Trump at G-7, Amazon fires, Hong Kong clashes, Andrew Luck retirement | ABC News

Trump at G-7, Amazon fires, Hong Kong clashes, Andrew Luck retirement | ABC News

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41 thoughts on “Trump at G-7, Amazon fires, Hong Kong clashes, Andrew Luck retirement | ABC News

  1. so trump placed a thought inside the hon kongers head that made hong kongers stand up and fight as a group… now china stands in a dillema where they either become targets of a third world war or sign whatever deal trump lays in front of them…

    i wonder if north korea could somehow benefit from this…

  2. Plzz help arth. 😭😭😭😢

  3. Far FAR FAR. more energy in just One Hurricane, then in several nuclear bombs not to mention all the radioactive fallout and pollution afterwards and in the hurricane will definitely continue living

  4. Never would I think I would ever hear a president say to nuke hurricanes 😂

  5. I was one if the first to try the new Popeyes chicken sandwich. I’ve tried going back 3 times now but every time the line was too long to justify the wait.

  6. Any other Southerners frustrated with them calling a katydid bug aka leaf bug, a cicada ?!?!? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. I think this guy should be commended for listening to the his body and his spirit. Football is a barbaric sport…period! Running full speed into other human beings to entertain a bunch
    of morons who are not your friends is not a good outlook on life. The Most High told this man to leave while you still can. If you type in Brett Farve in the search box on Youtube, you will find an interview with him telling people to don't even get started playing football. It's not worth it in the long run. What's the point of making a lot of money if you don't have good health to enjoy yourself? Andrew Luck, the Most High is proud of you!

  8. I just cant go to chik fil a BECAUSE of their creepy customer service. They sound unnatural answering everything with, "it's my pleasure". Reminds me of that arranged marriage wife in Coming To America.

  9. Sorry… I will take China’s word over chump’s 😓

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