Trump blasts anonymous NYT op-ed writer at rally

Trump blasts anonymous NYT op-ed writer at rally

The president portrayed the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times as the act of a traitor while speaking to supporters in Montana.


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49 thoughts on “Trump blasts anonymous NYT op-ed writer at rally

  1. He can't even say anonymous😂😂

  2. They’re back!And they sure are getting onto trump 😈

  3. You haven’t get it, all the news are against the American people. You’ll are against the president, we the people are with him 100000000%

  4. The reason why that person was anonymous is because it's the only administration that acts like the mafia that will run you out of town if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book, there's a reason why people who stood up to Trump needs bodyguards 24/7 Because his most radical supporters are terrorists!

  5. The government and its compettitors (as America views other countries) are bound to Gnostic belief. A belief that the powerful creative force we know as god is viewed as lesser and evil. They'll govern to subdue and instill both extreme religeous/antireligeous ideas to the public to blind them of this devious truth. They will destroy all things natural in the name of progress and development because they have the money to not care. We are their ordered hands to stand with firearms to produce industry and to strip away the knowledge of a secure ancient lifestyle. Technology has been redifined by artificial intelligence without recognition that we as humans and all life alike are technology. The cigarette factories run the FDA and food industry, lying to us about their labels that later put us on life support. Food is medicine and work is excersise. Progress is identifying and directing the influence of our actions to bennifet all nations. Instead we'll pollute the Amazon and give South Americans cancer. We'll fight for toxic coal mines and pipelines in Native American reservations. Does dedicating our lives for a college degree make us smart or does it make us gullible?

  6. President Donald Trump is very smart for not answering any questions about obstruction. he has the perogative as the President of the United States of America to fire James call me without giving any reason to anybody at any time!! Don't forget elections have consequences!!!

  7. What is wrong with you ignorant son of a bitches. My entire family served for this country. If you don't get trump out the damn white house fox trot !!!—- china is on verge of war with I'd russia you piece of shit military how can you not arrest him. You own asses is on the line. Iran is mad what is wrong with you . trump is dling this to this country. Fuck you too get him out today !!! Grandfather honorble mention world war 2 us army. Randall J carter USA army kornegal valley afganistan. Lee ramdakk step father us marine corps. Real dad national guards!! Phone pissed no korea china you think our military can handke that you can't even handke afganistan for crying out loud!

  8. There is no "Anonymous." NYT made it up. You'll see. ABC does the same thing. And everything is fine. Best economy in US history.
    Democrats have just gone crazy. Grow up. Hillary lost. Hopefully she goes to jail.

  9. Thank you New York Times and anonymous oped!!!! Bravo👏👏😁

  10. Trump of all people should not be calling the amominus author "gutless" and a "coward". For all Trump knows, the author has a bone spur that prevents him (or her) from being as brave as usual.

  11. What a sea 🌊 of red hats ! So many sheep 🐑 that need to wake up and smell the ☕️?! Hahahahahaha 😎🤘

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