Trump announces pursuit of anti-viral therapies to fight COVID-19 | ABC News

Trump announces pursuit of anti-viral therapies to fight COVID-19 | ABC News

President Donald Trump commended the partnership between the FDA and private sector to develop vaccines and therapies to combat the novel coronavirus.

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47 thoughts on “Trump announces pursuit of anti-viral therapies to fight COVID-19 | ABC News

  1. Total deaths during U.S.A wars:
    Vietnam: 58,220 + Korea: 54,260 + Iraq and Afghanistan: 7,000 = 119,480
    With Trumps magical cure: 178,129 American brothers and sisters have died and the so called FAKE Virus that Trump and Fox News talked about is still killing us. The magic cure? Hey Mr. President, is your magical cure as good as your buddy's SPUTNIK V?

  2. Is Trump the candidate for vaccine trial or Presidential trial ? I wonder 😉

  3. I care a lot about covid19 but my thought is why… why do we think about this now! Just before all this there were about like 2000 kids in Africa that are dying from starvation everyday it’s still happening now the death toll for starvation is way more serious than the Covid19 . ( no offence)

  4. Psalm 91 :: "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." … "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."

  5. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro

    ​Search for Article in Nature using these medicines.

    Zhengli Shi and associates at the Wuhan Virology Center announced this one month ago.

    She was blamed for causing the virus. Not her fault though.

  6. Media always lying fake news fake Medice 😂 they cut my hours at Chiptole wtf

  7. Look like our Commander-in-Chief and war time President is not only a super chief of FDA regarding medicines good for Coronavirus but super super drug rap and highest authority to advice public to use the drug he approves it based on his own whim and expertise. We can easily close down our FDA department leaving the FDA in our President's hands. God save America!!

  8. Bio virus crona ..American made dont make world mad ….trump …wait for china surprise …….
    ….chains..and america will fight me and see this is prediction….

    And the nation will know in later stage …

  9. lets all stop with the negativity and hope for the best. people are dying… please do not disrespect the dead. i hope Mr. President will come to a sense that we all need to work together if were going to battle this virus. i hope all world leaders will come together and put their differences aside and work hand in hand to figure out a way to find a cure. but i know that's impossible but it will be a miracle if it did happen. stop pointing fingers to whom created the virus and start helping one another to battle the real global enemy here. Covid19😩 i just wish all of this will be over soon. god bless you all🙏💛✌


    +++ 03:11 Kalifornien ab sofort unter Ausgangssperre +++
    Der US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien hat im Kampf gegen die Coronavirus-Pandemie eine allgemeine Ausgangssperre verhängt. Die Ausgangssperre gilt bereits ab Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit), wie Gouverneur Gavin Newsom sagte. Kalifornien ist mit 39 Millionen Einwohnern der bevölkerungsreichste Bundesstaat der USA.

  11. T look at things like whos bitting at whos heals I hate it when people try too bit at my heals slash away at the red tape RED TAPE IS GOV RULES

  12. Donald always has to praise himself like he is the smartest and bravest man in the world and that is when he stands next to Medical Dr, Scientist, Engineer. Donald should just have a template to read off at every press conference giving praise he thought of everything, all vaccines, progress, miracles are his doing. If Donald stood next to God, he would say, " I am your greatest creation".

  13. What’s the cure, genius trump? Extra strength Tylenol?

  14. “As fast as what?” (????????) Wtf.

  15. China was hit by the virus without any warning. The US had months to prepare but a president who fired the pandemic experts, spread untruths, abolished obamacare and did nothing prevent the upcoming crisis.

    Within days you'll see more than 100.000 infections – people told me.

  16. As a leader Trump is more than a failure…he’s a disaster!

  17. todo el mundo teme al coronavirus y más malo que eso era FIDEL Castro en cuba.fusilo en morro y cabañas a más 5.700 cubanos y 500 en una sólo noche entonces el mundo habla de lo que le conviene de los otros dictadores que son más malos que los virus nadie le importa que ironía y el mundo lleno de hipócritas el fin está serca el mundo se acaba y rápido esto es el principio del fin…

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