Trump announces plans to reopen National Parks

Trump announces plans to reopen National Parks

The president made the announcement at a tree-planting ceremony for Earth Day.

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#ABCNews #EarthDay #Trump #WhiteHouse #Trees #NationalParks


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28 thoughts on “Trump announces plans to reopen National Parks

  1. I strongly suggest that we rethink this, millions will travel to Zion, until we test every worker, including the food delivery people, and, Until there is evidence that we can not get reinfected, no park, that except visitors from states that have a high number of infections, should be open. Limited openings, "in state" should be allowed, until real proof is brought forth, workers will be forced to put themselves, and there families in real danger.

  2. The workers need to be tested for antibodies. There is no proof that we are immune, but working there, or delivering there, could be a death sentence. Employers got free workers due to the stimulus package, millions will congregate! We will be exposed.

  3. Great ,we are slowly going to open up the economy,! Thanks Mr President and first lady Trump !!!🇺🇸😃❤👏

  4. Earth Day 2020
    How Trump is changing environmental policy.
    Executive order calls for sharp logging increase on public lands.
    Andrew Weeler (Coal Lobbyist) convermed as EPA Administrator.
    Oil and Gas companies get access to
    Sage Grouse habitat.
    First offshore oil wells approved for the Artic.
    EPA to disband Air Pollution review panel.
    Propose rollbacks of endangered Species Act.
    Cuts NASA Climate monitoring program.
    Rollback of car emission standards.
    Proposes cuts to Climate and Clean Energy Programs.
    Lessens regulations on Toxic Air pollution.
    Interior Department declares that accidental bird deaths are legal.
    Drops Climate change from list of National Security threats.
    Proposes largest ever Oil and Gas
    Lease auction.
    NOAA cancels rule to protect Whales from fishing nets.
    EPA dismisses Science advisors.
    Aims to expand offshore drilling.
    Water protection may dry up.
    Streams reopened to mining waste.
    Just a few of the ways trumps going to
    Improve life for the trees.

  5. how about not open up any national parks and states until may – june so that american people can be healthy. do not reopen the country cause more people are gonna get sick

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