will always remember this for many years to come. To save the child in this scenario the police should of went into their pockets and at least bought her the doll! Thats the least they should do. Cops that cant see the big picture here should resign and watch "Lets Make a Deal " all day long.
download Trump were put by the Russians four years ago now again he wants to be worn by the Russians more than that he suffers from a mental illness Which all the doctors who consulted him get a very big functions and Bribe
If I was the guy stuck with the strip of land that runs between the two houses I'd set up a bunch of penis shaped art in the area until they owners bought it back from me.
OMG polls showing President Trump is trailing? Wow did the same not happen in 2016 and what was the final outcome? I saw it cries, drunkenness, Hillary going into hiding and then the next 3 years of total attacks of fake news etc.
Shit news man… I hope people watching this think before beleiving this garbage. Scripted and written for the best possible outcome of there favored party. Obama passed the law that Media Propaganda (aka lying n twisting) Was allowed if it was for the "Benefit of the people" Bullshit this is Brainwashing, We gotta pick apart stories to find FACTS FUCKED UP!!!
I'm Belgian, we hear about corrupt cops in the USA, racists cops etc. Hear you see an example. No matter what a police chief says, those should be fired on the spot.
This video is a great example of why I don't read or watch the News. Its just a bunch of trivial bullshit. If there's an issue, that actually matters, there are plenty of ways to educate and inform yourself, televised news channels are not one of those.
13:10 How the fuck you gonna have a job that involves relaying important information, and you can barely fucking speak…. "um, uh, uh uh, um, um, uh" Fuckin hell from 13:10 to 13:40 she said "uh" at least 15 times. If you can't get a sentence out, or don't know what the fuck youre talking about, get off the damn air.
To understand the Phoenix Police take down. Watch this video, The person is a former Police Officer and knows what's happening. The man is breaking couple laws anyways. If need more information read the full police report.
TRUMP WON 2020 $
If ABC is going to seek out arrests of a black people in order to create racial tension, then they should also be seeking out white people getting arrested by black law enforcement. We are sick of seeing this. Trump is gone, stop creating tension for views. F U ,,,,ABC ! If we want to see arrests, we can watch the T.V show COPS. This is not news.
Reaching for a weapon!!!! WTF. Her little daughter walked out with a toy doll by mistake! So now a little girl gets traumatized and will always remember this for many years to come. To save the child in this scenario the police should of went into their pockets and at least bought her the doll! Thats the least they should do. Cops that cant see the big picture here should resign and watch "Lets Make a Deal " all day long.
download Trump were put by the Russians four years ago now again he wants to be worn by the Russians more than that he suffers from a mental illness Which all the doctors who consulted him get a very big functions and Bribe
This is straight up propaganda
Trump is a fantastic President!
If I was the guy stuck with the strip of land that runs between the two houses I'd set up a bunch of penis shaped art in the area until they owners bought it back from me.
I am so pleased to see well educated Black Professional New Casting ,My Holy God Thank you Thank you..
These news anchors are weirdos
ddaammnn china
"Curb migration flow" You mean the flow of illegal aliens??? These aren't good people stop protecting them.
14:22 44million people without power is a fraction of what we face in nigeria everday
TRUMP 2020 🇬🇧ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ🇺🇸
OMG polls showing President Trump is trailing? Wow did the same not happen in 2016 and what was the final outcome? I saw it cries, drunkenness, Hillary going into hiding and then the next 3 years of total attacks of fake news etc.
That kid was a brave savage
bruhh i dont know about you guys but this man looks like a hologram
That reporter is smoking hot
Shit news man… I hope people watching this think before beleiving this garbage. Scripted and written for the best possible outcome of there favored party.
Obama passed the law that Media Propaganda (aka lying n twisting) Was allowed if it was for the "Benefit of the people" Bullshit this is Brainwashing, We gotta pick apart stories to find FACTS FUCKED UP!!!
Man why don't you teach your kids not to touch stuff while they go in the store. That would have been a better lesson
I'm Belgian, we hear about corrupt cops in the USA, racists cops etc. Hear you see an example. No matter what a police chief says, those should be fired on the spot.
Lol what a bunch of losers. Anything for a buck nowadays.
This video is a great example of why I don't read or watch the News. Its just a bunch of trivial bullshit. If there's an issue, that actually matters, there are plenty of ways to educate and inform yourself, televised news channels are not one of those.
13:10 How the fuck you gonna have a job that involves relaying important information, and you can barely fucking speak…. "um, uh, uh uh, um, um, uh" Fuckin hell from 13:10 to 13:40 she said "uh" at least 15 times. If you can't get a sentence out, or don't know what the fuck youre talking about, get off the damn air.
Thank you Mr. President. Trumpski. You are by far the biggest piece of shit. 💩 this country has to offer. This includes the corrupt GOP and Fake Fox as well!!
Trump 2020!!!!    Let's make the liberals cry again!!!!!!!!
That lady anchor is just leaning back and chilling while reporting the news.
That black chick has a sexy voice
Trump already forgotten North Korea and China in South China Sea who destroy Americans
This is propaganda
To understand the Phoenix Police take down. Watch this video, The person is a former Police Officer and knows what's happening. The man is breaking couple laws anyways. If need more information read the full police report.