Trump announces VP Pence will lead US government response to coronaviru – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Donald Trump announced Vice President Mike Pence would be “in charge” of the U.S. response to the novel coronavirus.

#ABCNEWS #Trump #MikePence #Coronoavirus


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Trump announces VP Pence will lead US government response to coronaviru”
  1. Media: He’s a religious fanatic that doesn’t believe the Coronavirus statistics! Look at his record!
    What the Actual Heck, Media?!

  2. More disrespect. Cops pretending to chase a man with his pants down, when really it's you. I'll pay $300 for a building in Washington. You lose.

  3. Since they needed a person who is near the top political, it is obvious that the Vice President would be the logical choice. Many people would prefer to have some low level person in the Cabinet of the Health Department. Following the Democratic Plan nothing would get done and we will be ridding the country of millions of elderly thus saving Social Security for future idiots.

  4. Mike Pence chosen to lead Trump's Coronavirus response team? Uh, the guy who as Governor of Indiana prayed while a shortage of clean syringes unleashed HIV infections by the hundreds on a rural Indiana country and said "smoking doesn't kill" while acknowledging that 1/3 of all smokers will die from smoking related illness? How different would the world be if 1/3 of planes crashed or 1/3 of child births resulted in the death of the mother? Probably a world as chaotic and uncertain as one with Donald Trump as President and Mike Pence as VP.

  5. dear Mr. President Trump, I like that you have the plan to fully cover payment, no copay with private insurance and also medicare medical for coronavirus! the issue is we need all these for all our diseases and illneses, not only coronavirus………well, i have a crazy suggestion if you do this for the American people, i will vote for you again, or if you have the patriotic action to tell joe biden to drop the attack against Bernie Sanders so you would let Bernie be the next President because you know Bernie would do ALL AND EVERY RIGHT THINGS, BOTH RIGHT AND URGENT THINGS for America! if you do that, we all consider you as the saint inside a monster! well, i know my suggestion is crazy against a big ego man same as biden is another monster now with his big ego never think for the Americans……..but my crazy idea is no less crazy than the current crazy circumstance!!!!!!

  6. "…But he's(Mike Pence) got a certain talent for this." 🤣😂😁

  7. Look at the death toll of the regular flu just for this month alone, last month, last year… I'm not saying Corona Virus is nothing. All I'm saying is folks are politicizing this to cry over and in reality death by regular flu is currently left and right (by the thousands) of us but who care about that? Hypocrites.
    "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

  8. Bla bla bla bla bla bla I’m in charge of this so I know first hand when to head to the safe zone in the bunkers wile the zombies are eating each other on the surface

  9. Trump and his merry band of incompetent lackeys are symbols of a necropolitics that is wedded to destruction, violence, greed, falsehoods, and the needs of capital. Terminal idiocy, cult like absolutism, bottomless ignorance, and unbridled arrogance and narcissism have given rise to a form of neoliberal fascism and a culture of cruelty unlike anything we have seen since the 1930s

  10. Does Mike Pence know Professor Francis Boyle? Shouldn't someone like Professor Boyle be in charge as opposed to someone with no experience like Pence? Who is Professor Francis Boyle? Google his name it may save your life peace out

  11. To quote Jimmy Kimmel
    "Trump is NOT a businessman,
    He is a Game Show Host"

    (I say, he only just signs his name to stuff, and the name of the Game is "Screwing America"

  12. No worries faithful Republicans.
    Buy the low stocks dirt cheap, Trump will further reduce your taxes while taking more away from public health, and the rest he'll just blame the Democrats for.

  13. That way if it goes wrong he can say your fired , this is still America if the news of an out break people need to know to protect ourselves not up to government to say you do not need to worrie

  14. Okay, Mike. You're gonna have to take the hit for this one. Just remember, always deflect, lie to an excessive degree, and always protect the Gipper. Oh… and don't forget to turn in your flag lapel pin after you're fired.

  15. Pence and Jerry Falwell will be taking donations for a National Pray Day to eliminate the corona virus. That will be the extent of the plan.

  16. You people are fucking stupid, hes not on the MEDICAL SIDE OF IT. Hes on the management side of it. It is under control, only 59 peiple in the US are infected and are known and quarantined. People 100,000 people die of the Flu each year and no one says anything. Trump is doing a excellent job

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