Trial of Robert Durst begins in Los Angeles

Trial of Robert Durst begins in Los Angeles

Durst has been charged with first-degree murder in the 2000 death of his friend Susan Berman.

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42 thoughts on “Trial of Robert Durst begins in Los Angeles

  1. I thought he was in prison this entire time. By the time they finish this trial he'll be dead. Just look at him. He looks terrible. Does he have cancer or something?

  2. Rich people get off w/murder in American. That’s the only lesson here. And there’s nothing any of you can do about it.

  3. That man already got away with murders,I mean he could die anytime now🤦🏾‍♀️ talk about MONEY

  4. This case has been handled badly from the beginning, first by NYC Keystone Kops/detectives who F up the investigation and failed to do their jobs including former Westchester DA Jeanine Pirro that succubus, heathen bitch. Then by those hillbilly jurors in Texas who thought Durst couldn't lie on the witness stand and acquitted him. Now this delay and his attorneys are trying to have a mistrial declared! Are they kidding? Durst is the devil incarnate. Convict him and send him to Supermax!

  5. Hbo did play the full clip. Fake news. 🤦🏽

  6. It is actually sad that instead of law enforcement to find and lock culprits , which is their job, it was a documentary director who did it. Who knows how many murderers are out there free because they have power and money to support them and how many innocent people are in jail.
    Speaking of innocent people in jail, I would recommend the documentary series "Making of Murderer". I am sure that anyone who liked "Jinx" would like this one also. Warning : It will make your blood boil.

  7. I’ve never even heard of this guy. Who is he? According to what immediately popped up on google, I can’t figure out why this is or has been a big story…

  8. This scum bag makes
    "The Teflon Don" look like
    Dollar Store velcro. Never has the judicial system bent over so far as to cause even "White Privilege" to blush. This circus has gone on much too long. The longer it continues the less "We the people" have faith in "fair and impartial treatment" from the court system.

  9. That hacked edit job is going to help Durst beat his third murder rap. No way is he going to be convicted, he's rich enough to buy a slick talker that will get him off yet again. The most we can hope for is someone with the corona virus visiting him in prison.

  10. Is this Fred Durst’s Dad? “Did he do it all for the nookie!”

  11. Proof that money and organized crime runs our nation….🤣🎞

  12. I’m shocked everyone has an opinion because I have never heard of this dude. What even happened? Is this a man who’s basically killed multiple wives? 20 years for a trial? Wow!

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