Trump addresses border security at State of the Union

Trump addresses border security at State of the Union

SOTU 2019: The president discusses smuggling and human trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Read the FULL transcript of President Trumps State of the Union address:

Read the FULL transcript of Democrat Stacey Abrams response to Trumps State of the Union address:

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23 thoughts on “Trump addresses border security at State of the Union

  1. Sanders and every other Democrat Candidate wants the rest of us to feel COMPLACENT that no one can beat TRUMP so we don't need to go out and vote.

    That kind of thinking is what cost us the House.

    Sanders first Executive order is to make America an OPEN BORDER country.

    Get all of your friends, co-workers and relatives and get out and VOTE in November.

    The Democrats want to turn America into a Socialist country.

    Google: The goal of socialism is communism. ~Vladimir Lenin

    We have to get out and vote.

    Google: List of corrupt Democrats.

    Sanders will pick Hillary Clinton as his Vice president.

    Google: Dead people the Clinton's knew.

  2. Just in ABC News turns out that they'll only report things against Trump and the Republican party to house them out of the United States because they to e s e n o m y x. Com products because they need baby parts to have flavors of chocolate Nestle Pepsi Kraft Foods macaroni and cheese and several other Great Value products they need to eat human they're cannibals

  3. Nancy Pelosi and Democrats seems agree illegal immigrants come to US ??????.
    I agree tolerate to illegal immigrants is not compassion but cruelty.
    Nancy's body language showing that she is not feeling comfortable. She is showing hatred looks.

  4. Pharmaceutical Opioids are creating the real Opioid Crisis/epidemic. But we can't put the pharmaceutical industry our of business, because China makes billions of dollars thanks to our addicts.

  5. Wow Mr President again such a eye opening speech,
    You know he’s actually beating them libs every word he say 😵

  6. Yea u got that right he is a racist like the founding fathers were. N he said mexico would pay for the wall all throughout his campaign in 2016 u dumbass. N u n the rest of the morons who voted for him believed him. How naive n stupid r y'all? Mexico is gonna pay for it they just dont no it yet! Those were his words.

  7. Skeletor looks like she is going to melt. Border security is an issue for ALL LEGAL Americans. The MSM has almost completely twisted this term “immigrant” into a “racial” issue when the word immigrant means nothing of the sort. The left should be ashamed for pushing globalist, anti-American policies and agendas. Just look at the UN and it’s “immigration” pacts and NWO agendas (21, 2030 and Codex Alimentarius) which are all dressed in emotional vernacular and cherry picked data to manipulate countries outside of their sovereign elected governments.

  8. Trump needs more people coming to AMerica because companies are coming back but he needs to select those law abiding people thus no other way but build the wall so people who wish to enter will pass through the Golden gate of the United States of America.

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