Trump administration sues to block publication of John Bolton’s book – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Justice Department claims the former National Security Adviser’s book is full of classified information that will harm national security. ABC News’ Kenneth Moton reports.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Trump administration sues to block publication of John Bolton’s book”
  1. ☠️💀 What if retired generals and security advisers publish their own books on matters that they learned in their official capacities? This will be high treason because the security of the state will be imperiled and the country will be jeopardized. Information learned in their official capacity are privileged communications and cannot be divulged without the consent of the state. It is not about trump but about the criminal behavior of bolton who is a traitor. Govt should file a case against him on this consideration. He is also profiting from his malicious book thru sales at the expense of the country. Bolton's story will remain as fiction and figments of his imagination because it is not subject to cross examination and therefore self🤡serving. Bolton is getting back at trump in this manner. Reclassified information are state affairs therefore it is the govts interest that it should be protected. It is not about trump, or obama, or any presidents before them. It is the interest of the state and therefore the likes of bolton should be prosecuted and his stories be put to examination☠️💀

  2. Who's afraid of the big bad book, the big bad book. Why Trump is afraid of the big bad book, and no matter how much he huffs, and puffs he can't make the big bad book go away…..waaaaaah!
    And speaking of breaking the law; Trump and the whole Trumpano crime family just had to pay a $2-million dollar fine and had their FAKE charity shut down because they were stealing money that was supposed to be going to DISABLED VETERANS, and using it on themselves.
    How low can the Trumpano family go? Well this low; Trump even cheats children!

  3. What kind of the Head of National Security does not know what is the meaning of "clearance of National Security" to publish a National Security Book without National Security Clearance.

  4. Arrest Bolton for treason, conflict of interest for personal gain, and violated his oath of revealed National Security.

  5. ISIS Leader: We gotta plan an attack on American soil, we need information. You guys find any source yet?
    ISIS Soldier: Sir, there is this cool app called Twitter….

  6. Its illegal for Bolton to expose illegal activity by the president. Go figure. You know what system of government that really sounds like? Fascism, the oppression of opposition. We NEED this book and we NEED people to oppose each other in government or there would be no balance of power. This "illegal activity" by Bolton was once a staple example of political figures that represented the United States people as a WHOLE… and not just Republicans or democrats.

    My desuction is that Trump wants the national security to be exposed and they paid the judge to target his advance instead of his book itself… when have you ever heard ofnsuch ridiculous trials? This is America, not Bennito Mussolinis' Italy.

    Would I stop a book about how Pelosi is arming herself with African culture, effectively appropriating its existence for the political battle and entirely ignoring its true reference to the people of Africa? No, but I can assume people would be pretty upset about that.

    Crazy, both sides oppress opposition. Once you have a separate idea on how things work, one side or the other will want to put you 6 feet under because you understand the world a certain way. We are most definitely in a battle between two evils and good.

  7. Dumbledonald is pathetic and his party will suffer for backing this fool. Judge denies block on book👏👏

  8. Let the cry baby buy the book and surely they will cry like a crocodile not thingking about past president does in ukraine,syria,libya and iraq,,ds book is just another russian colotion to chinesse admiration syndrome

  9. You guys need to straighten out your understanding of stuff.

    The impeachment trial of Trump DID NOT result in his acquittal !!! He WAS IMPEACHED !! Impeachment is undertaken by the House of Representatives where,

    Impeachment over, the senate then, may or may not, remove the President from office post his impeachment. The senate did not vote to remove him from office. The impeachment stands. Just as Clinton was impeached but not removed from office.

    Bill Clinton was the second US president to be impeached and Trump the third.

  10. Trump scared???? Should be. I'm sure more will be stepping up with how trump really is. He gets mad and fires anyone who disagrees with him. So the slinging will begin. Great book by the way! Couldn't put it down. They are out or some are already. Haha dumb trump!

  11. Don’t buy this book. bolton refused to testify against trump when he had an opportunity to rescue the country and the world.

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