Transportation labor federation president reacts to supply chain issues

Transportation labor federation president reacts to supply chain issues

Greg Regan, the president of one of the largest rail worker unions in the country, said supply chain issues have been around since well before the pandemic and may get worse.

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13 thoughts on “Transportation labor federation president reacts to supply chain issues

  1. Precision Scheduled Railroading is why we are where we are. Billion dollar corporations putting shareholders and profits before the nations supply chain, their customers, and their employees. Greedy capitalists like Warren Buffet are to blame.

  2. They charge customers more for less and suddenly force workers on call 24/7/365 with no days off. Can even get in trouble for making time to get a check up at the doctors. Can never detach from work or risk getting fired and an abusive toxic work environment is what awaits them when they get that 90 minute call to report for an up to 60 hour shift away from home that is never announced, never expected, living every day according to a phone implanted in their heads that for 163 hours a week they cannot detach from or risk being jobless. Most train operators get about 2-6 hours of sleep per day. Senior execs claim they get x amount of time “off” plenty to do what they need, but its never scheduled or predictable or guaranteed how long you will have before the phone rings again, save the 10 hours rest that is federal mandated but that 10 hour clock begins before they even sit down in their car to go home from the last shift. Circadian rhythms never exist and shall never exist leading to severe long term physical and mental health repercussions that now with the new attendance policies designed to “increase crew availability” has not led to any benefit for rail service and industries continue to hemorrhage but has all but killed off hard working Americans and canadians who have slaved for the railroad, tough as nails, barely hanging on, are now demanded to do even more while suited 9-5er’s sipping lattes, tap away on computers in an office next to a plastic plant tell them “it’s not as bad as they’re making it to be, and adjustment is hard but we will get through it “together””. Where are you? Are they though? on the train with them? Trainmen stay up around the clock to move america while the suits go to soccer practice, Christmas parties, regular vacations, etc and SLEEP every single day usually actually at the same time which is a fantasy to any railroad employee, leading to PTSD every time a phone rings even when they get to retirement age. Upper management never has a clue what the regular average railroad worker does on an average day (or night or whatever time the phone decides to ring). Senior execs send out disingenuous candy coated speeches in the public eye by class I senior rail executives hiding their indentured servants in the basement. Refusing raises to workers now going on 4 years but, for example, BNSF increasing hours required to be available for work from 126 hours per week to 163. No. I’m not making that up. They say it’s not causing much attrition. But thousands are running for their lives leaving mid career forfeiting pension that can be double dipped by their spouses at 60, but if the job kills you before you even retire, what’s the point. When the ENTIRE workforce had enough and virtually unanimously voted to strike, they sued their employees to force them to refrain from striking and now praise their policy to the public as a success and say “our employees have been adjusting well”. Complete 🐴 💩. They are destroying lives and running with it, causing the supply chain to implode. Union pacific threatened to Embargo all of Flying J and Pilot if they didn’t reduce shipments drastically. That would be apocalyptic in and of itself if they did as the railroad demanded without a full on ban of shipments. There would be no gas. Does railroad care? Nope. Not about human life. Not about anything but money and stock prices.

  3. "Jan 3, 2020 — More than 20,000 rail workers have lost their jobs in the past year, the biggest layoffs in rail since the Great Recession…"

  4. Do they want there train engine back that use Togo through the bootheel and still n the hornersville Missouri swomp it's still there today called a steamdonkey from the 1800s

  5. Minting thousands of billions of dollars by making nations fight and dragging wars for years and decades is a nasty, illegal, inhumane and bad business.
    Becoming rich be killing millions of innocent children, women and men is one of the dirtiest things on this planet.

  6. As the economy crisis keep rising,one needs to have different streams of income, as well as secure a profitable investment future. detailed diversified investment portfolio in the financial markets is needed to survive.

  7. In karnataka state day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes law and order is totally collapsed. Democracy in danger peoples are feared.please to impose the President rule in the state and to protect the peoples in karnataka state

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