Trump acquitted, coronavirus outbreak, Super Bowl: The Week in Photos

Trump acquitted, coronavirus outbreak, Super Bowl: The Week in Photos

A look at this week’s top photos from around the globe.


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25 thoughts on “Trump acquitted, coronavirus outbreak, Super Bowl: The Week in Photos

  1. Justice is dead. Republicans destroyed it. No witnesses? Really? Damn never knew denying witnesses who whitnessed crimes from testifying was a thing… Hmmmmm. If the glove fits……

  2. San Francisco lost the super bowl, the Democrats got caught rigging the Iowa Caucus for Pete Butt, Nancy Pelosi humiliated the entire Democrat party by ripping up Trump's State of the Union speech, and Trump got acquitted. This has been the worst week for Democrats maybe ever and it's not even over yet. I cannot wait to watch the debate tonight. The Democrat establishment is 100% convinced that Bernie will lose in the general election. Wounded candidates such as Joe Biden will be looking to strike down the socialist while they still can. Biden is prone to making major gaffes when he is frustrated. Warren might be asked about the "Tokenism" in her campaign. Sanders could "attack" Pete Butt's billionaire donors. The debate starts at 8pm Eastern Time and can be watched Live on ABC's Youtube channel. Fingers crossed for a dumpster fire!

  3. FACT : 2019 N coronaVirus is a Man Made BIOHAZARD weapon made in Wuhan's SPL-4 Lab and was released on PURPOSE !!! It Has KILLED over 250k + & INFECTED over 1million + !!! They { CHINA } are lying to the WORLD !!!

  4. I dont lick him the presidente of cincinnati 😤😤😤😠😡😡🤬🤬👿😒😒😒

  5. I believe a man is a man not because of the color of his skin or even because of his religion I believe a man is a man because he has to live with himself it is called guilt. Soon the world will watch one of the oldest democracy in the world vote between God or Satan. This vote will take place in the flesh to our human nature coming out of our own shoes and experiences (self-evidence). There is no need talking about Donald Trump his public relations is doing that for him. The question is who is Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders is a registered independent, who has been fighting for civil rights ever since he got involved with politics. He believes our forefathers were saying that our Constitution is more of a social democracy rather than a Republic for which it stands (the days of Caesar). These are all conclusions I am making for myself but this next American election could be very interesting for the whole world to see and also vote on social media. Is it better to serve with God or to rule with Satan?… You decide! Is this or is this not the most important vote in the history of mankind choosing which way to follow in spirit in its conscience existence with extinction right around the corner… maybe even the coronavirus?

    PS. Mass extinction number six…The Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction or Anthropocene extinction, is an ongoing extinction event of species during the present Holocene epoch (with the more recent time sometimes called Anthropocene) as a result of human activity.

  6. If Democrats don’t do everything in their power to ensure he is not re-elected they deserve him.

  7. And booty judge STILL can't even fill up a flippin gymnasium! I doubt he even got very many REAL votes lmao! The cheating DNC is only good for abortions & miscarriages (of justice!!!!)

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